FSX Pink/White/Crimson Cessna C172

PreviewThis free repaint package features a vibrant Pink, White, and Crimson finish for a Cessna 172 designed for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It is a fictional livery created by Mark Hollis and includes standard animations, an aliased virtual cockpit, and default audio. These files do not include the ...

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This free repaint package features a vibrant Pink, White, and Crimson finish for a Cessna 172 designed for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It is a fictional livery created by Mark Hollis and includes standard animations, an aliased virtual cockpit, and default audio. These files do not include the base aircraft model, so you will need the original C172 from the Fly Away Simulation library to fully enjoy this distinct general aviation option.

Cessna 172 Color Variations and Unique Traits

The real-world Cessna 172, also known as the Skyhawk, has earned a reputation for reliability and ease of operation in flight training environments and personal aviation. In this fictional depiction, the airframe sports a combination of pink, white, and crimson hues that accentuate the classic lines of the original design. Since the default Microsoft Flight Simulator X textures have been carefully reused, you can expect a seamless transition when merging this skin with the model's geometry.

Technical Details of This Custom Repaint

  • Default 2D and VC cockpit (aliased from the original C172 installation)
  • Standard animations (all the usual doors, control surfaces, and propeller motions)
  • Intact custom sound alias (no additional sound files are required)
  • High-visibility textures to emphasize special reflections

Pink/White/Crimson Cessna C172 in flight.

Above: Showcasing the bold color palette of this C172 repaint.

Step-by-Step Addition to Your Simulator

This repaint requires you to copy specific lines into the aircraft configuration file and transfer a new texture folder into your default C172 directory.

Editing the Aircraft Configuration

1. Open the Aircraft.CFG File
Locate the C: > Program Files > Microsoft Games > FSX > SimObjects > Airplanes > C172 > Aircraft.CFG file with a standard text editor.
2. Insert the Additional [fltsim.X] Section
Find the last existing entry, then replace “X” in the new section with the next available number. Keep everything else intact, especially the folder name references and descriptive text.
3. Save the Changes
Confirm that no duplicate titles exist, then save your modified Aircraft.CFG file before exiting.

title=Cessna Skyhawk-Hollis Plane 1
ui_variation="Hollis1 Design"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="A new fictional plane designed by Mark Hollis."

Transferring the Texture Folder

Add the “texture.Hollis1” folder to the same “C172” directory that houses the Aircraft.CFG file. The simulator will reference these new textures based on the entries you have just placed in the configuration section.

Pink/White/Crimson Cessna C172 in flight.

Above: Capturing the aircraft’s distinct reflective surfaces in mid-flight.

Enhancing Visual Reflections

For more dynamic exterior shine, consider installing Tom Knudsen’s environment map (erx07.zip). This optional enhancement sharpens metallic and glossy effects on the aircraft’s exterior, making the bold paint job stand out even further.

All credit for this fictional repaint goes to Mark Hollis from New Zealand (2009). Be sure to locate the freeware base model from Fly Away Simulation’s download library if you do not already have the default C172 installed. Have a great flight!

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive hollis1.zip has 28 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
C172_1_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_1_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_2_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_2_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_3_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_3_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_4_C.dds09.04.06170.79 kB
C172_4_night_C.dds09.04.06170.79 kB
C172_Interior_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
c172_interior_t_night.dds09.04.0642.79 kB
C172_Pilot.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_reflection.dds04.20.09341.48 kB
c172_T.dds05.27.091.33 MB
c172_t_bump.dds09.04.061.00 MB
c172_t_spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
FILE_ID.DIZ.txt06.03.09228 B
fresnel_ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
Picture 1.jpg06.03.09145.88 kB
Picture 2.jpg06.03.09119.13 kB
Picture 3.jpg06.03.0997.45 kB
Picture 4.jpg06.03.09161.65 kB
Picture 5.jpg06.03.0997.55 kB
Prop_C172.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
README.txt06.03.091.57 kB
texture.cfg08.14.06137 B
thumbnail.jpg05.27.0957.86 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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