FSX American Airlines McDonnell Douglas/Boeing MD-11(P)

Preview American Airlines McDonnell Douglas/Boeing MD-11(P) 1994 livery. Long range widebody airliner, full package for FSX/SP2. Custom panel, dynamic VC, sound, full moving parts, dynamic shine, operating passenger, crew and cargo doors, HTML check/ref lists. This is a re-issue of the original model ...

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4
Complete with Base Model
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Flight Simulator X
File size
2.86 MB
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Free (Freeware)
Content Rating
4 star rating.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars by 6 PRO members.

American Airlines McDonnell Douglas/Boeing MD-11(P) 1994 livery. Long range widebody airliner, full package for FSX/SP2. Custom panel, dynamic VC, sound, full moving parts, dynamic shine, operating passenger, crew and cargo doors, HTML check/ref lists. This is a re-issue of the original model with new bare metal and white textures and improved flight dynamics. By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.

American Airlines McDonnell Douglas/Boeing MD-11 in flight.

American Airlines McDonnell Douglas/Boeing MD-11 in flight.

FS2004/FSX MD-11 Long/Medium Range Wide Body Tri-Jet Airliner

Premier Aircraft Design - July 2008

Aircraft / Panel Design & Master Textures by Jean-Pierre Brisard

Project management, Packaging, Documentation, Technical Advice, Flight Model, HTML Check/Ref List,
Panel Design Assistance by Barry Blaisdell

Paint & Livery by Bob May



This package is compatible with FSX "Acceleration" but is NOT compatible with DX10 graphics


Extract all files into the FSX MAIN Folder using WINZIP…

Make sure the " Use Folder Names " box is checked IN WINZIP.

If you follow these installation instructions all necessary sub folders will be created and all files installed automatically.

We recommend Winzip to extract these files, other zip tools may not do the job.

Windows Vista users may need to temporarily turn OFF User Account Control ( in the Security Center) in order to enable creation of new folders.


1. Navigate to where you downloaded the zip file

2. Double click with your mouse on the zip file.

3. WINZIP should open and show all the files inside the zip.

4. Press CTRL A and this will select all the files.

5. Click on 'Extract' in the Main Tool Bar above.
( Make sure the "Use folder names" box is checked)

6. Type in, or select, your path in the pop-up dialogue box....
The default path in English version is

FS2004....C:\program files\microsoft games\flight simulator 9

FSX.......C:\program files\microsoft games\microsoft flight simulator X

If you have amended your FS location, or if you use a non English version of Windows, ...then ...

.... browse to your own FS Location…

7. Now Click on the 'Extract' button in the upper right
(If it askes to overwrite...Say YES to all).....you're done.

8. When you activate the model in FSX for the first time answer "Run" and "Yes" to the gauge verification pop-ups.


Flying Tips

* Before take-off check the elevator trim. Five or six clicks of nose up trim is advisable for take-off.

* Use two notches of flap ( 6º ) for heavy take-offs. Rotate (raise the nose) at 120 kts.

* The autopilot on this model is not suitable for autothrottle take-offs.
Set auto speed hold to 250kts before take-off but do not arm the autothrottle. Use 90-100% power for take-off when heavily loaded. Throttle back when established in the climb out, then arm and activate autothrottle and autopilot.

* To raise your seat higher press SHIFT-ENTER (in VC panel only)

* In the VC ... To move to the Jump Seat or First Officer position... Keep pressing CTRL-SHIFT ENTER

The Spacebar will bring you back to the Default eye point position.

* Shift E will open the passenger door ( on the ground only)

* Shift E2 will open the crew doors and cargo hatches.



The McDonnell Douglas MD-11 is a three-engine medium to long-range widebody airliner, with two engines mounted on underwing pylons and a third engine at the base of the vertical stabilizer. It is based on the DC-10, but featuring a stretched fuselage, increased wingspan with winglets, refined aerofoils on the wing and tailplane, new engines and increased use of composite materials. It features an all-digital glass cockpit that decreases the crew to two from the three required on the DC-10.


Passenger seats: 293-410 depending on layout.
Cockpit crew: 2-3
Max take-off weight: 602,500 lb
Take-off distance at max weight: 10,300 ft (3,100m)
Powerplant: 3 x PW4460 (60,000 lbf thrust each)
Max speed: Mach 0.88 (587 mph)
Typical Cruise Speed: Mach 0.82 (544mph)
Max Range: 6840 nm
Service ceiling: 44,000ft

Premier Aircraft Design

Cockpit of American Airlines McDonnell Douglas/Boeing MD-11.

