FSX Air Saguenay DeHavilland DHC3

PreviewThis freeware package presents the Air Saguenay DeHavilland DHC-3 Turbo Otter, meticulously developed by Premier Aircraft Design (under the direction of Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Danny Crance, and Kevin Pardy) for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It delivers a robust STOL-capabl...

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2
Complete with Base Model
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Flight Simulator X
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12.06 MB
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5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 1 PRO members.

This freeware package presents the Air Saguenay DeHavilland DHC-3 Turbo Otter, meticulously developed by Premier Aircraft Design (under the direction of Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Danny Crance, and Kevin Pardy) for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It delivers a robust STOL-capable aircraft, offering seating for up to 12 passengers, complete with wheel and wheel/ski configurations, enhanced animation, and a fully detailed cockpit.

Key Flight Characteristics and Visual Model

Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) Focus: The DHC-3 Turbo Otter is recognized for its remarkable STOL performance. Its augmented powerplant ensures rapid climb, making it suitable for challenging terrain or remote regions already served by Air Saguenay.

Advanced Exterior Design: Two distinct models are included—one adapted for standard wheels and another featuring wheel/skis to accommodate diverse operating environments. Both versions display refined dynamic shine and depend on fully active suspension for realistic ground handling.

Panel and Virtual Cockpit Features

This release encompasses a two-dimensional panel and a virtual cockpit (VC) that incorporate a complete passenger cabin, crew door access, and expansive cargo door functionality. These cockpit elements have been precisely textured to mirror the real-world DeHavilland DHC-3’s layout and instrumentation.

Screenshot of Air Saguenay DeHavilland DHC3.

Close-up view of the Air Saguenay DHC-3 fuselage and its livery.

Customized Flight Dynamics

The flight dynamics were initially compiled by Eugene Heyart, then approved and refined by Danny Crance to optimize both handling and performance capabilities within FSX Acceleration/SP2. This ensures accurate power responses and flight envelope adherence consistent with the Turbo Otter’s real-world performance profile.

Gauge Integration and Credits

Premier Aircraft Design incorporated an array of specialized gauges into this package. Contributors include Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, and crucial XML programming by Real Brousseau. Notable additions include:

  • DH3-specific gaugeCABs and retextured cockpit instruments, designed for accurate readouts.
  • Dedicated overhead, pedestal, and engine instrumentation, lending an authentic operational feel.
  • Ground Handling Gauge utilized with permission from Rob Barendregt.
  • The Davtron M803 digital clock/O.A.T gauge, courtesy of Serguei Gorelik.

Special gratitude extends to Jean-Pierre Langer and Arne Bartels for unique DHC-3 gauges. If any contributors were inadvertently omitted, the team sincerely appreciates all assistance rendered.

Virtual cockpit of Air Saguenay DeHavilland DHC3.

Glance inside the fully rendered cockpit and cabin area.

Distribution, Copyright, and Usage

This add-on remains entirely freeware and must be distributed in its complete form, retaining all original documentation provided by Premier Aircraft Design and the authors. It may not be incorporated into any commercial product or placed on platforms that charge for access. While the authors hold no responsibility for any eventual system damages arising from usage, they have undertaken rigorous testing to ensure compatibility.

