Iowa, v2. Here's a much-updated and fixed AFCAD for Council Bluffs Municipal Airport, IA. Buildings have been added, runway 18-36 has numbers, and many other things. This replaces my previous upload, KCBF-2010.ZIP. By Erik Ingram.

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Iowa, v2. Here's a much-updated and fixed AFCAD for Council Bluffs Municipal Airport, IA. Buildings have been added, runway 18-36 has numbers, and many other things. This replaces my previous upload, KCBF-2010.ZIP. By Erik Ingram.

This is an AFCAD for Coucil Bluffs Municipal Airport, Iowa. I've updated it (somewhat) to reflect the changes that have been made since FSX came out. Here are the updates:

  • Runway 31-13 now re-numbered 32-14.
  • Runway 35-17 re-numbered 36-18, lengthened to 5500 feet and paved.
  • Necessary taxiways added.

This is the second version. I've fixed up runway 36-18 so now it has numbers, redone the ramp area, added buildings and objects, and put in a fake info sign for the made-up flight school 'Skyfly, Inc.' Taxiways have been updated, but I couldn't find any info on the real things, so I've assigned them fictional designations.

Parking fixes have been made, so now the spaces are placed in rows to the east of the large hangars. Two additional spots and a fuel area are located east of the terminal (should be easy to find).

Taxiways have had lines and lights added, and there is an exclusion area to prevent trees and things from being situated where the new runway is.

I can't guarantee that the runway signs have been fixed (they may still face the wrong way).


  1. Just copy and paste it in the same place as before. (Addon Scenery/Scenery/name/scenery) When it asks to overwrite, say yes.

Hopefully you enjoy this version better!

The archive has 4 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
KCBF_ADEX_ETI.BGL04.18.108.88 kB
README.txt04.18.101.37 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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