FSX Forgotten Airfields of the World Part I

Preview FSadventureSky Flights--There are thousands of "forgotten airfields" around the world. Some were great during WW2 and much needed, others went bankrupt due to very little traffic and others just faded away... Have you wanted to fly out to one of these? Well here is your chance. Not an easy one...

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FSadventureSky Flights--There are thousands of "forgotten airfields" around the world. Some were great during WW2 and much needed, others went bankrupt due to very little traffic and others just faded away... Have you wanted to fly out to one of these? Well here is your chance. Not an easy one to find in Alaska, a truly forgotten one in cold Russia and one that was shut down after a doomed expedition in Chile. It will not be a piece of cake finding them but you sure will have fun trying! The kit includes everything, you put the planes, flying and navigation experience. By Gera Godoy Canova.

Screenshot of route to Isla Pulga.

Screenshot of route to Isla Pulga.

  1. Unzip the file enclosed to any Temp Folder.
  2. Place the .BGL and/OR .LC files in the enclosed Scenery folder in: FSX/ Addon Scenery / Scenery Directory.
  3. Place the .BMP files in the enclosed Texture folder in: FSX/ Addon Scenery/ Texture Directory.
  4. Place the Flight Files IN YOUR USERS/Your Name/My Documents/Flight Simulator X Files DIRECTORY.
  5. OPEN flight files from fsx menu as per enclosed instructions.PDF.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9

The archive abair_01.zip has 48 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
AT VENETIE.jpg11.06.11491.02 kB
BORDERTOWN.jpg11.05.11295.07 kB
BORDERTOWN-2.jpg11.05.11840.41 kB
file_id.diz11.07.11184 B
forgotten01.jpg11.04.11608.99 kB
forgotten02.jpg11.04.11426.92 kB
forgottenSOUTH.jpg11.06.11387.17 kB
INSTRUCTIONS.pdf11.07.11212.87 kB
OLD ROUTE TO BORDERTOWN.jpg11.05.11297.14 kB
READ ME FIRST.txt11.07.111.28 kB
ROUTE TO BORSKY.jpg11.06.11255.04 kB
ROUTE TO ISLA PULGA.jpg11.06.11204.64 kB
FLIGHTS11.06.110 B
TO BORDERTOWN.FLT11.06.1118.18 kB
TO BORDERTOWN.WX11.06.11163.64 kB
TO ISLA PULGA.FLT11.06.1116.83 kB
TO ISLA PULGA.FSSAVE11.06.11118.95 kB
TO ISLA PULGA.WX11.06.11163.64 kB
SCENERY11.07.110 B
BODEGA-AZUL.bgl03.29.1119.37 kB
CASA-ROTA01.bgl11.05.1111.24 kB
CASA-ROTA02.bgl11.05.1111.69 kB
CASA-ROTA03.bgl11.05.116.22 kB
CASA-ROTA04.bgl11.05.119.18 kB
CASA-ROTA05.bgl11.05.114.01 kB
CASA-SELVA-DER.bgl03.13.116.39 kB
CASA-SELVA-IZQ.bgl03.13.114.98 kB
CVX_PROJECT.BGL11.06.11282 B
LC_3112.bgl11.05.11293 B
LC_8409.bgl11.04.11292 B
MISTERRUSO.bgl11.06.118.09 kB
TEXTURE11.07.110 B
AEROCOBAN.bmp09.04.10129.05 kB
CASA-ROTA01_00.bmp11.05.1142.74 kB
CASA-ROTA02_00.bmp11.05.11170.74 kB
CASA-ROTA03_00.bmp11.05.11170.74 kB
CASA-ROTA04_00.bmp11.05.11170.74 kB
CASA-ROTA05_00.bmp11.05.1142.74 kB
TECHOMETAL.bmp09.12.1065.05 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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