FSX Pan Am Dornier Seastar 'Runaway Girl'

PreviewPan Am Dornier Seastar. A "what if" livery of the Premier Aircraft Design Dornier Seastar in Pan American colors. Textures only, requires SEASTAR_3_X.ZIP . By Josef A. Kunzlar of FSXTipline.

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Pan Am Dornier Seastar. A "what if" livery of the Premier Aircraft Design Dornier Seastar in Pan American colors. Textures only, requires SEASTAR_3_X.ZIP . By Josef A. Kunzlar of FSXTipline.

Pan Am Dornier Seastar 'Runaway Girl'.

Pan Am Dornier Seastar 'Runaway Girl'.

PanAm Clipper Runway Girl Repaint for Premier Aircraft Design’s Dornier Seastar.

Dedicated To…
Mary Kirby of Runway Girl who’s a friend and a great avgeek blogging & reporting about aircraft interiors. She really likes seaplanes as well.

1. Install the separately provided Premier Aircraft Design Dornier Seastar:
2. Place the texture.PanAm folder into the seastar_3_x folder under Simobjects/Airplanes in FSX.
3. Paste the below into your aircraft.cfg where X = the next number in your file:

title=Seastar PanAm
description=Dornier Seastar
atc_airline=Pan Am

4. By all means, select this aircraft in FSX and go flying…

A Backstory…
Back in the day when there was a real Pan American World Airways – aka & hereafter Pan Am – and flying was always romantic, Pan Am started out with seaplanes and had a nice winged logo on the noses of their seaplanes (which is reproduced in the final aircraft repaint). Although Pan Am moved along to jetliners and even bought (gasp!) Airbuses alongside their Boeings, they still occasionally named their aircraft Clippers.

So when I saw Simviation have a contest for screenshots of freeware amphibs plus the work of Premier Aircraft Design plus the work of Captain Dave the FS Lightman resurrecting various aircraft as PanAm aircraft including the Boeing 787, I decided to make my own Pan Am Clipper. I did though decide to pay homage equally to the Boeing 707s about to star in the American ABC drama as much as the old sea planes that Pan Am started with. Granted, PanAm didn’t embed the registry number into the blue racing stripe but due to the fact occasionally PanAm would change livery I figure I have the artistic license to do so. Especially since the way the racing stripe is placed traditionally through the windows left insufficient room to respectably slide in a registry number, I’m sure you’ll like what I did. I would have added Old Glory as well, but I wasn’t happy with the quality of a small US flag on the Seastar tail.

As far as the engine nacelle, I’ve included in ZIP files under “Engine Nacelle Texture Options” three options. 1 being “PAN AM” in blue, 1 being “PAN AM” in black and then the release will default with “Pan American” in black just like the 707s… Up to you what you want to paint the nacelle with.

Yup, “Back to the Future” my friends. Complete w/ the Pan Am logo on the tail of the Dornier Seastar, the Clipper nametag, the freeware Pan Am font, and Pan American above the blue racing stripe… enjoy!

Pan Am Dornier Seastar 'Runaway Girl'.

Pan Am Dornier Seastar 'Runaway Girl'.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8

The archive panam_texture_4_pad_seastar.zip has 38 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
chrome.bmp08.05.0664.07 kB
Cockpit.bmp11.10.101.00 MB
Elevator.bmp10.20.10256.07 kB
Engine Nacelle Texture Options09.13.110 B
Black Pan Am engine.zip09.13.1117.64 kB
Black Pan American engine.zip09.13.1117.58 kB
Blue Pan Am engine.zip09.13.1117.29 kB
engine.bmp09.13.11341.43 kB
Floats.bmp09.12.111.33 MB
lights.bmp11.02.1032.07 kB
lights_L.bmp11.01.1065.05 kB
panel_VCL.bmp11.14.101.00 MB
panel_VCR.bmp11.15.101.00 MB
Pictures09.22.110 B
2011-9-21_20-39-58-114.jpg09.21.11135.21 kB
2011-9-21_20-40-20-278.jpg09.21.11166.92 kB
2011-9-21_20-41-25-17.jpg09.21.11203.75 kB
2011-9-21_20-41-54-118.jpg09.21.11126.54 kB
2011-9-21_21-0-45-142.jpg09.21.11126.93 kB
2011-9-21_21-13-7-172.jpg09.21.11164.14 kB
2011-9-21_21-3-57-966.jpg09.21.11132.21 kB
pilote.bmp11.05.1064.07 kB
prop2_TBX.bmp10.25.081.00 MB
Readme.docx09.22.11647.81 kB
Readme.pdf09.22.11186.29 kB
Readme.txt09.22.112.92 kB
roue.bmp08.25.1032.07 kB
seastar_cabin.bmp09.12.111.00 MB
seastar_fuse.bmp09.13.111.00 MB
seastar_Interiors.bmp11.03.101.00 MB
Seastar_OVHD.bmp10.29.10512.07 kB
Seastar_OVHD_L.bmp03.26.101.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg09.22.1165.81 kB
Thumbs.db11.10.10159.50 kB
Wing.bmp09.13.111.00 MB
Yoke.bmp11.03.101.00 MB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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