FSX Flight Design CTsw (Wheels)

PreviewFlight Design CTsw (wheels). The Flight Design CT is a performance leader in Light Sport Aircraft due to its remarkable design and high-tech construction. The carbon fiber and Kevlar composite airframe allows for a very strong, light and aerodynamically clean design. The unique fuselage design of...

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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8.91 MB
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Flight Design CTsw (wheels). The Flight Design CT is a performance leader in Light Sport Aircraft due to its remarkable design and high-tech construction. The carbon fiber and Kevlar composite airframe allows for a very strong, light and aerodynamically clean design. The unique fuselage design of the CT minimizes drag and maximizes interior room for you and your luggage. In production since 1997, more than 900 CTs have been delivered to customers, worldwide. This is a complete package for FSX of aircraft, custom panel, dynamic VC, sounds and documents. By Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Kevin Pardy and Danny Crance - Premier Aircraft Design.

FSX Flight Design CTsw.

FSX Flight Design CTsw.

Flight Design CTsw Light Sport Aircraft - Full Package for FSX

The Flight Design CT is the performance leader in Light Sport Aircraft due to its remarkable design and high-tech construction. The carbon fiber and Kevlar composite airframe allows for a very strong, light and aerodynamically clean design. The unique fuselage design of the CT minimizes drag and maximizes interior room for you and your luggage.

All new FSDS2 & 3 design as of 04 Sept, 2007
2007 by Premier Aircraft Design

Barry Blaisdell
Jean-Pierre Brisard
Bob May
Kevin Pardy
Danny Crance


Special Thanks to Roger Heller, a CTsw owner, for his
photographs of the CTsw aircraft inside and out so we could
bring it to you as accurate as possible.


Install the XCTSW_IJ.ZIP files per the Instructions Below.



Extract all files into the FSX MAIN Folder using WINZIP.

Make sure the " Use Folder Names " BOX is checked IN WINZIP.
New folders will be created and all files installed.

1. Navigate to the XCTSW_IJ.ZIP file (I use the "My Computer Icon" on the Desk Top.

2. Double click with your mouse on the XCTSW_IJ.ZIP file.

3. WINZIP should Open and show all the files inside the zip.

4. Press CTRL A and this will select all the files.

5. Click on Extract in the Main Tool Bar above.
( Make sure the "Use folder names" box is checked)

6. type in your path in the dialoge box....Mine is C:\FSX (Yours may be different).

Or Browse to your FSX Location…

7. Now Click on the Exract Button in the upper right
(If it askes to overwrite...Say YES to all).....Your Done.


Flight Design CTsw Light Sport Aircraft Data:

Wingspan: 28 feet
Wing area: 107 sq ft
Length : 20 feet - 4 in
Height : 7 feet - 11 in
Weight : Empty 685 lbs, Maximum Take off 1,320 lbs
Speeds : Normal Cruise - 112 kts IAS, Maximum 120 kts IAS, Do not Exceed 145 kts IAS
: Stall Speed - 42 kts clean. 39 kts dirty

Power : One 100 HP Rotax 912S Engine
Fuel : 34 US Gallons

Max Range : 1080 Nautical Miles approx.

Rate of Climb: 960 FPM

Ceiling : Approx. 14,000 ft (Oxygen required above 10,000 ft)
Normal Cruise Altitude: 3,000 - 5,000 feet

Barry Blaisdell

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12Screenshot 13Screenshot 14Screenshot 15

