FSX Coast Guard Rescue Mission

Preview Coast Guard Rescue, Half Moon Bay. Fly the FSX Acceleration EH101 helicopter to a carrier for fuel and then rescue a missing pilot. By Ed Olander.

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Coast Guard Rescue, Half Moon Bay. Fly the FSX Acceleration EH101 helicopter to a carrier for fuel and then rescue a missing pilot. By Ed Olander.

Coast Guard Rescue Mission.

Coast Guard Rescue Mission.


fly from Half Moon Bay Airport and hook up with a Carrier to get re-fueled. My Third mission creation. Hope you find it fun and challenging. I Created 3 simple goals - 1.) Get re-fueled on the Carrier 2.) Find the Missing Pilot and Pick him up, pretty simple no hooks in this mission, just get under ten feet and the co-pilot will scoop him up with his long arms(LOL). 3.) Land back at the Carrier to get Accolades from the Colonel and get you reward.

Hopefully everything is in-tact, just unzip the compressed Folder into your Mission Directory under the Emergency folder, ie, /Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Missions/Emergency/, this should create a Directory called CoastGuardRecHMB. Also Please remember to copy the USCGReward.RWD to the Rewards Directory in your FSX root, just an attempt to create a simple badge reward, I'm not very Artistic(LOL !!). The Mission should pop up in the Intermediate area, Mission length is anywhere between 1-hour 30 Minutes to 3-hours.


FSX, and the Acceleration Pack. Uses the AugustaWestland EH101 Heli. Fantastic Bird. All done with the FSX SDK, Thanks again to Microsoft for a fantastic tool to create fun Missions. Enjoy and have a Great Safe Holiday.

Voices - All me (Morphed, resampled, and re-analoged a few times to get the CB Radio Effect), except Crystal from Natural Voices from ATT who is the HMB Controller.

Cheers Have Fun -

Coast Guard Rescue Mission.

Coast Guard Rescue Mission.

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Screenshot 1

The archive cgrechmb.zip has 79 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
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CoastGuardResHMB.xml12.23.07167.49 kB
CoastGuard_Half_Moon_Bay.FLT12.22.0710.38 kB
CoastGuard_Half_Moon_Bay.WX12.22.0789.87 kB
coastHMBA.htm12.23.072.53 kB
coastHMBC.bmp12.23.07162.27 kB
coastHMBE.bmp12.21.0712.75 kB
coastHMBU.bmp12.21.07162.29 kB
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Sound12.23.070 B
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Charts_01.JPG07.25.06152.02 kB
Overview_01.jpg07.21.0629.11 kB
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F181.wav12.20.07166.14 kB
f182.wav12.20.07134.50 kB
Fuel_Truck.wav12.18.07189.60 kB
GreatLanding.wav12.18.0767.71 kB
landinggeardown.wav12.18.0750.14 kB
landinggearup.wav12.18.0743.11 kB
maul_clearence.wav12.17.07429.89 kB
maul_confirmation.wav12.17.07188.72 kB
maul_departure.wav12.17.07490.18 kB
maul_found_pilot.wav12.19.07557.57 kB
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overspeed.wav12.18.07108.73 kB
overview.wav12.18.07478.10 kB
parkingbrakeoff.wav12.18.0743.11 kB
parkingbrakeon.wav12.18.0752.48 kB
Tower_Maul_landing.wav12.18.07144.14 kB
Tower_Maul_Takeoff.wav12.18.07164.22 kB
tower_one.wav12.18.07187.36 kB
waittillclear.wav12.18.0746.62 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

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Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Gideon OosthuizenFri, 01 Jan 2021 14:07:31 GMT

I attempted this mission four times. at the second waypoint, the Maule pilot just says the downed pilot is near waypoint 30. I cannot find any reference to waypoint 30. I search for 2.2 hours, into the dark, but it is impossible without knowing where waypoint 30 is, or at least the coordinates. The Maul is about 16nm when he finds the pilot and then it disappears! The co-pilot also goes completely silent at this point. Any help, please?

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