FS2004 GPWS Gauge

This freeware Ground Proximity Warning System gauge for FS2004 can be added to any aircraft that has retractable gear and flaps, and offers the following features: - Clickable switch, with Test/Inhibit function and warning light. - 8 different warning modes, with all the usual aural warnings,...

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This freeware Ground Proximity Warning System gauge for FS2004 can be added to any aircraft that has retractable gear and flaps, and offers the following features: - Clickable switch, with Test/Inhibit function and warning light. - 8 different warning modes, with all the usual aural warnings, like "Pullup", "Sinkrate", "TerrainTerrain", "Windshear" and normal Altitude callouts. - Fully customiseable per aircraft type, by just editing the gauge parameters with Notepad. See README for extensive description. NEW in V3.3: new sound enable/disable handling, configurable sound volumes, a new MasterWarningLight gauge (that enables you using the GPWS with only a small gauge on the main panel window), and more. For users of V2.0 (rcbgp-20.zip): see include file "Upgrade Notes" for upgrade and detailled changes. By Rob Barendregt.

Ground Proximity Warning System

The archive rcbgp-33.zip has 50 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
rcbgp-33.gif02.09.05434 B
FILE_ID.DIZ06.03.05884 B
GPWS_sound.gau04.15.0580.00 kB
rcb-gauges06.03.050 B
GPWS3_3_Default.xml06.03.0532.48 kB
GPWS3_3_MasterWarn.xml06.03.054.39 kB
GPWS3_Background.bmp06.03.051.45 kB
GPWS3_MasterWarnOff.bmp06.03.05346 B
GPWS3_MasterWarnOn.bmp06.03.05346 B
GPWS3_ModeS1.bmp05.07.05174 B
GPWS3_ModeS2.bmp05.15.05174 B
GPWS3_ModeS3.bmp05.15.05174 B
GPWS3_ModeS4.bmp02.09.05174 B
GPWS3_ModeS5.bmp05.07.05174 B
GPWS3_SwitchAmber.bmp05.07.05214 B
GPWS3_SwitchGreen.bmp05.07.05214 B
GPWS3_SwitchOff.bmp02.09.05214 B
GPWS3_SwitchRed.bmp05.07.05214 B
README rcbgp-33.txt06.03.0517.98 kB
UPGRADE GPWS V2.0 to V3.3.txt06.03.052.46 kB
GPWS06.03.050 B
10.wav01.29.053.78 kB
100.wav01.29.058.71 kB
1000.wav01.29.059.83 kB
20.wav01.29.054.40 kB
200.wav01.29.057.94 kB
2500.wav01.29.0514.75 kB
30.wav01.29.053.46 kB
300.wav01.29.059.39 kB
40.wav01.29.053.56 kB
400.wav01.29.058.89 kB
50.wav01.29.054.33 kB
500.wav01.29.059.41 kB
BankAngle.wav01.29.059.23 kB
DontSink.wav01.29.058.93 kB
Glideslope.wav01.29.058.94 kB
Minimums.wav01.29.057.60 kB
Sinkrate.wav01.29.057.78 kB
SoftClick.wav03.07.05551 B
Sound.ini06.03.051.56 kB
TerrainTerrain.wav01.29.0510.17 kB
TooLowFlaps.wav01.29.0512.72 kB
TooLowGear.wav01.29.059.90 kB
TooLowTerrain.wav01.29.0510.88 kB
WhoopWhoopGlideslope.wav01.29.0526.94 kB
WhoopWhoopPullup.wav01.29.0514.56 kB
Windshear.wav01.29.0532.34 kB
avsim.diz04.27.04360 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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