FSX Ultralight Tecnam P2004 Bravo SLSA

PreviewUltralight Tecnam P2004 Bravo. This Italian built plane is one of the latest from Tecnam. It has a cantilever wing, is all metal, is fast, has a long range and is of the S-LSA set. Flies on 5 gallons/hourr of practically any fuel except diesel. There is a bug in FSX that does not handle "parts wi...

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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6.86 MB
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Ultralight Tecnam P2004 Bravo. This Italian built plane is one of the latest from Tecnam. It has a cantilever wing, is all metal, is fast, has a long range and is of the S-LSA set. Flies on 5 gallons/hourr of practically any fuel except diesel. There is a bug in FSX that does not handle "parts within a part" textures correctly; you'll see it. By Don Halcom.

Ultralight Tecnam P2004 Bravo in flight.

Ultralight Tecnam P2004 Bravo in flight.


The Bravo flies in the USA under Special Light Sport Aircraft (SLSA) restrictions.

This plane is metal. Here is a set of specifications:

Tecnam P2004 Bravo

Wing span 27.5 ft
Length over-all 21.7 ft
Height over-all 8.5 ft
Wing area 118 sq.ft.
Wing Dihedral 1.5°
Tailplane span 9.5 ft
Wheel track 6.1 ft
Wheel tires 5,00-5
Rotax 912ULS
Power max. 100 Hp @ 5800 rpm
Reduction 2.4286 : 1
Propeller Tonini Snc
Fuel Leaded, Unleaded or AvGas
Tanks 100 Lt. (2x50)26.4 US gal
MTOW 1279 lbs.
Std empty weight 619 lbs.
Ultimate load factor +6 -3
PERFORMANCE (standard operating conditions)
Max speed s/l 130 KTS
Cruising speed 75% 116 KTS
Rate of climb @ s/l 1200 ft/min
Stalling speed (flap) 34.5 KTS
Service ceiling 14000 ft
Take off run 591 ft
Landing run 410 ft

This flight simulator model has a lot of moving parts. The exterior has reflective surfaces.

This is my preferred way of installing files but you use any method that you like. I use Windows Explorer.

1) Make a folder called "Temp" or "Crud" or anything you like in the root directory of Windows Explorer.

2) Unzip all the files and folders from the downloaded "bravofsx.zip" file to the folder you just made (for example "Temp").

3) Select the folder called "Tecnam P2004 Bravo" and hit "ctrl-c" to copy the entire folder and its contents.

4) Go to the "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\airplanes" folder of your FSX flight simulator and paste (ctrl-v) the copied "Tecnam P2004 Bravo" folder there.

5) Be sure to read the "READ_ME.txt" file in the "Temp" folder. That is it. If you wish you can delete your "Temp" folder now but I would save the downloaded "bravofsx.zip" file somewhere just in case of emergencies.

6) Go fly your new aircraft.


Ultralight Tecnam P2004 Bravo in flight.

Ultralight Tecnam P2004 Bravo in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive bravofsx.zip has 86 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
bravo15.JPG12.19.06368.40 kB
bravo16.GIF12.19.067.43 kB
bravo16.JPG12.19.06313.72 kB
file_id.diz12.28.06371 B
install.txt12.20.06920 B
READ_ME.txt12.21.062.17 kB
aircraft.cfg12.24.0611.82 kB
model12.24.060 B
model.cfg03.06.0630 B
P2004 Bravo.mdl11.01.061.46 MB
P2004 Bravo.air12.24.0611.25 kB
P2004 Bravo_notes.txt04.17.060 B
panel12.24.060 B
2D_Bravo_Panel.bmp12.07.062.25 MB
panel.cfg12.24.063.63 kB
Sierra.CAB12.23.06212.91 kB
sound12.24.060 B
da20_apdisconnect.wav06.29.01169.80 kB
da20_flaps.wav08.27.01225.90 kB
DA20_noncombust.wav02.01.0335.63 kB
DA20_prop.wav03.18.03262.17 kB
DA20_rpm1.wav02.01.03326.33 kB
DA20_rpm2.wav02.01.03509.65 kB
DA20_rpm3.wav02.01.03571.77 kB
DA20_rpm4.wav02.01.03651.45 kB
DA20_shutdown.wav05.13.03314.04 kB
da20_stallhorn.wav06.29.01237.68 kB
DA20_starter.wav05.13.0325.75 kB
DA20_startup.wav05.13.03110.15 kB
door_small_close.wav04.09.0355.99 kB
door_small_open.wav04.09.0359.98 kB
sound.cfg12.28.038.65 kB
xDA20_noncombust.wav02.01.0316.45 kB
xDA20_prop.wav03.18.03262.17 kB
xDA20_rpm1.wav04.03.03237.43 kB
xDA20_rpm2.wav02.01.03271.77 kB
xDA20_rpm3.wav02.01.03257.73 kB
xDA20_rpm4.wav02.01.03244.47 kB
xDA20_shutdown.wav02.20.0371.65 kB
xDA20_starter.wav05.13.0315.66 kB
xDA20_startup.wav04.03.03181.63 kB
texture12.24.060 B
$panel10.21.051.00 MB
150_150_150_noise.bmp03.28.06256.30 kB
3D_Bravo_Panel.bmp12.24.061.00 MB
black80%.bmp03.20.05256.12 kB
buckle_face.bmp06.17.0516.09 kB
cabin_solid.bmp03.30.061.00 MB
channel_bot_top.bmp03.24.061.00 MB
channel_tube_top.bmp12.14.0564.06 kB
cowl_front.bmp04.09.06256.07 kB
earphone.bmp03.20.0564.56 kB
earphone_back.bmp03.20.0564.56 kB
electric_blue.bmp03.20.0564.12 kB
fuselage_short_combo.bmp04.09.061.00 MB
head_back_pilot.bmp01.25.0665.05 kB
head_front_pilot.bmp01.25.0665.05 kB
m_cream_lower.bmp03.20.0565.05 kB
m_cream_upper.bmp03.20.0565.05 kB
m_flesh.bmp03.20.0565.05 kB
m_jean_lower.bmp03.20.0565.05 kB
m_jean_upper.bmp03.20.0565.05 kB
m_shoe.bmp03.20.0565.04 kB
m_torso.bmp03.20.0565.05 kB
m_torso_back.bmp03.20.0565.05 kB
poly_10%black.bmp06.17.0516.06 kB
poly_200_200_200.bmp03.24.0664.06 kB
poly_50%gray.bmp06.20.0564.07 kB
poly_false_floor_top.bmp12.05.0565.05 kB
poly_green.bmp03.28.06256.06 kB
poly_seat.bmp03.27.06256.30 kB
poly_silver.bmp09.16.0665.05 kB
poly_white.bmp03.27.0664.06 kB
poly_white_r.bmp09.16.0665.05 kB
poly_yellow.bmp03.28.06256.06 kB
prop.bmp09.16.0617.05 kB
prop_disk.bmp04.08.0664.14 kB
red.bmp03.20.05256.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg12.20.0625.30 kB
vert_stab_combo.bmp04.09.061.00 MB
wheel.bmp03.20.05257.03 kB
yellow.bmp09.16.0665.05 kB
Tecnam P2004 Bravo12.24.060 B
bravo15.GIF12.19.068.79 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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