FS2004 Quang Tri Airfield, Vietnam, Late 60's era

A model of Quang Tri Airfield, a strategic USMC helicopter base. The 1st and 3rd Division marines at Quang Tri flew CH-46 Sea Knight and UH-1N Huey Iroquois helicopters. Quang Tri Airfield was located just a few miles south of the the DMZ which made it extremely vulnerable to attack. North Vietna...

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Flight Simulator 2004
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A model of Quang Tri Airfield, a strategic USMC helicopter base. The 1st and 3rd Division marines at Quang Tri flew CH-46 Sea Knight and UH-1N Huey Iroquois helicopters. Quang Tri Airfield was located just a few miles south of the the DMZ which made it extremely vulnerable to attack. North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces attacked Quang Tri several times during the war. Although it wasn't a coastal base like Cam Ranh Bay or Tuy Hoa, the site of Quang Tri Airfield was very sandy. The sand contrasted with the surrounding terrain and looked somewhat unnatural. Aerial photos confirm that the base had this unusual appearance. This scenery was designed for FS 2002 but it should work in FS 2004. George Knowles.

The archive QuangTriAF.zip has 24 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Quang Tri_AFD.bgl02.25.06639 B
Quang Tri_exc1.bgl02.25.06148 B
Quang Tri.bgl02.25.0622.94 kB
Quang Tri_A16N.bgl02.25.06236 B
SCENERY.dat02.25.06596 B
pspbrwse.jbf02.23.063.95 kB
Sand_tan.bmp09.26.0365.05 kB
PSP.r807.15.0364.00 kB
256b2su1.bmp04.17.012.41 kB
Clapboards_win2.bmp06.30.0365.05 kB
GreyRoofs_01.bmp01.31.0317.05 kB
v_river2.bmp02.24.0617.05 kB
pspbrwse.jbf02.23.068.00 kB
gravel.r804.17.0164.00 kB
desert.r804.17.0186.41 kB
Corrugated.bmp02.25.0565.05 kB
Clapboards_win2storey.bmp06.30.0365.05 kB
Clapboards_win1.bmp06.30.0365.05 kB
Shops_grey_umber.bmp01.06.0365.05 kB
Metal_roof_v.bmp10.22.0565.05 kB
Description.txt02.26.06749 B
Instructions.txt02.25.061.27 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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Installation Instructions

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