Cockpit of American Airlines McDonnell Douglas/Boeing MD-11.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7

The archive md-11_aa_package_x_zip.zip has 77 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
airplanes08.28.110 B
md-11_AA_package_x.zip08.28.110 B
aircraft.cfg08.28.1116.17 kB
CREDITS.txt07.11.081.01 kB
file_id.txt08.23.08408 B
MD-11 Flying tips.txt07.22.083.49 kB
MD-11P.air08.27.1112.28 kB
MD-11P_check.htm11.03.0650.00 kB
MD-11P_ref.htm11.12.0614.37 kB
model08.28.110 B
Model.cfg07.17.0835 B
xmd11P_fix7rrr.mdl07.04.082.03 MB
Panel08.28.110 B
ab_MD-11F.BMP04.15.081.37 MB
Md-11f.bmp08.23.081.37 MB
MD11BEZ.bmp05.11.06203.43 kB
md11f.CAB07.26.08525.45 kB
MD11yoke.bmp05.27.06540.05 kB
OH_1024.bmp06.23.06433.18 kB
PAD_Groundhandling5_Sound.dll10.28.0696.81 kB
PAD_RCB_Groundhandling5.CAB10.20.0626.63 kB
Panel.cfg07.27.0811.32 kB
PEDESTAL3.bmp09.28.06354.49 kB
Panel help08.28.110 B
panel (2).gif11.10.0623.93 kB
panel (3).gif11.14.0643.29 kB
panel (4).gif06.22.0638.18 kB
panel.gif06.22.0642.34 kB
READ_ME_FIRST!_FSX.txt07.16.085.57 kB
sound08.28.110 B
sound.cfg09.28.0632 B
texture.american08.28.110 B
chrome.bmp10.13.0564.07 kB
Elevator.bmp07.01.08128.07 kB
engines.bmp08.23.11256.07 kB
Lfuse.bmp08.23.111.00 MB
Lfuselogo.bmp08.23.111.00 MB
Lfuselogo_L.bmp10.14.061.00 MB
Lfuse_L.bmp10.14.061.00 MB
lights.bmp11.17.0732.07 kB
lights_L.bmp05.16.0865.05 kB
LWING.bmp08.23.111.00 MB
MD11det.bmp06.17.06512.07 kB
MD11others.bmp07.23.08512.07 kB
MD11_pan.bmp07.28.08512.07 kB
MD11_pan_2.bmp07.01.08128.07 kB
Rfuse.bmp08.23.111.00 MB
Rfuselogo.bmp08.23.111.00 MB
Rfuselogo_L.bmp10.14.061.00 MB
Rfuse_L.bmp10.14.061.00 MB
roue2.bmp07.19.0464.07 kB
RWING.bmp08.23.111.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg08.23.116.92 kB
yoke.bmp06.11.061.00 MB
Simobjects12.22.090 B
Groundhandling10.08.090 B
Groundhandling510.08.090 B
GH01_Conversation1.wav10.26.03188.92 kB
GH02_Conversation2.wav10.30.0376.44 kB
GH03_Conversation3.wav11.04.0355.39 kB
GH04_Conversation4A.wav10.14.06114.56 kB
GH05_Conversation5.wav10.30.03134.51 kB
GH06_SoftClick.wav03.07.05551 B
GH07_Error.wav10.26.038.75 kB
GH08_PushbackRoll.wav05.11.0544.58 kB
GH09_Conversation4B.wav10.14.0667.76 kB
GH10_Attention.wav10.14.0621.57 kB
GH11_Brakes.wav11.06.0329.74 kB
Sound.ini03.20.07925 B
sound06.19.100 B
fx_PADbeaconh.fx09.02.064.75 kB
effects01.06.110 B
md-11_VC_800.jpg08.28.1171.35 kB
md-11_american_800_1.jpg08.28.1142.22 kB
file_id.diz08.28.11457 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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S. J. HindsThu, 13 Jun 2013 14:07:12 GMT

Download well however you can only control one engine with the keyboard or joystick, only can control all engines when auto throttle is engaged which makes for a hairy landing.

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