FSX SP2 Space Shuttle Atlantis

PreviewCompletely re-worked model and textures . New flight dynamics optimized for SP2/Acceleration to restore sub-orbital performance. Acheive Mach 4.65 and climb to just under 700,000 ft under your own power at max realism. Very stable re-entry dynamics with Shuttle like landing characteristics. DVC a...

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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19.01 MB
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Content Rating
5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 12 PRO members.

Completely re-worked model and textures . New flight dynamics optimized for SP2/Acceleration to restore sub-orbital performance. Acheive Mach 4.65 and climb to just under 700,000 ft under your own power at max realism. Very stable re-entry dynamics with Shuttle like landing characteristics. DVC added with a camera view for bay window , custom gauge controlled effects, animated SRB and External Tank separations , bay doors, robot arm and payload, elevons, spoiler/rudder, body flap and gear w/ nosewheel steering - compiled with the FSXA SDK.

* open bay doors - Shift+E
* SRB Separation - Shift+E 2 // they disappear when exit 2 is fully open
* External Tank separation - Shift+E 3 // it disappears when exit 3 is fully open
* robot arm and module - Shift+E 4 // arm picks up module , releases it and re-stows

Gauge controlled effects:
Main Shuttle Engine Flames and smoke - are tied to Smoke and will light when the throttle is above 97%
SRB Flame and Plume - are tied to Cabin Lights and come on when throttle above 5% and Exit 2 is fully closed

Hints and Tips:

to fly around as a plane , open exit 2 and 3 to make the boosters and tank disappear

to do a vertical launch
- use SLEW to rotate to the vertical and place yourself on the desired launch location
- put the throttles at about 20-25 percent
- come out of slew and you begin your launch
- slowly increase throttle to 100 percent
- seperate the SRB's and External tank when you think it looks right
- welcome to space

the atmosphere ends at 400,000 ft - control surfaces stop working and any movement around pitch/roll/yaw axes will continue
until you get back below 400k - you can toggle slew mode to stop any motion or recover from tumbling

max altitude can be acheived by going level until you reach Mach 4.65 then pull up to an 85 degree climb use trim to keep the 85 degree climb angle

best sub-orbital trajectory is a 50 degree climb angle , this makes the re-entry angle less steep and more managable with a level flight recovery
occuring at a higher altitude

use the wing tip contrails on re-entry as a guide for your angle of attack - 15 degree angle of attack provides the best recovery

use small control inputs - ham fisted control inputs are the best way to send it out of control on re-entry

you can try landings with zero throttle or engines shutdown but use the spoilers for energy managment

best landing speed is around 215 knots

Space Shuttle Atlantis on launchpad

Space Shuttle Atlantis at launch

Space Shuttle Atlantis with booster rockets detatching

Space Shuttle Atlantis with main rocket detatching

Space Shuttle Atlantis in orbit with cargo doors open

Space Shuttle Atlantis cockpit

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12Screenshot 13Screenshot 14Screenshot 15Screenshot 16Screenshot 17

