This repaint package enhances the now freeware AlphaSim North American T-28 for Microsoft Flight Simulator X with authentic United States Marine Corps markings from 1955. Developed by John Detrick, these textures depict a T-28B stationed with VMIT-20 at MCAS Cherry Point, capturing the trainer’...
- Type
- Repaint
- Download hits
- 104
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- t28bvmit20.zip
- File size
- 6.27 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 28 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
This repaint package enhances the now freeware AlphaSim North American T-28 for Microsoft Flight Simulator X with authentic United States Marine Corps markings from 1955. Developed by John Detrick, these textures depict a T-28B stationed with VMIT-20 at MCAS Cherry Point, capturing the trainer’s vibrant historical appearance.
Historical Notes on the T-28 Trojan
The North American T-28 Trojan (a radial-engine military trainer) took to the skies for the first time in 1949. Intended as a successor to earlier training aircraft, its design featured sturdy landing gear and a robust airframe. By the time production concluded in 1957, multiple variants had been delivered to both the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy. The T-28B in particular, fitted with a 1,425-horsepower engine, represented a significant performance leap over its T-28A predecessor. In 1955, the USMC used this advanced trainer with specialized squadrons, including VMIT-20, for pilot instruction.
Screenshot showing the USMC T-28B VMIT-20 in a high-visibility training scheme.
Marine Corps VMIT-20 Customization
These textures replicate the distinctive paint scheme that identified Marine training units at MCAS Cherry Point. The overall finish and squadron markings remained faithful to historical references, showcasing the bright fuselage design used for flight instruction during the mid-1950s. Pilots and virtual enthusiasts will appreciate the visual fidelity, especially in formation flights or dedicated practice sorties.
Installation Procedure
- Download and install the freeware AlphaSim T-28 Trojan base model (available in the Fly Away Simulation mod library).
- Unzip the repaint package and place the folder texture.vmit20 into the main directory for your ALPHA T-28 Trojan Set.
- Open the aircraft.cfg file and add the lines provided below. Remember to replace [fltsim.x] with the next sequential number.
Essential Configuration Details
[fltsim.x] title=ALPHA T-28B VMIT-20 sim=T-28 model=B panel= sound= texture=vmit20 kb_checklists=T-28_check description=AlphaSim Ltd 2004\n\nNorth American T-28 'Trojan'\n\nThe first T-28 made its initial flight on September 24, 1949. Designed as a replacement for the T-6 trainer, the Trojan went into production in 1950. The USAF version (T-28A) was powered by an 800-hp. engine, whereas later U.S. Navy versions (T-28B and C) were powered by 1,425-hp. engines. When production ended in 1957, a total of 1,948 of the three different versions had been built. ui_manufacturer=North American ui_type=T-28 Trojan - ui_variation=T-28B, USMC VMIT-20 MCAS CHERRY POINT 1955 ui_typerole="Trainer" ui_createdby="AlphaSim Ltd" atc_heavy=0 atc_id=138285 atc_airline=MARINE atc_flight_number=285 atc_parking_types=MIL_COMBAT
Included Documentation
A documents folder provides NATOPS (Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization) excerpts. These references detail startup procedures and operational guidelines used by actual T-28 crews, allowing virtual aviators to replicate many real-world protocols.
Note: This package consists of textures only. To activate this repaint correctly, you need the freeware AlphaSim T-28 Trojan base package, which can be located in the Fly Away Simulation file library.
The archive t28bvmit20.zip has 28 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
Read Me.txt | 10.06.11 | 1.25 kB |
T28 Docs | 10.06.11 | 0 B |
T-28B and C reference.pdf | 10.06.11 | 1.73 MB |
T-28-15.jpg | 10.06.11 | 156.36 kB |
T-28-16.jpg | 10.06.11 | 156.31 kB |
T-28-17.jpg | 10.06.11 | 272.37 kB |
T28BVMIT20.gif | 10.06.11 | 9.78 kB |
texture.vmit20 | 10.06.11 | 0 B |
Glass_t.bmp | 03.07.03 | 21.43 kB |
Lens_L.bmp | 04.25.04 | 21.43 kB |
Lens_T.bmp | 04.25.04 | 21.43 kB |
prop_2.dds | 06.11.09 | 1.00 MB |
prop_3.bmp | 03.26.10 | 21.43 kB |
texture.cfg | 09.16.08 | 70 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 10.06.11 | 117.97 kB |
trojan_1.dds | 09.20.11 | 5.33 MB |
trojan_2 .dds | 09.20.11 | 5.33 MB |
trojan_3.dds | 09.20.11 | 5.33 MB |
trojan_4.bmp | 10.29.04 | 512.05 kB |
trojan_5.bmp | 09.04.04 | 512.05 kB |
trojan_6.bmp | 10.29.04 | 512.05 kB |
trojan_7.bmp | 10.29.04 | 512.05 kB |
trojan_8.bmp | 11.13.04 | 1.00 MB |
trojan_9.bmp | 11.16.04 | 256.07 kB |
trojan_crew .dds | 09.20.11 | 1.33 MB |
trojan_crew 2.dds | 09.20.11 | 1.33 MB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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