All copyrights for this DHC-3 Turbo Otter package remain with Barry Blaisdell (PAD). Any alterations require direct written authorization from the creator. This panel and model set are delivered “as is,” with no explicit or implied guarantees, reflecting the efforts of Premier Aircraft Design.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive dh3tskwx.zip has 110 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
airplanes04.14.080 B
dh3tskwx04.14.080 B
Aircraft.cfg04.13.0817.37 kB
Credits.txt04.12.081.97 kB
dh3tskwx_file_id.txt04.12.08454 B
DHC-3 READ_ME.pdf04.12.081.18 MB
model.ski04.14.080 B
dh3tsx.mdl04.12.081.24 MB
Model.cfg04.06.0825 B
model.wheel04.14.080 B
dh3twx.mdl04.12.081.17 MB
Model.cfg03.07.0823 B
panel.dh3ssx04.14.080 B
737-400.clock-sim-rate.gau04.18.0144.50 kB
BK_Radio.gau08.31.06296.00 kB
cad_kln90brored.gau07.18.02144.00 kB
cad_kln90brored1.gau07.18.02144.00 kB
cad_kln90brored2.gau07.18.02144.00 kB
Davtron.gau08.27.0392.00 kB
DH3_208.gau12.07.07408.00 kB
DHC2A_Instr.gau09.08.064.07 MB
DHC3.CAB04.08.08527.65 kB
dhc3_other.CAB04.02.0818.02 kB
DHC3_sw.CAB04.12.0820.43 kB
frame.bmp09.25.03155.48 kB
panel.cfg04.12.0810.43 kB
Panel_main.bmp04.08.082.25 MB
Panel_main2.bmp04.08.082.25 MB
rcb-gauges.CAB12.05.0727.06 kB
RCB_Groundhandling5.00010.20.0626.63 kB
RCB_Groundhandling5.00104.12.0816.89 kB
RCB_Groundhandling5.CAB04.12.0816.90 kB
README Groundhandling5_01.txt04.14.0820.94 kB
Xfs9gps.cab06.12.03296.71 kB
Panel_DocsWheels.jpg12.26.07201.99 kB
sound04.14.080 B
carfltflap.wav04.17.01200.93 kB
carfltn11.wav04.17.01352.73 kB
carfltn12.wav04.17.01274.50 kB
carflt_gearwarndown.wav04.17.01172.87 kB
carflt_gearwarnup.wav04.17.01170.11 kB
kagear.wav04.17.0188.25 kB
Kan13.wav02.02.01409.37 kB
Kan14.wav02.02.01366.30 kB
Kan1strt.wav09.16.99153.75 kB
Kan2shut.wav06.16.00195.17 kB
Kan2strt.wav06.16.0065.17 kB
kap1a.wav04.17.0160.75 kB
kap1b.wav04.17.0162.75 kB
kap1c.wav04.17.0134.75 kB
kap1d.wav04.17.0134.75 kB
kap2a.wav04.17.0168.25 kB
kap2b.wav04.17.0173.25 kB
kapr.wav04.17.0137.31 kB
Sound.cfg07.31.0611.28 kB
tbvr_apd.wav04.17.0113.69 kB
tbvr_door_close.wav04.09.03131.81 kB
tbvr_door_open.wav04.09.03945.71 kB
tbvr_ovr.wav02.20.0322.23 kB
tbvr_stall.wav04.17.01105.28 kB
tbvr_wind.wav06.18.00516.98 kB
xcarfltn21.wav04.17.01260.81 kB
xcarfltn22.wav04.17.01238.15 kB
Xkan11.wav04.17.01238.15 kB
Xkan12.wav02.02.01335.28 kB
Xkan13.wav02.02.01495.51 kB
Xkan14.wav02.05.0161.09 kB
xkan1strt.wav09.16.99152.75 kB
xkan2shut.wav06.16.00195.17 kB
xkan2strt.wav06.16.0065.17 kB
xkap1a.wav04.17.0160.75 kB
xkap1b.wav04.17.0162.75 kB
xkap1c.wav04.17.0134.75 kB
xkap1d.wav04.17.0134.75 kB
xkap2a.wav04.17.0168.25 kB
xkap2b.wav04.17.0173.25 kB
xkapr.wav04.17.0137.31 kB
texture.saguenay04.14.080 B
chrome_brown.bmp09.16.0664.07 kB
Elevator.bmp08.22.07256.07 kB
floats.bmp09.14.061.00 MB
fuse_DH3.bmp04.04.081.00 MB
Interiors_DH3.bmp08.23.071.00 MB
lights.bmp11.17.0732.07 kB
lights_L.bmp11.17.0765.05 kB
Panel_L.bmp12.01.07512.07 kB
Panel_R.bmp11.30.07512.07 kB
Panel_spot.bmp11.29.07128.07 kB
pilots.bmp10.05.05257.05 kB
pilots_L.bmp10.06.05257.05 kB
prop_TBX.bmp10.26.06256.07 kB
Throttle.bmp11.20.07512.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg12.26.079.46 kB
wheeltwin.bmp07.06.05256.07 kB
Wings.bmp08.23.071.00 MB
YOKE_dh3.bmp11.29.07512.07 kB
turbo-otter.air04.06.0814.32 kB
Turbo-Otter_Check.htm01.03.0872.78 kB
Turbo-Otter_Ref.htm01.03.0810.34 kB
simobjects04.14.080 B
fx_PADbeaconh.fx09.02.064.75 kB
fx_PADnavgre.fx09.01.064.56 kB
fx_PADnavred.fx09.01.064.56 kB
fx_PADnavwhi.fx09.01.063.05 kB
fx_PADstrobeh.fx09.02.064.81 kB
fx_vclightwhi.fx05.12.061.31 kB
fx_vclightwhite.fx05.12.061.31 kB
Effects04.07.080 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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