FSX Zambia Flying Doctor Service Cessna 208B

Preview This repaint by Bashir Ismail of the default FSX Cessna 208B Grand Caravan.

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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13.11 MB
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This repaint by Bashir Ismail of the default FSX Cessna 208B Grand Caravan.

Screenshot of Cessna 208B 9J-AGC on the ground.

Screenshot of Cessna 208B 9J-AGC on the ground.

ZFDS is the emergency medical wing of the health care services of the government of Zambia.It was founded in 1965 by the government to provide emergency medical and health services to the rural areas of Zambia.

Having worked for the ZFDS in the early Eighties, it was the most full filling job experiences of my Life time, unmatched so far.

The ZFDS Fleet consisted of 5 BN2B Islanders:

9J-ACB Engine : 2 lycoming IO-540-KIB5 CONFG : EMS / 9 Passengers

2 Cessna Grand Caravans:

9J-AGC Engine ; 1 PWC PT6-114A CONFG : EMS / 12 Passengers

For further details refer to PDF readme on inside "ABOUT ZFDS" Folder.

Copy the contents of the Model, Panel and Sound files from your FSX Default Cessna 208B Grand Caravan Folder to the folders provided and Just drop the "FX208FDS " Folder into your FSX Root Simobjects - Airplane Folder.

This aircraft model is freeware. All repaints, enhancements or modifications are welcome, but must remain free. No exceptions. User accepts all risk of use.

Bashir Ismail

Screenshot of Cessna 208B 9J-FDS on the ground.

Screenshot of Cessna 208B 9J-FDS on the ground.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive fx208zds.zip has 60 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
About ZFDS12.24.070 B
About ZFDS.pdf05.10.06901.64 kB
aircraft.cfg12.19.0723.73 kB
Cessna 208 ZFDS - Livingstone Airport.jpg12.10.07124.02 kB
Cessna 208 ZFDS Readme.txt12.24.071.52 kB
Cessna 208B ZFDS - 9J-AGC - 1.jpg12.19.0776.78 kB
Cessna 208B ZFDS - 9J-AGC.jpg12.19.0782.42 kB
Cessna 208B ZFDS - 9J-FDS - 1.jpg12.19.0786.06 kB
Cessna 208B ZFDS - 9J-FDS.jpg12.19.0762.55 kB
cessna208B.air09.04.0611.40 kB
cessna208b_check.htm07.27.0667.32 kB
cessna208b_ref.htm05.12.066.11 kB
File_ID.diz12.19.07146 B
model12.24.070 B
Other Cessna 208 in Zambia.zip12.13.071.61 MB
panel12.24.070 B
sound12.24.070 B
texture.9J-AGC12.24.070 B
C208_Pilot.dds09.04.0642.79 kB
C208_Spec.dds12.18.071.00 MB
C208_T.dds12.19.071.00 MB
C208_T_Bump.dds09.04.061.00 MB
c208b_1_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_1_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_2_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_2_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_3_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_3_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_4_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_4_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_c.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_interior_t.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
C208b_reflection.dds09.04.06170.79 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
Prop_C208B.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.14.06137 B
thumbnail.jpg12.19.0776.78 kB
texture.9J-FDS12.24.070 B
C208_Pilot.dds09.04.0642.79 kB
C208_Spec.dds12.18.071.00 MB
C208_T.dds12.19.071.00 MB
C208_T_Bump.dds09.04.061.00 MB
c208b_1_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_1_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_2_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_2_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_3_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_3_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_4_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_4_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_c.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
c208b_interior_t.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
C208b_reflection.dds09.04.06170.79 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
Prop_C208B.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.14.06137 B
thumbnail.jpg12.19.0762.55 kB
ZDFS Medical Airstrips in Zambia.jpg12.13.07125.39 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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MRS VICTORIA TAYLORSun, 25 Sep 2022 20:18:54 GMT

I flew in all the Britten Norman Islanders in 1970-72. Great planes for short runways. Am 74 years old now and would love to return to Ndola and if space on a plane to go back to East 2 Mofu and East 5 Muyombe ( if you still fly there) I used to stay there for up to 2-3 weeks. Best job I have ever had and have recently purchased the founder's book "No one dies anymore." Keep up the essential work.

masela masumbaThu, 03 Nov 2016 21:49:48 GMT

interesting, my father major moses masumba flew this aircraft (9J FDS).

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