The archive xctsw_ij.zip has 91 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Airplanes09.06.070 B
Flight_Design_CTSW_C-IJCT09.06.070 B
aircraft.cfg09.05.0713.08 kB
beforeTO.jpg07.30.0728.74 kB
CT-sw.air08.12.0710.50 kB
CT-SW_Analog2_ref.htm09.04.076.42 kB
CT-SW_check.htm07.30.071.98 kB
CTSW.jpg09.04.0771.54 kB
EngStart.jpg07.30.0724.13 kB
Install_Help.jpg08.14.07203.24 kB
landing.jpg07.30.0713.26 kB
model09.06.070 B
CTSW_ver13.mdl08.02.071.02 MB
CTSW_ver13.OUT09.02.0740.74 kB
Model.cfg08.02.0729 B
panel.Analog209.06.070 B
CTAP2.CAB09.03.07158.42 kB
CTSWpanel3A.bmp08.13.071.18 MB
CTSWpnl_A2.bmp09.02.072.25 MB
CTSWstack.bmp07.28.07236.03 kB
CT_COMPASS.bmp05.24.07113.49 kB
FDCT2.CAB09.03.071.08 MB
frame3.bmp09.25.03155.48 kB
Panel.cfg09.05.0712.83 kB
PANEL.jpg09.04.0762.06 kB
PANEL2.jpg09.04.0776.63 kB
PANEL3.jpg08.11.0742.62 kB
PANEL_DOCS09.06.070 B
CONSOLE.jpg08.11.07115.18 kB
HOTSPOTS.jpg09.04.07158.67 kB
kln90bgpsreadout.pdf07.07.0259.29 kB
POPUPS.jpg09.04.07198.01 kB
vc.jpg09.03.0765.41 kB
ReadMe_First.txt09.04.073.64 kB
shutdn.jpg07.30.0716.84 kB
SOUND09.06.070 B
Sound.cfg07.30.0734 B
texture.IJCT09.06.070 B
chrome.bmp10.13.0564.07 kB
CTSW_console.bmp05.18.07512.07 kB
CTSW_Elevator.bmp05.01.07256.07 kB
CTSW_fuse.bmp08.13.071.00 MB
CTSW_interiors.bmp07.05.07512.07 kB
CTSW_Panels.bmp09.02.07512.07 kB
CTSW_pilote.bmp06.28.0732.07 kB
CTSW_Seats.bmp07.26.07512.07 kB
CTSW_Wings.bmp08.13.071.00 MB
prop_TBX.bmp10.26.06256.07 kB
roue2.bmp01.10.0765.05 kB
thumbnail.jpg09.02.074.90 kB
TO-CLB-CRS-DES.jpg07.30.0727.62 kB
fsfsconv09.06.070 B
Rotax_Snd09.06.070 B
door_small_close.wav04.09.0355.99 kB
door_small_open.wav04.09.0359.98 kB
rotax_apdisconnect.wav06.29.01169.80 kB
rotax_flaps.wav08.27.01225.90 kB
rotax_noncombust.wav02.01.0335.63 kB
rotax_prop1a.wav08.15.0160.75 kB
rotax_prop1b.wav08.15.0168.25 kB
rotax_prop2a.wav08.15.0162.75 kB
rotax_prop2b.wav08.15.0173.25 kB
rotax_rpm1.wav04.17.0158.29 kB
rotax_rpm2.wav05.12.06617.25 kB
rotax_rpm3.wav05.12.06544.90 kB
rotax_rpm4.wav05.12.06383.12 kB
rotax_shutdown.wav05.13.03314.04 kB
rotax_stallhorn.wav06.29.01237.68 kB
rotax_starter.wav05.13.0325.75 kB
rotax_startup.wav05.13.03110.15 kB
Sound.cfg08.12.078.67 kB
xrotax_noncombust.wav02.01.0316.45 kB
xrotax_prop.wav03.18.03262.17 kB
xrotax_rpm1.wav05.12.06217.49 kB
xrotax_rpm2.wav05.12.06226.46 kB
xrotax_rpm3.wav05.12.06262.45 kB
xrotax_rpm4.wav05.12.06237.50 kB
xrotax_shutdown.wav02.20.0371.65 kB
xrotax_starter.wav05.13.0315.66 kB
xrotax_startup.wav04.03.03181.63 kB
SimObjects11.05.060 B
BK_Radio.gau08.31.06296.00 kB
cad_kln901brored.gau07.19.02144.00 kB
cad_kln902brored.gau07.18.02144.00 kB
cad_kln90brored.gau07.18.02144.00 kB
gauges09.06.070 B
fx_PADbeaconh.fx09.02.064.75 kB
fx_vclightwhite.fx05.12.061.31 kB
Effects09.06.070 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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MikeTue, 26 Mar 2019 11:48:43 GMT

Looks quite nice but virtual cockpit view is appalling. Very low res unless I'm doing something wrong it's totally unusable from this view.

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