FS2004/FS2002 Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

PreviewF-22 is ATF(Advanced Tactical Fighter) researched as a succession machine of F-15 and F-16. United State air force adopted it as a main force fighter century 21. It has the feature of the speed of Mach 2.5 or more, Cruise speed of Supersonic without the afterburner, Long flying time, high mobilit...

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Rated 4 out of 5 stars by 8 PRO members.

F-22 is ATF(Advanced Tactical Fighter) researched as a succession machine of F-15 and F-16. United State air force adopted it as a main force fighter century 21. It has the feature of the speed of Mach 2.5 or more, Cruise speed of Supersonic without the afterburner, Long flying time, high mobility, etc. Moreover, it is a design that considers stealth as the most important function. by Kazunori Ito.
F-22 in flight.

As one of the most popular aircraft of its era, the F-22 Raptor has long been respected for its incredible power and energy, marking it as a true catalyst of the modern era.

One of the most powerful and effective aspects of this aircraft, though, comes from the fact that it offers such effective and simplistic changes to the way that you might traditionally expect an aircraft to operate in. Away from the limitations of a basic civilian craft, the F-22 established itself as a genuine name within the industry that was capable of crushing even the most ambitious of flight targets.

With the release of this amazing modification, then, you can finally start to see the benefits and the changes of this release as it totally transforms, edits and improves upon the features of the original. One of the most elegant and effective aspects of this system, though, comes from the fact that it so accurately portrays each strength and weakness of the aircraft.

For some, it can feel too fast, but this is an aircraft built for high-end military combat; it moves at this speed for a reason! The modification team behind this is done a great job of capturing this depth of power and organization in the skies, making it one of the most effective and useful systems that you can fly around the air in.

If you have always wanted to know and understand implicitly what the nature of flight simulation in a military perspective would be like, this is the perfect model to try it out with.

Despite the incredibly high mobility of the aircraft, though, this does a good job of capturing the pure barbaric speed that this aircraft operates it. For this reason alone it can take a bit of getting used to due to its incredible pacing in comparison to many of its competitors out there.

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The archive F22raptor.zip has 40 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
F-22 Raptor07.26.040 B
Aircraft.cfg07.27.046.57 kB
F-22.air07.26.0413.38 kB
model07.26.040 B
F-22.mdl07.26.04678.53 kB
Model.cfg07.26.0423 B
panel07.27.040 B
Main_Panel.bmp07.27.04769.05 kB
PANEL.CFG07.27.041.61 kB
sound07.26.040 B
Sound.cfg07.25.0430 B
texture07.26.040 B
Burner_In.BMP07.24.0417.05 kB
Burner_L.bmp07.24.0465.05 kB
Burner_R.bmp07.24.0465.05 kB
Fuse_Bottom.bmp07.26.041.00 MB
Fuse_Top.bmp07.26.041.00 MB
PILOT.BMP07.24.04257.05 kB
Gauges07.27.040 B
f162k_pfd.gau03.18.01295.00 kB
f22.HSI.3.GAU03.27.98261.50 kB
SE.EICAS.gau05.30.00157.50 kB
SE.thrust.gau07.23.0056.50 kB
SE2.FLAPS.GAU07.24.0042.00 kB
f22.gear.gau03.10.9845.00 kB
c17_hudasi.gau03.18.0160.50 kB
c17_hudralt.gau03.18.0162.50 kB
c17_hudhdg.gau03.18.0158.50 kB
f162k_hudvsi2.gau12.13.9939.00 kB
F-22_Aoa.gau05.26.0463.50 kB
f162k_hudcmp.gau02.05.0058.00 kB
f_ap.gau03.05.99100.50 kB
f15j_radio.gau03.05.9950.00 kB
F16.GAU06.27.021.53 MB
F22_Pic1.JPG07.26.0450.78 kB
F22_Pic2.JPG07.26.0491.71 kB
File_ID.DIZ07.27.04447 B
README.txt07.27.045.04 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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hummingbird13Tue, 27 May 2008 03:11:04 GMT
amazing when its flying, but engines won't turn off even if you run out of fuel and impossible to land because of that. spoilers anyone?
hunterkiller87Sun, 06 Jan 2008 23:53:44 GMT
Blurry textures, horrific flight characteristics, generic sounds.
scootnbenThu, 15 Mar 2007 02:14:17 GMT
Not bad itself, becides the fact that the sound was from a boing. Copy sound effect from another fighter jet. Nine
gokThu, 08 Mar 2007 16:30:43 GMT
tottaly awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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