FSX SP2 Acceleration I.C.P. Savannah UltraLight
SP2 Acceleration I.C.P. Savannah UltraLight v3.8. The ICP Savannah is one of the top selling ultralights in Europe. It is dependable and easy to fly. Its STOL performance makes it easy to operate from any airfield. The Savannah is also a very good airplane for cross-country flights during which o...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 2.8K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- savannah38.zip
- File size
- 6.54 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 27 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
SP2 Acceleration I.C.P. Savannah UltraLight v3.8. The ICP Savannah is one of the top selling ultralights in Europe. It is dependable and easy to fly. Its STOL performance makes it easy to operate from any airfield. The Savannah is also a very good airplane for cross-country flights during which one can appreciate its great stability. Full package includes aircraft, textures and panel by Massimo Taccoli; FD files by Dennis Seeley; gauges by Dennis Seeley and Massimo Taccoli; sounds modified from original by Mike Hambly.
I.C.P. Savannah UltraLight in flight.
* I.C.P. SAVANNAH Version 3.8 for FSX/FSX sp-2 and Acceleration - October 2010 *
* *
Visual Model V3.8 by Massimo Taccoli.
Textures By Massimo Taccoli.
Flight Dynamics by D.G. Seeley.
New gauges by Dennis Seeley
Please note: This version fully replace the former version 3.8 To avoid problems is strongly adivised to remove it before installing the new one. this new version address some problems with textures arosed during some repaints. modified also the seating of the plane on the runway.
The ICP Savannah is one of the top selling ultralights in Europe. It is dependable and easy to fly. Its STOL performance makes it easy to operate from any airfield. The Savannah is also a very good airplane for cross-country flights during which one can appreciate its great stability.
The package contains two models, one with wheel covers and one without, and two texture sets, Italian and Canadian.
Model has working VC panel and can be flight from Virtual Cockpit only. Picture contained in the documents/$readme folder shows the panel in the new layout.
Technical and performance data obtained from the official site of the manufacturer.
Model, textures and panel by :Massimo Taccoli
Sound by :Mike Hambly (updated by M.Taccoli)
Flight Dynamics and panel gauges by: Dennis Seeley.
Help with testing new textures and paintkit: Bob Azzaro
Good flying to you all.
To install this model into FSX follow this simple procedure:
1) extract the here provided Savannah38.zip file in a temporary folder. After extraction You'll find the Savannah_3.8 folder, and this text.
2) copy or move the Savannah_3.8 folder into your airplane folder of Microsoft Flight SimulatorX.
3)Then launch FSX and you'll find two Savannah models one with wheel covers and the other without with their respective thumbnails listed in the Select aircraft window of Free flight menu under ICP Italy as aircraft manufacturer.
4) that's all and have a good time!
5) double check everything before e-mailing me! the most of problems I am asked to solve are due to not having read readme files!!
End of installation.
Versions History
Version 3.8 - October 2010
Version 3.7 - June 2009
Version 3.5 - july 2008
Version 3.0 - December 2006
Version 2.0 - November 2005
Version 1.0 - October 2000
M.Taccoli October 2010
I.C.P. Savannah UltraLight in flight.
The archive savannah38.zip has 137 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
$savan_vc_l | 07.30.08 | 1.00 MB |
glass_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
glass_t.bmp | 07.27.08 | 64.07 kB |
lights_L.bmp | 01.07.08 | 4.07 kB |
lights_T.bmp | 02.27.07 | 4.07 kB |
pilot.bmp | 10.31.05 | 257.05 kB |
prop_blurred.bmp | 07.27.08 | 256.07 kB |
prop_blurred1.bmp | 07.27.08 | 64.07 kB |
savannah1_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah1_t.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
savannah2_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah2_t.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
savannah3_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah3_t.bmp | 10.27.05 | 64.07 kB |
savannah4_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah4_t.bmp | 10.10.10 | 512.07 kB |
savannah5_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah5_t.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
thumbnail.jpg | 10.11.10 | 13.15 kB |
Thumbs.db | 07.30.08 | 13.00 kB |
vcpanel_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
VCpanel_T.bmp | 07.31.08 | 512.07 kB |
Aircraft.cfg | 10.10.10 | 16.38 kB |
File_id.diz | 10.11.10 | 692 B |
Install_English.txt | 10.11.10 | 4.92 kB |
Install_Italiano.txt | 10.11.10 | 4.85 kB |
Savannah.air | 01.08.07 | 5.78 kB |
