FSX French Polynesia Tuamotu Scenery

PreviewFrench Polynesia Tuamotu Archipelago Scenery update for SP2. This patch improves the issues introduced by FSX SP2. The issues of the scenery are as follows: 1. The transparency of 3D objects don't work; 2. The flatten of runways doesn't function correctly. This patch requires the Tuamotu-X_A (FPT...

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French Polynesia Tuamotu Archipelago Scenery update for SP2. This patch improves the issues introduced by FSX SP2. The issues of the scenery are as follows: 1. The transparency of 3D objects don't work; 2. The flatten of runways doesn't function correctly. This patch requires the Tuamotu-X_A (FPTA-XA.ZIP) and Tuamotu-X_B (FPTA-XB.ZIP). By Kazuo Kawamura.

French Polynesia Tuamotu Scenery.

French Polynesia Tuamotu Scenery.

Note: This patch works in FSX with SP2.

This patch improves the issues introduced by FSX SP2.
The issues of my scenery are as follows:

1. The transparency of 3 objects don' work.
2. The flatten of runways doesn' function correctly.


Tuamotu-X_update_for_FSX_SP2: FILES INCLUDED.

[Tuamotu-X_SP2] - [X_A_sp2] - [X_A_sp2_scenery] - *.bgl scenery files.
- [X_A_sp2_texture] - *.* texture files.

- [X_B_sp2] - [X_B_sp2_scenery] - *.bgl scenery files.
- [X_B_sp2_texture] - *.* texture files.

Tuamotu-X_AtoSP2.bat batch file.
Tuamotu-X_BtoSP2.bat batch file.

Tuamotu-X_update_for_FSX_SP2.html document file (html).
Tuamotu-X_update_for_FSX_SP2.txt document file (txt).
[image] image files for html document.


1. Copy [Tuamotu-X_SP2] folder, Tuamotu-X_AtoSP2.bat and Tuamotu-X_BtoSP2.bat to [Tuamotu-] folder.

===like this===

[FSX] - [Scenery] - [Tuamotu-] - [Tuamotu-X_A] <- previous folder
- [Tuamotu-X_B] <- previous folder
- [Tuamotu-X_base] <- previous folder

- [Tuamotu-X_SP2] <- new folder
- Tuamotu-X_AtoSP2.bat <- new file
- Tuamotu-X_BtoSP2.bat <- new file

2. Double-click the Tuamotu-X_AtoSP2.bat. This batch file is operated as follows.

It makes [BackUp] folders into [Tuamotu-X_A]-[Scenery] and [Tuamotu-X_A]-[Texture] folders.
The files that became unnecessary because of this update are moved to the [BackUp] folder.
Then, new files are copied from [Tuamotu-X_SP2] folder to [Tuamotu-X_A]-[Scenery] and [Tuamotu-X_A]-[Texture] folders.

3. Double-click the Tuamotu-X_BtoSP2.bat the same.


[Tuamotu-X_A] - [Scenery] <- total 143 objects
- [Texture] <- total 28 objects
[Tuamotu-X_B] - [Scenery] <- total 160 objects
- [Texture] <- total 26 objects

4. That' all. The update was completed.


Accept absolutely no responsibility for any problems arising from use of this scenery. This includes any hardware or software problems. If you can not accept it, do not use this scenery.


Mr. Kamui and Mr. Porco


Coast-Line-Maker ver2.1.1 Iain Murray
AFCAD2 ver2.21 Lee Swordy
SCASM ver2.90 Manfred Moldenhauer
DP-JAM ver1.1.0.1 Masakazu Irie
Flight Simulator SDK SP2 Microsoft
SBuilder ver. PTSIM
SceneGenX ver. Tom Hiscox
gmax ver.1.2 discreet

Thanks wonderfull tools!!!

Kazuo Kawamura.

French Polynesia Tuamotu Scenery.

