FSX World's Scariest Runways Flights

PreviewFlights--World's Scariest Runways. Eight short flights that set you up on final to land at some of the world's scariest runways. By Andy Johnston.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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Flights--World's Scariest Runways. Eight short flights that set you up on final to land at some of the world's scariest runways. By Andy Johnston.

World's Scariest Runways Flights.

World's Scariest Runways Flights.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive wsr_aj.zip has 36 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
World's Scariest Runways - WMBT.WX09.24.113.30 MB
World's Scariest Runways - ENSD.FLT09.24.1111.52 kB
World's Scariest Runways - ENSD.FSSAVE09.24.11221.77 kB
World's Scariest Runways - ENSD.SPB09.24.11282 B
World's Scariest Runways - ENSD.WX09.24.113.30 MB
World's Scariest Runways - LFLJ.FLT09.24.1111.64 kB
World's Scariest Runways - LFLJ.FSSAVE09.24.11261.28 kB
World's Scariest Runways - LFLJ.SPB09.24.11282 B
World's Scariest Runways - LFLJ.WX09.24.113.30 MB
World's Scariest Runways - LPMA.FLT09.24.1112.45 kB
World's Scariest Runways - LPMA.FSSAVE09.24.11282.26 kB
World's Scariest Runways - LPMA.SPB09.24.11282 B
World's Scariest Runways - LPMA.WX09.24.113.34 MB
World's Scariest Runways - LXGB.FLT09.24.1110.43 kB
World's Scariest Runways - LXGB.FSSAVE09.24.11126.89 kB
World's Scariest Runways - LXGB.SPB09.24.11282 B
World's Scariest Runways - LXGB.WX09.24.113.30 MB
World's Scariest Runways - MHTG.FLT09.24.1112.39 kB
World's Scariest Runways - MHTG.FSSAVE09.24.11276.51 kB
World's Scariest Runways - MHTG.SPB09.24.11282 B
World's Scariest Runways - MHTG.WX09.24.113.33 MB
World's Scariest Runways - TNCM.FLT09.24.1115.48 kB
World's Scariest Runways - TNCM.FSSAVE09.24.11211.73 kB
World's Scariest Runways - TNCM.SPB09.24.11282 B
World's Scariest Runways - TNCM.WX09.24.113.31 MB
World's Scariest Runways - VQPR.FLT09.24.1111.95 kB
World's Scariest Runways - VQPR.FSSAVE09.24.11233.63 kB
World's Scariest Runways - VQPR.SPB09.24.11282 B
World's Scariest Runways - VQPR.WX09.24.113.29 MB
World's Scariest Runways - WMBT.FLT09.24.1112.09 kB
World's Scariest Runways - WMBT.FSSAVE09.24.11210.19 kB
World's Scariest Runways - WMBT.SPB09.24.11282 B
file_id.diz10.08.11193 B
wsr_aj.jpg10.08.1159.76 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

Frans BiereSat, 14 Mar 2020 15:41:32 GMT

I'm very very happy with all your downloads. I'm almost 80 years old and still enjoy Flight Simulator! Sincerely Frans Biere.

UnkaBobbySat, 21 Sep 2013 02:47:43 GMT

Just stumbled on this. Annoying that no one's answered your pleas before now.

Firstly, these missions aren't bad. Nice to be set up for landing, get all that boring actual piloting out of the way. :)

Okay -- Dig, if you will, the picture:

The files in this archive are files that FSX saves when you save a flight. There are several files saved for each Flight or Mission you save, so there are a bunch of them for 8 flights in the above archive.

FSX stores those files here:

C:usersMy DocumentsFlight Simulator X Files

...where is the Windows account name under which you fly FSX.

So unarchive this page's download file into that directory, and these missions should appear when you choose FREE FLIGHT, and click the LOAD button.

Keep on dancing in the 3rd dimension! --Salo

TestyThu, 23 Aug 2012 08:23:09 GMT

Ok I've been trying to install this with no luck still unfortunatly, but if you extract the file and then open it, you will find approx 35 files under the same name - "worlds scariest runways", out of these 35 or so, is 8 files still named "worlds scariest runways" except the file type should say "Microsoft Games fsx.exe. Double click one of these files and it will open up FSX and load that mission. It will start you mid flight, there is no mission info, no directions, nothing just you flying that route to the runway. Its not loading the mission on to your system, but at least you still get to fly & land on the runways.

JonathanSat, 28 Jul 2012 14:01:23 GMT

Hey - Is there anybody out there???? Again and again we ask for instructions on how to install this. So, if you are experts and laughing at us and thinking we are not worth the bother, then you are doing a good job. Please add instructions to these files, the same as hundreds of others that I have downloaded do.

lorenzoiiiSat, 23 Jun 2012 23:36:13 GMT

An instruction file on how to install would be nice!

billp645Thu, 02 Feb 2012 13:03:59 GMT

Anyone help with how/where to install the files?

ivanmuriloSun, 11 Dec 2011 20:49:16 GMT

It would be nice to provide a tutorial to install this stuff, or provide the files organized in folders, so we don't have to guess where to put every single file. It's a bad download.

Al1337Sun, 04 Dec 2011 09:05:26 GMT

How do you install this. I can't seem to get FSX to recognize that they are there.

cybermuskyThu, 27 Oct 2011 14:24:15 GMT

Where must i place these files?

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