FS2004 Agusta HH-3F Pelican Two

Preview FS2004 Agusta HH-3F Pelican Two. This Agusta/Sikorsky HH-3F helicopter features two models, two liveries, reflective skin, virtual cockpit, full animations and floating capability. It uses eight gauges made by I. D'Attomo, the remainder are default gauges. The folder has the same name as the p...

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FS2004 Agusta HH-3F Pelican Two. This Agusta/Sikorsky HH-3F helicopter features two models, two liveries, reflective skin, virtual cockpit, full animations and floating capability. It uses eight gauges made by I. D'Attomo, the remainder are default gauges. The folder has the same name as the previously uploaded Agusta_HH-3F so you need to remove (or overwrite) the original folder. By Giovanni Quai.

Agusta HH-3F Pelican Two in flight.

Agusta HH-3F Pelican Two in flight.

This is a full package (aircraft and panel) for FS 2004 (FS9).

This file also works on FSX, but the panel (default gauges) and sound configuration might require some changes.


(Please read Notes 1 and 2 at the bottom of this page).

After the experience aquired in building (under licence) the ''Sikorsky H-3/S-61R sea king'', Agusta started the production of this more versatile '' Agusta HH-3F Pelican'' for Italian Air Force as replacements of the Grumman HU-16 Albatross used for S.A.R. (Search and Rescue).
The five bladed Agusta HH-3F helicopters perform S.A.R. missions on land and sea in peace time and C/SAR (Combat SAR) during military assignments.
Here i modeled the Long-range search and rescue helicopter ''Agusta HH-3FB Pelican'' based in
Pratica di Mare AB and an erlier version in USAF livery.
This file features reflective skin,two models, two liveries, VC, full animations plus floating capability.
I used eight gauges made by I. D'Attomo, the remainder are default gauges. Textures come from photos shot by the author and the cockpit background is made from scratches.

You MUST also insert the enclosed 'GougeSound.dll' in the Main FS9 folder, otherwise you will experience an FS crash!!


Unzip this file into your Flight Simulator 9\aircraft, folder and you will find the "AGUSTA_HH-3F" folder with the usual subfolders and a 'GougeSound.dll', then operate as follows:

Copy the enclosed 'GougeSound.dll' then Paste in your main Flight Simulator 9 folder (if you don't have it yet).

Nothing else is required...this should be the end of the installation procedure (FS9 or FSX).



Flying on virtual cockpit please move the eyepoint as required for better vision: (check your eyepoint keyboard on FS options\controls\assignements for the keys required to move the 'eyepoint of view' (left/right/up/down/back or forward).
Use Wingfold KEY to open/close the cargo door (on ground or floating only).


BIG THANKS to my collegue Italo D'Attomo for his suggestions and for providing some gauges.

Many thanks to ''Amedeo Ceci'' for his useful suggestions about Agusta versions, Photos and textures.

Capt. G.Quai

The author grants permission for repainting purposes only.

I installed, succesfully, this model on my ''FSX\simobjects\rotorcraft'' original FSX Deluxe Edition plus SP1 without using installers, simply following the same procedure as for FS9.
Simmers running Sp2 or accelerators might encounter some not desired effects.

Note 1: Loading the aircraft for the first time you will get an 'unknown author' message for each of our gauges...(8 gauges...16 clicks).
Click 'YES' if you like our gauges or 'NO' if you don't. If you say 'NO' you will not have our instruments displayed on the panel, except the default ones.
Note 2: You will get a second message asking you to "trust" the related gauge; if you click "Yes" when asked, you will never be asked again.


Note 3: If you want to see a different panel, copy or aliase a panel of a Chopper of your choice, in this case the VC will not be shown correctly.
You might also create a panel by removing our gauges and installing your preferred.

Note 4: Installing & using this package is at your own risk.

Note 5: Settings\Display\Graphics; selecting ''Light_Bloom'' check box, in the global options window, might not be compatible with our model and the selected plane may not appear.

Agusta HH-3F Pelican Two in flight.

Agusta HH-3F Pelican Two in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive aguta-hh-3f_2models.zip has 67 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
AGUSTA_HH-3F.air10.06.094.59 kB
AGUSTA_HH-3F.JPG10.13.09350.01 kB
Aircraft.cfg10.26.099.42 kB
GaugeSound.dll05.01.0340.00 kB
model10.26.090 B
AGUSTA_HH-3F.mdl10.24.091.67 MB
Model.cfg08.13.0931 B
model.Clean10.26.090 B
AGUSTA_HH-3F.mdl10.25.091.64 MB
Model.cfg08.13.0931 B
panel10.26.090 B
AgGau10.26.090 B
ID_747_Ralt.gau03.22.07125.50 kB
ID_747_VOR_RMI.gau07.02.04264.50 kB
ID_Agusta_Altimeter.gau09.02.09125.50 kB
ID_Agusta_HSI.gau09.04.09491.50 kB
ID_AGU_Radar.gau09.14.09731.00 kB
ID_C550_GearLvrV2.gau12.27.0330.50 kB
ID_DC8_ClockV2.gau05.24.0393.50 kB
ID_M346_GearLts.gau06.22.0824.00 kB
Agusta_Panel.bmp10.15.09769.05 kB
annunciator_1024.bmp04.18.0113.75 kB
annunciator_640.bmp04.18.015.86 kB
Bell_compass.BMP04.18.0196.42 kB
collective_1024.bmp04.18.0133.20 kB
collective_640.bmp04.18.0114.38 kB
panel.cfg10.15.097.73 kB
Thumbs.db10.26.0916.00 kB
Read me.txt10.26.094.37 kB
sound10.26.090 B
door_small_close.wav04.09.0355.99 kB
door_small_open.wav04.09.0359.98 kB
HE4.wav04.18.0125.82 kB
hskidl.WAV04.18.0129.19 kB
hskidr.WAV04.18.0129.19 kB
sound.cfg05.21.031.25 kB
xhe4.wav04.18.0152.82 kB
xhskidl.WAV04.18.0129.19 kB
xhskidr.WAV04.18.0129.19 kB
texture10.26.090 B
$128vc1.bmp02.09.0917.05 kB
$128vc2.bmp02.05.0917.05 kB
$128vc3.bmp02.09.0917.05 kB
$pnl512.bmp01.21.06257.05 kB
AGUSTA-seat&pilots.bmp10.16.09257.05 kB
AGUSTA_fuse.bmp10.24.091.00 MB
Agusta_motori.bmp10.16.09257.05 kB
AGUSTA_ROTOR.bmp10.15.0965.05 kB
Agusta_ruota_main.bmp07.30.0965.05 kB
Glass_agusta.bmp02.11.0965.05 kB
pspbrwse.jbf10.24.0923.04 kB
texture.USA10.26.090 B
$128vc1.bmp02.09.0917.05 kB
$128vc2.bmp02.05.0917.05 kB
$128vc3.bmp02.09.0917.05 kB
$pnl512.bmp01.21.06257.05 kB
AGUSTA-seat&pilots.bmp10.16.09257.05 kB
AGUSTA_fuse.bmp10.25.091.00 MB
Agusta_motori.bmp10.21.09257.05 kB
AGUSTA_ROTOR.bmp10.15.0965.05 kB
Agusta_ruota_main.bmp07.30.0965.05 kB
Glass_agusta.bmp02.11.0965.05 kB
Thumbs.db10.26.0938.00 kB
AGUSTA_HH-3F10.26.090 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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