FS2004 PIA Boeing 747-200 AP-BCN

PreviewThis freeware release showcases a detailed Pakistan International Airlines Boeing 747-200 variant (registration AP-BCN), expertly repainted by Stian Svensen on the Project OpenSky base model. It is fully compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and includes the complete package with no add...

Screenshot 1
Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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5.1 MB
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This freeware release showcases a detailed Pakistan International Airlines Boeing 747-200 variant (registration AP-BCN), expertly repainted by Stian Svensen on the Project OpenSky base model. It is fully compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and includes the complete package with no additional downloads required. The Boeing 747-200 itself is a wide-body, long-haul aircraft often relied upon by airlines worldwide for its capacity to transport significant passenger loads across extended routes. This specific rendition in PIA’s livery reflects the carrier’s historical use of such aircraft for both international and domestic sectors.

A Closer Look at the 747-200 Structure

The real-world 747-200 is known for its robust four-engine configuration and advanced aerodynamics. In this simulation model, Project OpenSky has aimed to replicate these defining aspects. Their team includes:

  • Model Designer: C. Vincent Cho, Yosuke Ube
  • Flight Dynamics Designer: Nick Peterson
  • FDE Advisors: Warren C. Daniel, Simon Ng Hin Tat
  • Quality Control: Simon Ng Hin Tat
  • Testing: Project-Opensky Members
  • Master Textures: C. Vincent Cho, Yosuke Ube
  • Repainted By: Stian Svensen

Among the wide range of Boeing 747 families, the -200 series demonstrates a balance of power and performance suitable for long-haul operations. This release reflects those characteristics through realistic flight dynamics and advanced visual elements.

PIA Livery and Operational Significance

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), the national carrier of Pakistan, has historically operated multiple Boeing 747 variants, including the -200 series. PIA often utilized these aircraft for premium routes, offering extended range and ample cargo capacity. The airline’s branding is accurately depicted here with registration AP-BCN, providing an authentic experience that long-time aviation enthusiasts will recognize from past real-world operations.

PIA Boeing 747-200 with AP-BCN registration during takeoff

Visual representation of PIA Boeing 747-200 AP-BCN departing the runway.

In-Depth Feature Highlights

This model incorporates a variety of specialized features designed to emulate the real Boeing 747-200. Key elements include:

  • Remarkable Dynamic Shine for reflective surfaces
  • Accurate 3D Wheel modeling
  • Fully animated control surfaces, encompassing ailerons, rudders, and elevators
  • Independent suspension that corresponds with various load conditions
  • Main gear steering for enhanced ground maneuverability
  • Operational Trim Animation reflecting real-flight adjustments
  • Multiple door animations (passenger, cargo, and combination variants)
  • Flexible wings simulating aerodynamic responses
  • Animated tilting bogies to match realistic runway handling
  • Rolling wheels synchronized with aircraft motion
  • Functional thrust reversers assisting landing procedures
  • Customizable levels of reflective textures for each surface component
  • Flight dynamics extensively tested by qualified personnel, ensuring authentic performance
  • Comprehensive spoiler animation according to airspeed and flight conditions
  • Detailed and precise liveries for a professional appearance
  • Complete night-lighting suite with illuminated windows and landing lights
  • Reflective cockpit windows and translucent navigation light covers
  • Realistic crash effects integrated into the simulator environment

Operational Animations

To open and close doors or cargo hatches, use the following default commands:

  • Passenger Door: Shift + E
  • Cargo Bay Door (Arrest Hook): Accessible on cargo-capable variants
  • Additional Cargo Door (Combi/Cargo Only): Folding Wing

These sequences are synchronized with the model’s visual components, enhancing immersion during ground operations.

Installation Guidance

  1. Extract the downloaded package from its compressed file.
  2. Move the newly created aircraft folder into your main Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 “Aircraft” directory.

Once placed correctly, the 747-200 will be available in your aircraft selection menu, complete with the PIA livery and all custom animations.

Overall, this freeware release unites Project OpenSky’s technical expertise with Stian Svensen’s painting skills, resulting in a robust simulation of the Boeing 747-200 returning to the golden days of Pakistan International Airlines. Enthusiasts eager to relive classic wide-body operations will appreciate the careful attention to detail provided throughout every aspect of this add-on.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive piaold74.zip has 55 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
747-200PW.air03.05.0410.30 kB
747-effects04.11.040 B
Opensky_747_vclight.fx10.02.021.31 kB
Opensky_beacon.fx02.12.023.04 kB
Opensky_conden.fx10.03.023.15 kB
Opensky_condens.fx09.08.022.71 kB
Opensky_logo_light.fx10.03.021.31 kB
Opensky_nacelle_refl.fx09.29.021.29 kB
Opensky_nav_yellow.fx09.29.023.07 kB
Opensky_sparks.fx09.08.027.05 kB
Opensky_vortex.fx10.08.031.23 kB
Opensky_wing_light.fx09.29.021.31 kB
Aircraft.cfg04.11.0413.35 kB
model04.11.040 B
Model.cfg02.28.0436 B
POSKY742PJT9A12B234.mdl03.13.041.91 MB
panel04.11.040 B
panel.cfg03.19.0432 B
readme.txt04.11.043.01 kB
sound04.11.040 B
Sound.cfg08.26.9932 B
Special Thanks to.txt04.11.04423 B
texture04.11.040 B
posky_tire1.bmp01.26.0417.05 kB
posky_tire2.bmp01.26.0417.05 kB
posky_tire3.bmp01.26.0417.05 kB
posky742_bodyl_l.bmp04.05.044.00 MB
posky742_bodyl_t.bmp04.10.044.00 MB
posky742_bodyr_l.bmp04.05.044.00 MB
posky742_bodyr_t.bmp04.10.044.00 MB
posky742_cargo_interior_l.bmp10.13.0264.06 kB
posky742_doors_l.bmp10.20.021.00 MB
posky742_doors_t.bmp04.11.044.00 MB
posky742_eng_JT9D_l.bmp10.13.0264.06 kB
posky742_eng_JT9D_t.bmp04.10.044.00 MB
posky742_gear_l.bmp10.13.0264.07 kB
posky742_gear_t.bmp04.05.0464.07 kB
posky742_misc_l.bmp10.13.021.00 MB
posky742_misc_t.bmp04.10.044.00 MB
posky742_pax_interior_l.bmp10.13.0264.07 kB
posky742_pax_interior_t.bmp12.29.03682.75 kB
posky742_vertical_l.bmp10.13.02256.07 kB
posky742_vertical_t.bmp04.05.041.00 MB
posky742_window_t.bmp06.12.03128.08 kB
posky742_wingbottom_l.bmp10.13.0264.06 kB
posky742_wingbottom_t.bmp04.05.044.00 MB
posky742_wingtop_l.bmp10.13.0264.06 kB
posky742_wingtop_t.bmp03.23.044.00 MB
posky742fan.bmp09.14.0264.39 kB
posky742fanfast.bmp09.14.0264.84 kB
posky747cabina1.bmp12.30.03682.75 kB
Thumbs.db04.11.0491.50 kB
piabig.jpg04.11.04121.60 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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