FSX Boeing E-3D Sentry AWACS

PreviewBoeing E-3D Sentry AWACS. The Boeing E3 Sentry is a US military airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft based on the Boeing 707 that provides all-weather surveillance, command, control and communications. It is used by countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, ...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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8.53 MB
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Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 1 PRO members.

Boeing E-3D Sentry AWACS. The Boeing E3 Sentry is a US military airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft based on the Boeing 707 that provides all-weather surveillance, command, control and communications. It is used by countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Saudi Arabia and NATO air defence forces. It is distinguished by the disc-shaped rotodome above the fuselage. Production ended in 1992 after 68 had been built. The Royal Air Force operates seven E-3D's, with CFM56 engines, designated Sentry AEW 1. Complete package for FSX/SP2 with custom 2D and VC panels, sound package by Aaron Swindle. By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.

Boeing E-3D Sentry AWACS in flight.

Boeing E-3D Sentry AWACS in flight.


*Extract ALL the files in the zip to the main FSX folder*

Do not extract to the aircraft folder, simobjects folder or any other folder.

The zip file will automatically create new sub folders and populate them.

If you extract the zip to a temporary folder and then move the files some functions will not work.

Boeing E-3D Sentry AWACS in flight.

Boeing E-3D Sentry AWACS in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive e-3d_sentry_x.zip has 125 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
airplanes07.03.110 B
E-3D_sentry_x07.03.110 B
aircraft.cfg06.29.1114.84 kB
boeing_KC-135_check.htm06.07.1053.00 kB
E-3D_Installation.txt06.27.11401 B
E-3D_RAF_384.jpg07.03.1115.06 kB
E-3D_RAF_800.jpg07.03.1142.45 kB
E-3D_Sentry_readme_FSX.pdf06.27.11123.18 kB
File_ID.diz06.27.11729 B
kc135.air06.29.1112.96 kB
kc135.zip06.29.116.31 kB
MANUALS_FSX07.03.110 B
E-3 2D PANEL DOC.jpg06.18.10196.63 kB
E-3 AUTOPILOT DOC.jpg06.12.10119.92 kB
Flying_Tips.txt06.19.102.69 kB
README Groundhandling5_01.txt06.27.1121.02 kB
model07.03.110 B
ec-3d_probe.mdl06.28.112.11 MB
model.cfg06.29.1130 B
panel.KC135x07.03.110 B
GH_Sound.gau04.15.0580.00 kB
GPWS_Sound.gau01.03.0576.00 kB
kc135.CAB06.15.10293.19 kB
kc135_autopilot.CAB05.08.10155.98 kB
kc135_clock.CAB05.08.1013.23 kB
kc135_engines.CAB06.21.10141.46 kB
kc135_inst.CAB05.29.10495.73 kB
kc135_PFD.CAB06.08.08496.34 kB
kc135_quadrant.CAB06.08.1025.03 kB
kc135_radios.CAB05.05.1043.48 kB
kc135_sw.CAB06.19.10831.44 kB
overhd.bmp05.01.10126.62 kB
Panel.cfg06.28.1119.50 kB
panel_main.bmp06.29.112.25 MB
Quadrant.bmp12.29.0973.83 kB
rcb-gauges.CAB12.05.0727.06 kB
RCB_Groundhandling5.CAB10.20.0626.63 kB
