FSX Grumman XF5F-1 Skyrocket

Preview The Skyrocket first flew in 1940 and was very fast and otherwise advanced for its time. The Navy decided it wasn't interested in twin engine fighters and it was not mass produced. Grumman did use lessons learned from this prototype to later develop the very successful F7F Tigercat series. This...

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The Skyrocket first flew in 1940 and was very fast and otherwise advanced for its time. The Navy decided it wasn't interested in twin engine fighters and it was not mass produced. Grumman did use lessons learned from this prototype to later develop the very successful F7F Tigercat series. This is a native FSX Acceleration project. It has .dds textures, specular shine, reflective glass, etc. The VC has working instruments and animated flight controls. There is no 2D panel. It has the necessary entries in the aircraft.cfg file so it can catapult from and trap on an Acceleration style carrier. By Paul Clawson.

Screenshot of Grumman XF5F-1 Skyrocket in flight.

Screenshot of Grumman XF5F-1 Skyrocket in flight.

The Skyrocket was very advanced for it's day (first flew in April 1940). It was fast (438 mph in a power dive) could out climb a Spitfire and was very agile for a twin. It was easy to land and takeoff from a carrier as the engines were contra rotating thus negating any torque effects. The Navy decided it really didn't want a twin for a carrier plane at that time and opted to continue the F4F Wildcat series. The Skyrocket did provide valuable data that eventually led to the F7F Tigercat series.

This is a native FSX Acceleration project. It has .dds textures, a spectacular shine, landing and nav lights and reflective glass. The VC has working gauges and animated flight controls. There is no 2D panel. The Wright Cyclone sound file is courtesy of Obio over at the sim-outhouse forum.

I have made the necessary additions to the aircraft .cfg file so the plane can be catapulted from and can do trap landings on any Acceleration style aircraft carrier.

INSTALLATION: Unzip XF5F1vX.zip into a temporary folder. Copy the folder Grumman XF5F-1 into the Airplanes folder of FSX. Open the gauges folder and copy the file Lockheed_Vega.cab into the Gauges folder of FSX. Be sure the DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2.cab and Beech_Baron.cab gauges have been copied from their respective panel folders into the Gauges folder of FSX if you have not already done so. That's it.

Enjoy! Paul Clawson

Images & Screenshots

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The archive xf5f1vx.zip has 67 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
File_id.diz12.04.09654 B
gauges12.03.090 B
Lockheed_Vega.cab06.12.03415.28 kB
Grumman XF5F-112.03.090 B
Aircraft.cfg12.04.098.76 kB
model12.05.090 B
Model.cfg12.04.0951 B
XF5F-1.mdl12.04.09359.87 kB
XF5F-1_Interior.mdl12.04.09281.84 kB
panel12.03.090 B
Panel.cfg12.02.092.01 kB
sound12.03.090 B
APW.wav06.02.08107.88 kB
bomb.wav07.22.05128.00 kB
Canopy Close.wav04.09.0395.79 kB
Canopy Open.wav04.09.0384.69 kB
canopy_slide.wav03.24.03165.06 kB
flaps.wav06.01.0863.14 kB
geardn.wav06.01.08196.43 kB
gearup.wav06.01.08196.43 kB
Read Me.TXT09.23.091.47 kB
SBD RPM1.wav06.02.08559.11 kB
SBD RPM2.wav06.03.08233.04 kB
SBD RPM3.wav06.02.08617.04 kB
SBD RPM4.wav06.02.08615.04 kB
SBD Shutdown.wav06.07.08426.75 kB
SBD Starter.wav06.02.08264.64 kB
SBD Startup.wav06.07.08632.04 kB
sbd1c.wav08.24.0061.70 kB
sbd2c.wav08.24.0061.70 kB
sbdp1a.wav08.24.0052.17 kB
sbdp1b.wav08.24.0050.40 kB
sbdp2a.wav08.24.0057.67 kB
sbdp2b.wav08.24.0063.68 kB
sound.cfg09.23.0913.80 kB
stallhrn.wav07.24.00160.85 kB
toucc.wav06.01.0812.26 kB
toucl.wav06.01.0824.89 kB
toucr.wav06.01.089.90 kB
xSBD RPM1.wav06.02.08358.70 kB
xSBD RPM2.wav06.03.08233.45 kB
xSBD RPM3.wav06.03.08579.04 kB
xSBD RPM4.wav06.02.08495.29 kB
xSBD Shutdown.wav06.07.08432.19 kB
xSBD Starter.wav06.02.08264.64 kB
xSBD Startup.wav06.02.08576.04 kB
xsbd1c.wav08.24.0068.16 kB
xsbd2c.wav08.24.0060.93 kB
xSBD4b.wav06.03.081.03 MB
xsbdp1a.wav08.24.0052.17 kB
xsbdp1b.wav08.24.0050.41 kB
xsbdp2a.wav08.24.0057.67 kB
xsbdp2b.wav08.24.0063.68 kB
texture12.03.090 B
prop_XF5F.dds11.08.0964.12 kB
thumbnail.jpg12.03.0916.29 kB
XF5F_1.dds12.03.091.00 MB
XF5F_1_T_Spec.dds12.03.091.00 MB
XF5F_2.dds12.03.091.00 MB
XF5F_2_T_Spec.dds12.03.091.00 MB
XF5F_trans.dds12.03.0964.12 kB
XF5F-1.air11.27.097.43 kB
Readme.txt12.05.091.99 kB
Skyrocket.jpg12.03.0974.96 kB
XF5F1vX12.05.090 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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