Savannah_check.htm | 11.19.05 | 42.54 kB |
Savannah_REF.htm | 11.19.05 | 15.14 kB |
$Credits | 10.11.10 | 0 B |
ultralight.txt | 09.10.99 | 2.07 kB |
Pictures | 10.15.10 | 0 B |
2d panel.jpg | 07.30.08 | 198.15 kB |
fsx 2010-10-10 19-44-00-04.jpg | 10.10.10 | 100.38 kB |
fsx 2010-10-10 19-45-29-46.jpg | 10.10.10 | 93.31 kB |
real panel.jpg | 10.11.10 | 40.08 kB |
savannah_1.jpg | 10.10.10 | 100.38 kB |
savannah_2.jpg | 10.10.10 | 93.31 kB |
vc_cockpit.jpg | 10.11.10 | 35.70 kB |
vc_cockpit_night.jpg | 10.11.10 | 22.56 kB |
vc_panel_night.jpg | 10.11.10 | 119.55 kB |
Model.cfg | 10.09.10 | 29 B |
Savannah38.mdl | 10.15.10 | 1.12 MB |
Model.cfg | 10.09.10 | 31 B |
SavannahWP38.mdl | 10.15.10 | 1.16 MB |
DS_Savannah.cab | 07.30.08 | 484.06 kB |
main_panel.bmp | 08.01.08 | 3.52 MB |
PANEL.CFG | 08.01.08 | 4.96 kB |
radio_panel.bmp | 10.01.05 | 119.99 kB |
S1.wav | 09.10.99 | 226.80 kB |
S2.wav | 09.10.99 | 226.80 kB |
S3.wav | 09.10.99 | 188.38 kB |
S4.wav | 09.10.99 | 197.17 kB |
sflaps.wav | 01.22.02 | 51.84 kB |
shutdown.wav | 11.21.05 | 70.22 kB |
Snoncombustion1.wav | 06.29.01 | 132.49 kB |
Snoncombustion2.wav | 06.29.01 | 158.64 kB |
Sound.cfg | 11.21.05 | 7.44 kB |
Sprop1a.wav | 06.29.01 | 78.29 kB |
Sprop1b.wav | 06.29.01 | 66.79 kB |
Sprop2a.wav | 06.29.01 | 70.29 kB |
Sprop2b.wav | 06.29.01 | 86.79 kB |
starter.wav | 11.21.05 | 28.27 kB |
startup.wav | 11.21.05 | 94.22 kB |
xs1.wav | 11.20.05 | 226.80 kB |
xs2.wav | 11.20.05 | 226.80 kB |
xs3.wav | 11.20.05 | 188.38 kB |
xs4.wav | 11.20.05 | 197.17 kB |
Xtoucc.wav | 08.13.99 | 9.21 kB |
Xtoucl.wav | 08.13.99 | 10.86 kB |
Xtoucr.wav | 05.13.99 | 10.85 kB |
$savan_vc_l | 07.30.08 | 1.00 MB |
glass_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
glass_t.bmp | 07.27.08 | 64.07 kB |
lights_L.bmp | 01.07.08 | 4.07 kB |
lights_T.bmp | 02.27.07 | 4.07 kB |
pilot.bmp | 10.31.05 | 257.05 kB |
prop_blurred.bmp | 07.27.08 | 256.07 kB |
prop_blurred1.bmp | 07.27.08 | 64.07 kB |
savannah1_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah1_T.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
savannah2_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah2_T.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
savannah3_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah3_T.bmp | 10.27.05 | 64.07 kB |
savannah4_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah4_T.bmp | 10.10.10 | 512.07 kB |
savannah5_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah5_t.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
thumbnail.jpg | 10.11.10 | 13.72 kB |
vcpanel_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
VCpanel_T.bmp | 07.31.08 | 512.07 kB |
$savan_vc_l | 07.30.08 | 1.00 MB |
glass_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
glass_t.bmp | 07.27.08 | 64.07 kB |
lights_L.bmp | 01.07.08 | 4.07 kB |
lights_T.bmp | 02.27.07 | 4.07 kB |
pilot.bmp | 10.31.05 | 257.05 kB |
prop_blurred.bmp | 07.27.08 | 256.07 kB |
prop_blurred1.bmp | 07.27.08 | 64.07 kB |
savannah1_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah1_t.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
savannah2_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah2_t.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
savannah3_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah3_t.bmp | 10.27.05 | 64.07 kB |
savannah4_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah4_t.bmp | 10.10.10 | 512.07 kB |
savannah5_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah5_t.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
thumbnail.jpg | 10.11.10 | 13.81 kB |
Thumbs.db | 12.14.06 | 12.50 kB |
vcpanel_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
VCpanel_T.bmp | 07.31.08 | 512.07 kB |
$savan_vc_l | 07.30.08 | 1.00 MB |
glass_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
glass_t.bmp | 07.27.08 | 64.07 kB |
lights_L.bmp | 01.07.08 | 4.07 kB |
lights_T.bmp | 02.27.07 | 4.07 kB |
pilot.bmp | 10.31.05 | 257.05 kB |
prop_blurred.bmp | 07.27.08 | 256.07 kB |
prop_blurred1.bmp | 07.27.08 | 64.07 kB |
savannah1_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah1_T.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
savannah2_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah2_t.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
savannah3_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah3_T.bmp | 10.27.05 | 64.07 kB |
savannah4_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah4_T.bmp | 10.10.10 | 512.07 kB |
savannah5_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
savannah5_t.bmp | 10.10.10 | 1.00 MB |
thumbnail.jpg | 10.11.10 | 14.49 kB |
vcpanel_L.bmp | 02.27.07 | 1.07 kB |
VCpanel_T.bmp | 07.31.08 | 512.07 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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