RCB_Groundhandling5_Sound.dll10.19.0696.80 kB
README Groundhandling5_01.txt10.22.0620.75 kB
Thumbs.db04.30.109.00 kB
Xfs9gps.cab06.12.03296.71 kB
sound.AS07.03.110 B
aircond.wav10.31.0398.09 kB
amb1.wav10.31.03125.09 kB
amb2.wav10.31.03106.09 kB
amb3.wav10.31.0391.09 kB
amb4.wav10.31.03127.09 kB
cfm1.wav10.31.03102.09 kB
cfm2.wav10.31.0396.09 kB
cfm2strt.wav09.08.03140.09 kB
cfm3.wav10.31.0358.59 kB
cfm4.wav10.31.0366.59 kB
cfmapdisc.wav09.13.0311.19 kB
cfmdoorclose.wav10.26.03116.65 kB
cfmdooropen.wav10.26.03119.65 kB
cfmflaps.wav10.29.0371.09 kB
cfmgrdn.wav10.26.0386.09 kB
cfmgrup.wav10.26.0383.09 kB
cfmgrwrn.wav09.07.0339.09 kB
cfmroll.wav10.26.0346.59 kB
cfmshut.wav09.08.03429.09 kB
cfmstall.wav09.08.0313.82 kB
cfmstrt.wav09.07.03630.09 kB
cfmtouchc.wav09.08.0327.65 kB
cfmtouchl.wav09.08.035.51 kB
cfmtouchr.wav09.08.035.51 kB
cfmwind.wav10.31.0366.59 kB
file_id.diz10.31.03378 B
logo.jpg10.31.0341.47 kB
PLEASEREAD.txt10.31.03263 B
sound.cfg06.18.1012.84 kB
xamb1.wav10.31.03125.09 kB
xamb2.wav10.31.03119.09 kB
xamb3.wav10.31.03114.09 kB
xamb4.wav10.31.03119.09 kB
xcfm1.wav10.31.03125.13 kB
xcfm2.wav10.31.03112.13 kB
xcfm2strt.wav09.08.03140.09 kB
xcfm3.wav10.31.03111.13 kB
xcfm4.wav10.31.03135.17 kB
xcfmcomb4.wav10.31.03167.09 kB
xcfmshut.wav09.08.03325.09 kB
xcfmstrt.wav09.07.03575.09 kB
texture.RAF07.03.110 B
cockpit_kc135.bmp06.12.101.00 MB
DiskRad.bmp06.27.11256.07 kB
Elevator.bmp06.27.11256.07 kB
engines.bmp06.27.11256.07 kB
Fuse_kc135.bmp06.27.111.00 MB
interiors_kc135.bmp05.10.10512.07 kB
kc135_cabin.bmp06.08.10512.07 kB
lights.bmp11.17.0732.07 kB
lights_L.bmp05.16.0865.05 kB
Overhead.bmp06.11.101.00 MB
panelL_VC1.bmp06.08.10512.07 kB
panelR_VC1.bmp05.30.10512.07 kB
pilots.bmp06.08.10257.05 kB
pilots_L.bmp10.06.05257.05 kB
roueC130.bmp08.13.0765.05 kB
thumbnail.jpg06.27.117.04 kB
Thumbs.db06.12.10189.00 kB
wingL.bmp06.27.111.00 MB
wingR.bmp06.27.111.00 MB
yoke.bmp05.31.10128.07 kB
Simobjects12.22.090 B
Groundhandling10.08.090 B
Groundhandling510.08.090 B
GH01_Conversation1.wav10.26.03188.92 kB
GH02_Conversation2.wav10.30.0376.44 kB
GH03_Conversation3.wav11.04.0355.39 kB
GH04_Conversation4A.wav10.14.06114.56 kB
GH05_Conversation5.wav10.30.03134.51 kB
GH06_SoftClick.wav03.07.05551 B
GH07_Error.wav10.26.038.75 kB
GH08_PushbackRoll.wav05.11.0544.58 kB
GH09_Conversation4B.wav10.14.0667.76 kB
GH10_Attention.wav10.14.0621.57 kB
GH11_Brakes.wav11.06.0329.74 kB
Sound.ini03.20.07925 B
sound06.19.100 B
fx_PADbeaconh.fx09.02.064.75 kB
effects01.06.110 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Christopher MurphySat, 14 Aug 2021 12:54:53 GMT

How exactly does AWACS work? This aircraft is supposed to have radar or something otherwise it can't inform others about what's going on over the battlefield. I've heard of TacPack but I can't find a single payware nor freeware version of the E-3 Sentry that is TacPack powered, how are flight simulator pilots going to receive combat updates, single or multiplayer?

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