FSX Consolidated B-24J 'Butchers Daughter'

PreviewConsolidated B-24J 'Butchers Daughter' v2. This updated texture represents a B-24J-150-CO Liberator, named 'The Butchers Daughter'. By Brian Hill.

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Consolidated B-24J 'Butchers Daughter' v2. This updated texture represents a B-24J-150-CO Liberator, named 'The Butchers Daughter'. By Brian Hill.

Screenshot of B-24J 'Butchers Daughter' in flight.

Screenshot of B-24J 'Butchers Daughter' in flight.

This is a repaint (textures only) for the Consolidated B-24J. This repaint was made with an all new paint kit by Gary Horton and myself.

Original textures are by Alpha Sim.

Thank you Alpha Sim for this incredible plane!

Special thanks to Gary Horton for providing me with great information and contacting me, which eventually led to this project.

This download includes new textures, new bump mapping and optional shared textures for the prop spinners. See the installation instructions for further information. Be sure to read over the 3 installation steps thoroughly!


This texture represents a B-24J-150-CO, named 'The Butchers Daughter'. The Butchers Daughter, went down on a mission, en route to Formasa, 15 May 1945. Five minutes after takeoff, the bomb bay tank overflowed, flooding the bomb bay with gasoline. 30 seconds after this discovery the plane exploded. One of the crew (S/Sgt. Donald C. Ruff) survived the crash, regaining consciousness under water with small pieces of aluminum floating around him. He inflated his Mae West and went to the surface where he was subsequently found by a PT boat. Pilot - Lt. Roy D. Breedlove.


1. Place the main textures folder in your Alphasim B-24 Liberator folder.

2. Place the folder named texture.San Diego bump also in your Alphasim B-24 Liberator folder. (This folder is named San Diego for the plant that these particular paints are modeled after. As this project grows, there will be bump mapping for the other factories.) These bump maps must be installed for this paint to work. It has been made separate so that it will not interfere with your original paints. Basically, these bump maps will only work with Gary Hortons and my paints. If you install more of our paints, you will only have to install the San Diego bump textures one time.

3. This is optional only.
The Alphasim B-24 prop spinners are mapped to the shared file. To have your prop spinners match the paint job, meaning bare aluminum or OD Green, you can install these shared textures. I have also made the air inlets on the front of the engines a neutral gray, instead of the original white color, this way they don't stand out as much. They are named as texture.Alum shared and texture.OD green shared. I will include the matching shared file with the new texture. These have also been named separate so as to not interfere with your original paints. If you do not wish to use my optional prop spinners with these textures, simply open the aircraft.cfg file that is included in my main textures that you downloaded, with notepad, word, or whatever program you prefer, and change the first line under [fltsim] with this: fallback.1=.. exture.shared. This will use the original shared folder, and not the one I included.

To install, just place the included optional shared folder in your Alphasim B-24 Liberator folder. All necessary textures are included. If you install other paints of ours, you will only have to install the OD Green and Alum shared folders one time.

Now. open the main aircraft.cfg file with notepad, and copy and paste these lines after the last paragraph groups that start with [fltsim]

Change the XX to the next corresponding number.

title=ALPHA B-24J-150-CO 'The Butchers Daughter'
texture=Butchers Daughter
ui_type=B-24J Liberator
ui_variation=B-24J-150-CO, 'The Butchers Daughter', 44-40190, of the 319th Bomb Squadron, 90th Bomb Group.
ui_typerole="Heavy Bomber"
ui_createdby="AlphaSim Ltd"
description=The Butchers Daughter, went down on a mission, en route to Formasa, 15 May 1945. Five minutes after takeoff, the bomb bay tank overflowed, flooding the bomb bay with gasoline. 30 seconds after this discovery the plane exploded. One of the crew (S/Sgt. Donald C. Ruff) survived the crash, regaining consciousness under water with small pieces of aluminum floating around him. He inflated his Mae West and went to the surface where he was subsequently found by a PT boat. Pilot - Lt. Roy D. Breedlove. Repaint by RobH

These files are not warranted. I have made the best attempt possible to make sure these textures are not harmful to any system, however I do not take any responsibility for any problems,damage or any other problems this may cause to any system on which this is placed in.

Brian Hill

Screenshot of B-24J 'Butchers Daughter' in flight.

Screenshot of B-24J 'Butchers Daughter' in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive butchers.zip has 64 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
butchers1.jpg07.13.10133.17 kB
butchers2.jpg07.13.1083.97 kB
butchers3.jpg07.13.10100.77 kB
butchers4.jpg07.13.10138.57 kB
butchers5.jpg07.13.10106.03 kB
PLEASE READ FIRST!!!.txt06.28.094.96 kB
texture.Alum shared04.07.100 B
B24_Exterior_01.dds04.07.081.00 MB
B24_Exterior_02.dds06.15.091.00 MB
B24_Exterior_03.dds04.07.081.00 MB
B24_Exterior_04.dds04.07.081.00 MB
B24_Exterior_05.dds04.29.08256.12 kB
B24_Interior_01.dds04.29.081.00 MB
B24_Interior_02.dds04.29.081.00 MB
B24_Interior_03.dds04.29.081.00 MB
B24_Interior_04.dds04.29.081.00 MB
B24_Interior_05.dds04.29.081.00 MB
B24_Interior_06.dds04.07.081.00 MB
B24_Interior_07.dds04.07.08256.12 kB
B24_Interior_08.dds04.07.08256.12 kB
B24_Interior_09.dds04.12.081.00 MB
B24_Interior_10.dds04.12.081.00 MB
B24_VCglass.dds04.08.081.00 MB
bomb500lbs_t.dds04.07.08256.12 kB
EngCyls.dds04.07.088.12 kB
EngFace.dds04.07.0864.12 kB
Flag.dds04.07.08128.12 kB
fuselagebays.dds04.10.081.00 MB
fuselageextras.dds06.15.091.00 MB
fuselageextras2.dds04.07.08256.12 kB
Glass_t.dds04.07.0864.12 kB
Hose.dds04.07.081.12 kB
Lens_L.dds04.07.0816.12 kB
Lens_T.dds04.07.0816.12 kB
NavLts.dds04.07.088.12 kB
Pilot.dds04.07.0864.12 kB
PilotFace1.dds04.07.08256.12 kB
Prop.dds03.21.09256.12 kB
texture.cfg06.17.0770 B
texture.Butchers Daughter04.07.100 B
B24_1_t.dds07.31.104.00 MB
B24_2_t.dds07.31.104.00 MB
B24_3_t.dds07.01.104.00 MB
B24_4_t.dds07.01.104.00 MB
B24_5_t.dds07.13.104.00 MB
B24_6_t.dds07.01.104.00 MB
B24_7_t.dds07.01.104.00 MB
B24_8_t.dds07.13.104.00 MB
B24_9_t.dds07.01.104.00 MB
texture.cfg06.15.0985 B
thumbnail.jpg07.27.1038.83 kB
texture.San Diego bump04.07.100 B
B24_1_bump.dds06.06.094.00 MB
B24_2_bump.dds06.06.094.00 MB
B24_3_bump.dds06.06.094.00 MB
B24_4_bump.dds06.06.094.00 MB
B24_5_bump.dds06.06.094.00 MB
B24_6_bump.dds06.06.094.00 MB
B24_7_bump.dds06.07.094.00 MB
B24_8_bump.dds06.08.094.00 MB
B24_9_bump.dds06.05.094.00 MB
texture.cfg06.17.0770 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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