French Polynesia Tuamotu Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5

The archive fpta-sp2.zip has 130 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Tuamotu-X_update_for_FSX_SP2.txt01.26.083.89 kB
sp2_flatten.jpg01.26.0852.04 kB
sp2_transparency.jpg01.26.08121.46 kB
sp2_transparency_flatten.jpg01.26.08114.58 kB
sp2_tutorial01.gif01.26.0820.33 kB
sp2_tutorial02.gif01.26.087.88 kB
image01.26.080 B
X_A_sp201.24.080 B
X_A_sp2_scenery01.24.080 B
2k7Ahe_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.084.37 kB
2k7Ahe_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0848.64 kB
2k7Apataki_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0843.50 kB
2k7Aratika_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0842.75 kB
2k7Arutua_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0851.43 kB
2k7Fakarava_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0842.43 kB
2k7Kauehi_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0851.68 kB
2k7Kaukura_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.0810.20 kB
2k7Kaukura_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0844.93 kB
2k7Manihi_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0847.87 kB
2k7Mataiva_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.0833.73 kB
2k7Mataiva_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0860.25 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Airport_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.0820.26 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Airport_tree_sp2.BGL01.21.0827.75 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Avatoru_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.0870.57 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Avatoru_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0838.06 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Kiaora_mod_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.08287.21 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Kiaora_mod_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0836.62 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Kiaora_MyFam_sp2.BGL01.21.086.18 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Motu0_tree_sp2.BGL01.21.0842.37 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Motu3_mod_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.089.92 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Motu3_mod_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0844.25 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Raira_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.0854.02 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Raira_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0834.18 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Sauvage_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.0872.47 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Sauvage_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0836.37 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Tipta_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.0862.01 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Tiputa_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0835.75 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Yacht_Motu_mod_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.089.92 kB
2k7Rangiroa_Yacht_Motu_mod_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0844.25 kB
2k7Takapoto_ap_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.084.37 kB
2k7Takapoto_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0845.81 kB
2k7Takaroa_ap_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.0810.20 kB
2k7Takaroa_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0842.62 kB
2k7Tikehau_ap_3D_sp2.BGL01.21.084.37 kB
2k7Tikehau_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0858.14 kB
CVX_2k7Apataki_flatten.BGL01.23.08265 B
CVX_2k7Fakarava_flatten.BGL01.23.08247 B
CVX_2k7Kaukura_flatten.BGL01.23.08254 B
CVX_2k7Rangiroa_flatten.BGL01.21.08412 B
CVX_2k7Takapoto_flatten.BGL01.21.08237 B
CVX_2k7Takaroa_flatten.BGL01.23.08247 B
CVX_2k7Tikehau_flatten.BGL01.21.08262 B
CVX_Arutua_flatten.BGL01.23.08244 B
X_A_sp2_texture01.24.080 B
MyFamily1.dds01.20.0842.80 kB
MyFamily2.dds01.20.0842.80 kB
RanH1.bmp01.19.0865.05 kB
RanH12c.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH12d.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH12e.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH2.bmp01.19.0865.05 kB
RanH27.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH27a.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH4.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH5.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanP1.dds01.06.0842.80 kB
RanP1G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RanP2G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RanP3G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RanT1G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RanT2G.dds01.17.0842.80 kB
RanT3aG.dds01.20.0842.80 kB
RanT5G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RanT6G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RaS1a.bmp01.19.0865.05 kB
X_B_sp201.24.080 B
X_B_sp2_scenery01.24.080 B
2k7Anaa_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0839.56 kB
2k7Faaite_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0848.06 kB
2k7Fakahina_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0848.81 kB
2k7Fangatau_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0843.01 kB
2k7Hao_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0841.18 kB
2k7Hikueru_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0838.68 kB
2k7Katiu_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0848.93 kB
2k7Makemo_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0842.06 kB
2k7Napuka_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0839.93 kB
2k7Nukutavake_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0846.75 kB
2k7Takaroa_3D_sp2.BGL01.21.0810.20 kB
2k7Takume_ap_3D_sp2.BGL01.21.0811.97 kB
2k7Takume_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0852.07 kB
2k7Tikehau_ap_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.084.37 kB
2k7Vahitahi_ap_3D_sp2.BGL01.23.084.37 kB
2k7Vahitahi_tree_sp2.BGL01.20.0840.93 kB
CVX_2k7Faaite_flatten.BGL01.21.08269 B
CVX_2k7Fakahina_flatten.BGL01.23.08247 B
CVX_2k7Hikueru_flatten.BGL01.23.08251 B
CVX_2k7Makemo_flatten.BGL01.23.08251 B
CVX_2k7Napuka_flatten.BGL01.23.08248 B
CVX_2k7Nukutavake_flatten.BGL01.23.08254 B
CVX_2k7Takume_flatten.BGL01.23.08404 B
CVX_2k7Vahitahi_flatten.BGL01.23.08251 B
CVX_Anaa_flatten.BGL01.21.08265 B
X_B_sp2_texture01.24.080 B
RanH1.bmp01.19.0865.05 kB
RanH12c.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH12d.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH12e.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH2.bmp01.19.0865.05 kB
RanH27.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH27a.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH4.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanH5.bmp01.20.0865.05 kB
RanP1.dds01.06.0842.80 kB
RanP1G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RanP2G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RanP3G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RanT1G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RanT2G.dds01.17.0842.80 kB
RanT3aG.dds01.20.0842.80 kB
RanT5G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RanT6G.dds01.18.0842.80 kB
RaS1a.bmp01.19.0865.05 kB
Tuamotu-X_SP201.24.080 B
Tuamotu-X_AtoSP2.bat01.24.083.50 kB
Tuamotu-X_BtoSP2.bat01.24.082.58 kB
Tuamotu-X_update_for_FSX_SP2.html01.26.086.33 kB
File_id.diz01.27.08378 B
fpta-sp2.gif01.27.0815.71 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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