The archive atlantis-1.zip has 140 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
aircraft.cfg10.18.098.72 kB
effects10.19.090 B
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fx_shuttleplume.fx10.11.094.86 kB
fx_SRB_flame.fx10.17.0919.70 kB
model10.19.090 B
model.cfg09.21.0946 B
sts104.MDL10.18.092.90 MB
sts104_int.MDL10.18.092.62 MB
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737_Panel_Decals_2.bmp05.12.06257.05 kB
737-800_panel_background.bmp11.11.07769.05 kB
737-800_panel_background_night.bmp05.12.06769.05 kB
B737_800.cab05.11.072.01 MB
burnab.CAB10.18.0912.31 kB
panel.cfg10.18.096.15 kB
Thumbs.db10.19.0917.00 kB
upper_640.bmp05.12.0618.99 kB
readme.txt10.19.093.03 kB
sound10.19.090 B
c.wav11.26.0442.64 kB
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L.wav11.26.0442.64 kB
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LAN24.wav11.26.0462.72 kB
LAN2SHUT.wav11.26.0489.37 kB
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LAOVER.wav11.26.0450.36 kB
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LBN22.wav11.26.0460.47 kB
LBN23.wav11.26.0455.94 kB
LBN24.wav11.26.0462.72 kB
LBN2SHUT.wav11.26.04894 B
LMFLAPS.wav11.26.0425.17 kB
LMGEARDN.wav11.26.0426.49 kB
LMGEARUP.wav11.26.0414.65 kB
R.wav11.26.0442.64 kB
Sound.cfg11.26.0412.23 kB
stall.wav11.26.0436.69 kB
XLAN11.wav11.26.0489.04 kB
XLAN12.wav11.26.0479.75 kB
XLAN13.wav11.26.0459.36 kB
XLAN14.wav11.26.0483.46 kB
XLAN1SHUT.wav11.26.0488.94 kB
XLAN1STRT.wav11.26.04239.01 kB
XLAN21.wav11.26.04102.34 kB
XLAN22.wav11.26.04102.57 kB
XLAN23.wav11.26.04202.78 kB
XLAN24.wav11.26.04207.18 kB
XLAN2SHUT.wav11.26.04894 B
XLAN2STRT.wav11.26.04320 B
XLAN2T.wav11.26.04354 B
XLBN11.wav11.26.0489.04 kB
XLBN12.wav11.26.0479.75 kB
XLBN13.wav11.26.0459.36 kB
XLBN14.wav11.26.0483.46 kB
XLBN1SHUT.wav11.26.04894 B
XLBN1STRT.wav11.26.04184 B
XLBN21.wav11.26.04102.34 kB
XLBN22.wav11.26.04102.57 kB
XLBN23.wav11.26.04202.78 kB
XLBN24.wav11.26.04207.18 kB
XLBN2SHUT.WAV11.26.04894 B
XLBN2T.wav11.26.04354 B
sts01.jpg10.18.0987.15 kB
sts02.jpg10.18.0916.32 kB
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sts04.jpg10.18.0932.48 kB
sts05.jpg10.18.0954.04 kB
sts06.jpg10.18.09106.48 kB
suborbital.air10.18.097.36 kB
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Arm.bmp10.11.09512.07 kB
B737_800_1_C.bmp09.21.091.00 MB
B737_800_2_C.bmp09.21.091.00 MB
B737_800_3_C.bmp09.21.091.00 MB
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B737_800_5_C.bmp09.21.09256.07 kB
baytile.bmp09.16.091.00 MB
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belly-flap.bmp09.16.092.00 MB
blanket.bmp10.10.091.00 MB
bulkhead-aft.bmp09.16.091.00 MB
bulkhead-fwd.bmp09.16.091.00 MB
bump.bmp10.19.0964.07 kB
fresnel_ramp.bmp01.24.094.07 kB
fusolage-aft-engines.bmp09.16.091.00 MB
fusolage-aft-engines-b.bmp09.16.091.00 MB
glass.bmp01.24.0916.07 kB
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OMS-pod-stb.bmp09.16.091.00 MB
panaft.bmp10.18.091.00 MB
panside.bmp10.10.091.00 MB
reflect.bmp01.25.0916.07 kB
reflection1.bmp09.20.09256.07 kB
shut-doors-side.bmp09.16.0964.07 kB
shut-doors-top.bmp09.16.09256.07 kB
side-prt-A.bmp09.20.09256.07 kB
side-stb-A.bmp09.20.09256.07 kB
silver.bmp10.19.09256.07 kB
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tail.bmp09.20.091.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg10.19.0982.10 kB
Thumbs.db10.19.0913.50 kB
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Thumbs.db10.18.0920.50 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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001.jpg07.20.16269.99 kB
002.jpg07.20.16312.01 kB
003.jpg07.20.16183.09 kB
004.jpg07.20.1663.01 kB
005.jpg07.20.16169.38 kB
006.jpg07.20.16160.56 kB
007.jpg07.20.16326.79 kB
008.jpg07.20.16251.43 kB
009.jpg07.20.16324.44 kB
010.jpg07.20.16299.76 kB
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

Niterida357Sun, 29 Nov 2020 18:28:02 GMT

How do you get the space shuttle to launch?  My shuttle starts on the runway. I see a lunch pad but there's a shuttle already on it. I used slew but no luck.

CaydenWed, 18 Nov 2020 15:52:11 GMT

For those of you who don't have effects make sure on the Atlantis folder you put the effect files into the main FSX effects folder.

mostafa mahmoodMon, 08 Jun 2020 13:32:58 GMT

Very cool.  The experience of the space shuttle Atlantis, especially flying over the Earth's atmosphere. I am very grateful. Thank you very much for this interesting experience Note I got a problem with me at the FSX Private Aircraft Gallery where the shuttle image appears in the place of another plane while he is at the location of the aircraft that came before it in the show.

