FSX AmericAir Boeing 737

PreviewAmericAir Boeing 737. A repaint of the default Boeing 737. AmericAir is a fictional airline. By Mike Cahill.

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AmericAir Boeing 737. A repaint of the default Boeing 737. AmericAir is a fictional airline. By Mike Cahill.

AmericAir Boeing 737.

AmericAir Boeing 737.


(Note: Turn on Word Wrap to make reading easier)

**This repaint is for FSX. FS2004 is not supported, but it may work.**

Thank you for downloading my first repaint. This repaint is of a fictional airline, AmericAir. All you need is the default 737-800. All credit for the paintkit goes to John Rose.

1. Unzip this file to your desktop or other temporary location.
2. Open your default 737-800 folder (B737_800):
Windows 7/Vista: C:/Program Files(x86)/Microsoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X/SimObjects/Airplanes/B737_800
(Note: If you have a 32-bit OS, it may be under Programs or Program Files)

Windows XP: Same as above, except it is C:/Programs instead of Programs(x86).

Please note that the location may vary depending on your OS and where you installed it. The above are just the most common places.

3. Drag texture.americair from the temporary folder to the B737_800 folder.
4. Inside the B737_800 folder, open aircraft.cfg in Notepad.
5. Insert the following text under the last section of text that starts with [fltsim.x] (x represents a number)

title=Boeing 737-800 AmericAir
ui_typerole="Commercial Airliner"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="One should hardly be surprised that the world's most prolific manufacturer of commercial aircraft is also the producer of the world's most popular jetliner. The 737 became the best-selling commercial jetliner worldwide when orders for it hit 1,831 in June 1987 (surpassing Boeing's own 727 as the previous champ). However, it wasn't always that way\s in the first few years of production, there were so few orders that Boeing considered canceling the program. They didn't, and the airplane has more than proven itself in over three decades of service."

IMPORTANT: Change the x in [fltsim.x] to the next number in sequence.

(For example, if the last block of text starts with [fltsim.5], copy and paste the above text block below it and change [fltsim.5] to [fltsim.6])

6. Save the cfg file.

Open up FSX and enjoy!

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive b737americairtexture.zip has 29 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
737_Refection.dds09.04.06170.79 kB
B737_800_1_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
b737_800_1_LM.dds09.04.06170.79 kB
B737_800_1_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
b737_800_1_T.dds08.02.10682.80 kB
b737_800_1_T_Bump.dds09.04.061.00 MB
b737_800_1_T_Specular.dds09.04.061.33 MB
B737_800_2_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
B737_800_2_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
b737_800_2_T.dds09.04.061.33 MB
b737_800_2_T_Bump.dds09.04.061.00 MB
b737_800_2_T_Specular.dds09.04.061.33 MB
B737_800_3_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
B737_800_3_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
B737_800_4_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
B737_800_4_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
B737_800_5_C.dds09.04.06170.79 kB
B737_800_5_night_C.dds09.04.06170.79 kB
B737_800_C.bmp05.12.06682.74 kB
B737_800_Interior.dds09.04.06170.79 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
Pilots_737.dds09.04.0642.79 kB
texture.cfg08.14.06137 B
thumbnail.jpg08.01.1044.28 kB
texture.americair08.02.100 B
README.txt08.02.103.08 kB
B737AmericAirTexture.gif08.02.1067.00 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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