FS2002 Keyboard Commands

FS2002 Keyboard Commands Table. Landscape orientated table in Word format listing the keyboard commands for FS2002. Zip contains both European A4 and US Letter size versions. By Tony Smith.

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FS2002 Keyboard Commands Table. Landscape orientated table in Word format listing the keyboard commands for FS2002. Zip contains both European A4 and US Letter size versions. By Tony Smith.

FS2002 Keyboard Commands

The archive 2002keys.zip has 6 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
US FS2002 keyboard commands.doc12.01.0194.50 kB
A4 FS2002 keyboard commands.doc12.01.0195.50 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ12.01.01197 B
Readme.txt12.01.011.16 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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J M Merrell KarrThu, 07 Jul 2022 00:35:48 GMT

To F Attwood Just use the F2 key (hold down) on the keyboard, Much easier than messing with throttle levers which don't seem to work on any throttle product without a lot of hassle.

Frederick AttwoodSat, 01 May 2021 11:01:00 GMT

Hello Everyone, I have been a sim pilot since 1998, however with FS2020 which is fantastic generally, I can't land a large passenger jet properly because almost impossible to engage Reverse Thrust using Logitech Extreme 3Dpro, stick. Any help or ideas Please. yours sincerely. F Attwood.

IndianbobTue, 24 Nov 2020 03:24:39 GMT

Thank you for your website it’s very helpful. On my FSX on outside view, you can toggle SHIFT plus Z and get the coordinates live: Longitude and latitude, altitude, and both, and then turn off again on the fourth toggle, that you’re flying latitude and longitude. Is there any equivalent keyboard command for flight simulator 2020? I know FS2020 already has altitude and other heads up displays but no longitude and latitude live. Thank you, Bob.

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