FSX Piper Warrior II PA28-161

PreviewPiper Warrior II PA28-161 Version for FSX with SP2. A Gmax model that features animations, virtual cockpit with semi-transparent yoke, doors that open, two different size 2D panels, versions with and without wheel fairings and more. The PH-SVG is owned by the Rotterdam Flying Club. By Rien Cornel...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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Piper Warrior II PA28-161 Version for FSX with SP2. A Gmax model that features animations, virtual cockpit with semi-transparent yoke, doors that open, two different size 2D panels, versions with and without wheel fairings and more. The PH-SVG is owned by the Rotterdam Flying Club. By Rien Cornelissen.

Piper Warrior II PA28 in flight.​This is Warriorc.zip for FS X with SP 2 which, of course, has many features of the Pipers for FS 2004 and FSX-SP2 that were released already.

Installation: unzip Warriorc.zip to your Microsoft Flight Simulator X folder. Make sure the option "use directories" is active, (it usually is) for the directory structure is contained within the .zipfile.

The textures are dxt mipmapped .dds files. The exterior model contains LOD's: Levels-Of-Dilution; when the aircraft gets more remote, less detail is shown, requiring less processing time.
I made LOD 400, 150, 50, 15 and 5. In LOD 400 everything is present; in LOD 5 there are only flat, unanimated and untextured silhouette of fuselage, wings and tail.

The model with animations was made using GMax and the FS X-SP2 sdk. Many parts could be borrowed from other members I made of the Piper family for FS 2004 and FS X-SP2.

In the virtual cockpit I left out the pilot and the head rests of the front seats, in order to facilitate looking around.
Also, the yoke is semi-transparent in the vc.

The door will open using . First the door latch will open together with the storm window, a small window within
the window directly to the pilot's left, and then the door itself.
The bagage door will open by , followed bij <2>. The ribbon to keep this door in the open position
is represented too.

The gear has suspension, as can be seen when moving on uneven ground. The wheels will spin while taxiing.

Like in the real Warrior the trim surface at the trailing end of the elevator wil move extra as the elevator is moved.

Choices can be made between Warriors with a '16x9' and a '4x3' panel, and with or without the wheel fairings installed.
The '16x9' panel is for wide screen monitors.

Without fairings the aircraft will be about 5 kt slower.

The gauges that are specific to the Warrior were made in xml.

The directional gyro has the usual random drift, but I added an extra drift in steep turns; its absolute value is proportional
to the rate-of-turn-squared. The gyro can be reset pressing the key, but also, more realistically, by turning the knob using the mouse.

The subscale of the altimeter was changed to read both hPa (=mBar) and inches of mercury. The tanks will contain 25 Gal. each, and the fuel gauges will indicate "full" at that amount.

The annunciator panel is functional, as is the audio panel, on which sound of markers, nav 1 and 2, and ADF can be switched on and off.
The cockpit light and the navlights are toggled by left clicking the thumb wheel directly to the left left of the main power switch.
When turning the thumb wheel in the real PA28T, there will first be a click switching the nav lights on, and the rest of the travel it will be a rheostat for the cockpit panel light.

The instruments were put in place using FS Panel Studio.

About the P-effect:

I placed the engine slightly to the right of the midline in the flight dynamics to simulate the P-factor:

In the real aircraft the propeller turns clockwise as seen from the pilot's seat.
Therefore, the propwash will take a spiraling trajectory along the fuselage. It will collide with the vertical fin, pushing it to the right,
thus causing the aircraft to turn left.
Moreover, a propeller blade that goes down will generate more thrust than one going upward because the former will have a higher speed
with respect to the air and will have a larger angle-of-attack, caused by the propeller axis being more pitch-up than the aircraft path.
This, too, adds to a tendency to turn left.

This so-called P-factor is compensated for cruise speed in the Cessna 172 with a bent strip of metal at the trailing end of the rudder;
in the Arrow by the rudder trim, but the degree of correction will depend upon airspeed.
In situations in which engine power is high with respect to airspeed (takeoff, climb, recovery from stall)
the pilot has to apply "right rudder".

This is the case in almost all single engine propeller aircraft; most engines (but not all) turn clockwise.

The P-factor adds to realism, but there are a few prerequisites:

1. The simpilot must have rudder pedals.
2. The pedal mechanism should have no mechanical play: its potentiometer should exactly follow the feet's movements.
3. In the settings menu the null zone for the rudder pedals must be set to zero. If the software that comes with the
pedals allows for a null zone, it should be set to zero too.

Still, if you don't like the P-factor, open aircraft.cfg, find

engine_type= 0
Engine.0= 4.000, 0.800, 0.000
fuel_flow_scalar= 1.000

and change it to read

engine_type= 0
Engine.0= 4.000, 0.000, 0.000
fuel_flow_scalar= 1.000

which will place the engine in the midline.

The real Piper Warrior-II PH-SVG is owned by the Rotterdam Flying Club in the Netherlands of which I am a member,
being a private-pilot-with-an-instrument-rating. I use this computer model to help me stay current. From time to time, from all over the world I am getting mail from (student) pilots using it to the same purpose.

All of my files are public domain; you are allowed to do with them whatever you please without permission,
though I do appreciate to be notified of major changes.

For those that are interested the model and gauge source codes are available at my email address.

