FSX USAF F-100D 306th TFS SEA Camo

PreviewUSAF F-100D 306th TFS SEA Camo A repaint of the SOH donationware North American F-100D depicting 56-3220, an F-100D-90-NH of the 306th TFS, 31st TFW at Tuy Hoa AFB, Vietnam, around 1970. These textures are 2048 x 2048 for FSX only. By Dave Quincey.

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USAF F-100D 306th TFS SEA Camo A repaint of the SOH donationware North American F-100D depicting 56-3220, an F-100D-90-NH of the 306th TFS, 31st TFW at Tuy Hoa AFB, Vietnam, around 1970. These textures are 2048 x 2048 for FSX only. By Dave Quincey.

USAF F-100D 306th TFS SEA Camo in flight.

USAF F-100D 306th TFS SEA Camo in flight.

This is a 2048 x 2048 .dds texture set for the SOH Donationware F-100D, made from a combination of Ed wells' (Falcon409) excellent paint kit, parts of Jason Sparkes of UKMIL's superb freeware texture set, and some new rivets, lines and stencils. It depicts an F-100D-90-NH of the 306th TFS, 31st TFW at Tuy Hoa AFB, Vietnam, around 1970.

Copy the texture folder to your Simobjects/Airplanes directory. Paste the following into the aircraft.cfg file after the last [fltsim.xx] entry, and save.

title=F100D Super Sabre SEA 1
ui_manufacturer=North American
ui_typerole="Fighter bomber"
ui_createdby="Classic Warbirds Design Team"
ui_type="F-100D Super Sabre"
ui_variation=F-100D 306th TFS SEA Camo
description=56-3220 of the 306th TFS/31st TFW, Tuy Hoa, Vietnam 1970 Original model by Classic Warbirds Design Team/SOH Donationware\nGauges by Tim Conrad\nRepaint by Dave Quincey/Falcon409/Jason Sparkes (UKMIL)\nFSX panel mods by Falcon409\nFSX mods by Henk Schuitemaker
atc_airline=Air Force

Replace the xx with the next available [fltsim.xx] number and save the file.

This repaint is based on the paint kit by Ed Wells, some parts of Jason Sparkes' repaint of 56-3206, with addtional work by myself.

This repaint is freeware; it can be used and modified as you wish for your own use. It must not be used or sold for commercial gain. If you want to publish any repaints based upon it they must be published as freeware and must acknowledge the authors Dave Quincey, Ed Wells (Falcon409) and Jason Sparkes (UKMIL).

Dave Quincey July 2011

USAF F-100D 306th TFS SEA Camo in flight.

USAF F-100D 306th TFS SEA Camo in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive f-100dsea.zip has 15 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
F-100D 56-3220.jpg07.08.11341.12 kB
Read Me.txt07.08.111.69 kB
texture.SEA107.08.110 B
canopy.dds07.05.111.00 MB
fuselage_left.dds07.08.114.00 MB
fuselage_right.dds07.08.114.00 MB
texture.cfg07.23.0940 B
thumbnail.jpg07.08.1147.64 kB
underside_front.dds07.04.111.00 MB
VC_6.dds07.06.111.00 MB
VCparts_WingTanks.dds07.08.114.00 MB
Wing_left.dds07.06.114.00 MB
Wing_right.dds07.06.114.00 MB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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