TheAmazingNateTue, 24 Mar 2020 13:50:30 GMT

For the people who can't detach the tanks, you have to press shift + E, wait a quarter second, then 2 Repeat with Shift+E 3

silke cuffSun, 17 Nov 2019 11:38:03 GMT

It uses a 737 cockpit and has no flame effects. There is no booster fire and you cant put it on the launch pad.why does it climb when I pitch it up for the correct 40-degree reentry. Other than this add-on is great.

RGFri, 27 Sep 2019 22:10:28 GMT

Can you stay in orbit or do you drop back down once you reach the top of the parabola?

Jonathan SkorokhodTue, 02 Apr 2019 13:52:59 GMT

Launch pad at Kennedy space center or NASA shuttle landing facility both in titusville

Bruce FitzgeraldThu, 07 Feb 2019 22:49:43 GMT

FYI - I am the developer - for trully amazing fun - get Rob Barendregts spaceflight gauge and FSUIPC

CGMon, 03 Jul 2017 01:53:37 GMT

what category is it under? I cant find it anywhere. i followed the instructions.

peterThu, 23 Mar 2017 15:39:14 GMT

Hello how do i do this skift + E 2?

EdiiTue, 27 Sep 2016 21:54:19 GMT

Click shift+2+e really quickly. This should work. It might take a couple of times. It worked for me and I love using the shuttle.

AlafaberFri, 26 Feb 2016 08:21:43 GMT

Hey , where is the take off place to take off because I don't know the place please help me email me at dharmasaputraa@gmail.com

SetchFri, 13 Nov 2015 02:09:54 GMT

anyone know how to make the flames work to come out of the boosters, I've tired pressing the "I" key on my keyboard but I don't know if there is anything else i'm doing wrong, someone help

gsdSat, 31 Jan 2015 12:08:45 GMT

I got it to go above 1,000,000 ft !! that is around 300km above earth! I would give this 10/10!

RaymondSun, 28 Dec 2014 09:26:47 GMT

Flame effects dont work??

hadiThu, 18 Dec 2014 01:33:32 GMT

I don't know where the launch location is?

PersonMon, 14 Oct 2013 01:41:10 GMT

Never mind! I fixed the problem. I had to delete the pictures and read me file.

PersonMon, 14 Oct 2013 01:30:46 GMT

It doesn't work for me! I did everything the instructions said. What should I do?

GTue, 23 Jul 2013 18:07:26 GMT

None of the tanks will detatch. When I hit "Shift + E 2" then the gps appears and the Doors Open and GPS shows up. Is there a fix? Great job btw, looks good

renzWed, 24 Apr 2013 04:54:33 GMT

Can it work on FS2004? and please give the instructions and buttons for the launch. Thanks!

Greg ATue, 23 Apr 2013 02:47:27 GMT

Great download, I have had a lot of enjoyable flights with it, but is there a drag chute associated with the shuttle download, and if there is, how do you deploy it?

JoshSat, 09 Mar 2013 01:24:44 GMT

Don't use the num pad for rocket Boosters.

tomThu, 17 Jan 2013 14:20:50 GMT

How can i find the lunch stand? I can't find it in the airport search.

ScarriereSat, 01 Sep 2012 21:37:13 GMT

You hit SHIFT+E, let it go then immediately hit the number 2 and they will fall off. Do the same with SHIFT+E, let it go then immediately hit the number 3 and the main booster will fall off.

batman3141592Sat, 17 Mar 2012 02:27:07 GMT

Lots of fun. SRB, MFT wont disengage?

SteveHJFri, 12 Aug 2011 03:19:50 GMT

any hints on how to separate thew SRB? The instructions seem to be incorrect. Thanks.

codyderosier1Sat, 19 Feb 2011 14:30:00 GMT
OMG this is so awsome i got the the boosters to detach and the main fuel tank to detach. AWSOME!!! i would pay 10000000000000000 for this.
mavrickswingmnFri, 18 Feb 2011 02:18:16 GMT
Awesome job on the shuttle my one grip is that i couldn't get the tanks to separate? Could be Operator Error but I've tried quite a bit and i can only get the bay doors open
avocadoThu, 25 Nov 2010 15:53:33 GMT
it is fun to fly occasionally, and i enjoy going so fast and being able to gain altitude faster than slew. not a very realistic flying experience, but it sure is a fun one.
jbealeMon, 25 Oct 2010 02:36:58 GMT
My sim cant process data fast enough for this!You can go to about 400,000ft with it going straight up! i rate it 100000000000000!!!!!!!
eddwiddSun, 13 Jun 2010 20:53:11 GMT
could not get the main fuel tank or soild rocket boosters to deattach from the shuttle

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