FSX USMC TA-4F H&MS-32 1978

PreviewUSMC TA-4F H&MS-32 1978 for FSX SP2 Acceleration. Textures for the RAZBAM Douglas TA-4F Skyhawk. This represents a TA4F assigned to H&MS-32 MCAS Cherry Point, circa 1978. By John Detrick.

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USMC TA-4F H&MS-32 1978 for FSX SP2 Acceleration. Textures for the RAZBAM Douglas TA-4F Skyhawk. This represents a TA4F assigned to H&MS-32 MCAS Cherry Point, circa 1978. By John Detrick.

USMC TA-4F H&MS-32 1978 in flight.

USMC TA-4F H&MS-32 1978 in flight.

SP2 Acceleration. Textures for the RAZBAM TA-4F. This represents A TA-4J assigned to H&MS-32 MCAS Cherry Pt circa 1978. These textures are resized for fsx, but can be used in fs9 by reducing the size to 1024x1024. Copy and paste the following into your aircraft cfg:

title=TA-4F H&MS-32 1978 center line tank
description=The two seat TA-4F entered service in May 1966 with VA-125 at NAS Lemoore in California, which was an A-4 Combat Readiness Air Group. The TA-4F retained all of the combat capability of the single-seat Skyhawks, and were issued to a number of Navy and Marine Corps units, and most if not all of the Marine and Navy Skyhawk attack squadrons had one or two TA-4Fs.One of the more useful roles of the TA-4F was as forward air controller for the Marine Corps. They helped to direct Marine pilots and aircraft in identifying and pinpointing targets in Vietnam. 23 of these aircraft were later modified to the OA-4M configuration.
ui_variation=H&MS-32 center line tank

title=TA-4F H&MS-32 1978 dual ext tanks/rocket pods
description=The two seat TA-4F entered service in May 1966 with VA-125 at NAS Lemoore in California, which was an A-4 Combat Readiness Air Group. The TA-4F retained all of the combat capability of the single-seat Skyhawks, and were issued to a number of Navy and Marine Corps units, and most if not all of the Marine and Navy Skyhawk attack squadrons had one or two TA-4Fs.One of the more useful roles of the TA-4F was as forward air controller for the Marine Corps. They helped to direct Marine pilots and aircraft in identifying and pinpointing targets in Vietnam. 23 of these aircraft were later modified to the OA-4M configuration.
ui_variation=H&MS-32 dual ext tanks/rocket pods

John Detrick

USMC TA-4F H&MS-32 1978 in flight.

USMC TA-4F H&MS-32 1978 in flight.

Images & Screenshots

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The archive usmcta4f.zip has 43 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
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interior panel.bmp10.11.101.33 MB
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prop_turbine1.bmp06.23.03170.75 kB
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side panels.bmp09.21.03682.75 kB
slats_l.bmp05.04.045.05 kB
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VC_01.bmp06.11.041.00 MB
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wing_l.bmp05.04.045.05 kB
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USMCTA4F.gif10.22.105.59 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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