Rien Cornelissen

Images & Screenshots

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The archive warriorc.zip has 71 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Airplanes02.29.080 B
Piper Warrior-II02.29.080 B
aircraft.cfg02.29.0816.52 kB
model.nwf02.29.080 B
Model.cfg02.26.0850 B
Warrior_int.mdl02.29.08509.46 kB
Warrior_nwf.mdl02.28.081.91 MB
model.wwf02.29.080 B
Model.cfg02.26.0852 B
Warrior_int.mdl02.29.08509.46 kB
Warrior_wwf.mdl02.28.081.81 MB
panel.16x902.29.080 B
compass.bmp06.04.0725.69 kB
main_16x9.bmp07.30.072.10 MB
Panel.cfg08.14.076.12 kB
Warrior_vc_l.bmp02.27.081.00 MB
Warrior_vc_r.bmp02.27.081.00 MB
panel.4x302.29.080 B
compass.bmp06.04.0725.69 kB
main_4x3.bmp07.30.071.75 MB
Panel.cfg09.17.076.13 kB
Warrior_vc_l.bmp07.25.071.00 MB
Warrior_vc_r.bmp07.25.071.00 MB
Piper Warrior-II_nwf.air02.29.085.85 kB
Piper Warrior-II_Ref.txt02.28.08461 B
Piper Warrior-II_wwf.air02.29.085.85 kB
sound02.29.080 B
Sound.cfg08.05.0750 B
texture02.29.080 B
Piper1_T.dds02.27.081.00 MB
Piper2_T.dds02.26.08170.79 kB
thumbnail.jpg03.23.0712.58 kB
Warrior0_T.dds02.26.08682.79 kB
Warrior1_T.dds02.14.08682.79 kB
Warriorcolors_T.dds02.27.085.45 kB
SimObjects02.28.080 B
FILE_ID.DIZ02.28.08154 B
Piper Warrior-II_Ref.txt02.28.08461 B
Warrior-II_readme.txt02.28.086.07 kB
Warrior-II.gif02.29.087.98 kB
fx_navgre3.fx02.09.084.74 kB
fx_navred3.fx02.09.084.74 kB
fx_navwhi3.fx02.09.084.75 kB
texture02.28.080 B
fx_2a.bmp01.20.0842.74 kB
Effects02.28.080 B
P28A-R.CAB09.17.07450.27 kB
gauges02.28.080 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Screenshots07.23.190 B
screen-1.jpg07.17.19183.93 kB
screen-10.jpg07.17.19204.23 kB
screen-11.jpg07.17.19197.51 kB
screen-12.jpg07.17.19106.39 kB
screen-13.jpg07.17.19345.13 kB
screen-14.jpg07.17.19153.84 kB
screen-15.jpg07.17.19224.33 kB
screen-16.jpg07.17.19231.76 kB
screen-17.jpg07.17.19466.71 kB
screen-18.jpg07.17.19802.08 kB
screen-19.jpg07.17.19366.84 kB
screen-2.jpg07.17.19242.37 kB
screen-20.jpg07.17.19236.52 kB
screen-3.jpg07.17.19142.28 kB
screen-4.jpg07.17.1971.76 kB
screen-5.jpg07.17.19142.40 kB
screen-6.jpg07.17.19343.38 kB
screen-7.jpg07.17.19687.16 kB
screen-8.jpg07.17.19581.44 kB
screen-9.jpg07.17.19463.43 kB
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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KZKThu, 06 Apr 2023 22:25:34 GMT

I couldn't get the gauges to work.

James TanudjiTue, 03 Jan 2023 22:49:32 GMT

@Ron Cornwell try going here in the cfg files:

[GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 0 Engine.0= 4.000, 0.000, 0.000 fuel_flow_scalar= 1.000 min_throttle_limit=0.000000

and increase the 4.000 to something higher like 8.000.

WadeMon, 10 Jan 2022 17:05:25 GMT

Absolutely LOVE this model :-) Love the realistic physics and the visual effects. I will be spending many hours flying this excellent model !!

Ron CornwellMon, 07 Dec 2020 17:51:17 GMT

I am using a twist on my joystick to control the direction when taxiing. I find the nose wheel movement very extreme, much more than any other aircraft. In fact, if I twist my joystick when the aircraft is stationary it turns in a complete circle even when no power applied. Can this be corrected in the .cfg file anywhere?

RussSat, 15 Feb 2020 18:17:17 GMT

I had the no instruments problem when I first added the files to the FSX folder. I figured out that you must add the files in the "gauges" folder from the download files into the "gauges" file in the FSX folder. I did the same thing with the "effects". It works great now.

RossSun, 12 Jan 2020 17:58:47 GMT

I downloaded this aircraft for Microsoft flight sim, but the cockpit instruments do not display. Any ideas what I did wrong?

seagerMon, 05 Jun 2017 05:47:41 GMT

if i switch camera to outside it freezes and crash, and by the way there is no throttle nor mixture to control on mouse

JustinWed, 01 Apr 2015 10:36:26 GMT

I set the engine data like you asked to get rid of the p factor and when i did the yaw rate of the aircraft became super effective were it will do 360's so you may want to find out why its doing that, i set the p factor as low as 0.001 and it will fly right for the moment.

Still, if you don't like the P-factor, open aircraft.cfg, find

[GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 0 Engine.0= 4.000, 0.800, 0.000 fuel_flow_scalar= 1.000 min_throttle_limit=0.000000

and change it to read

[GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 0 Engine.0= 4.000, 0.000, 0.000 fuel_flow_scalar= 1.000 min_throttle_limit=0.000000

BenardThu, 06 Dec 2012 22:58:08 GMT

Really nice...thanks

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