FS2004 Dominicana Boeing 727-200

PreviewThis freeware release presents a faithful recreation of the 727-200 series equipped with Dominicana de Aviacion's vibrant exterior. It offers a complete package that includes an authentic model, precise flight dynamics, and realistic night lighting. The distinctive tri-engine layout has been care...

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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8.78 MB
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This freeware release presents a faithful recreation of the 727-200 series equipped with Dominicana de Aviacion's vibrant exterior. It offers a complete package that includes an authentic model, precise flight dynamics, and realistic night lighting. The distinctive tri-engine layout has been carefully rendered to showcase the classic charm of this historic airliner within Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. Created for enthusiasts seeking a deep level of detail, this add-on is available on Fly Away Simulation.

Detailed Tri-Jet Configuration

The Boeing 727-200 is renowned for its tail-mounted engine arrangement, delivering a unique flight profile and distinct performance characteristics. This rendition highlights the advanced variant of the aircraft, featuring an extended fuselage and higher capacity. The real-world counterpart once played a significant role in global airline operations, and Dominicana de Aviacion proudly employed these tri-jet aircraft for its regional and international routes.

Repaint & Exterior Visuals

Henry William has meticulously applied the Dominicana livery, reflecting the airline’s specific branding and subtle color details. The repaint exhibits accurate tail graphics and realistic wear marks, ensuring an authentic look when viewed from multiple camera angles. Night lighting, provided by Jim Campisi, complements the exterior layout and adds further immersion.

Screenshot of Dominicana Boeing 727-200 in flight.

Dominicana de Aviacion 727-200 depicted cruising at altitude.

Flight Dynamics & Model

Erick Cantu’s model and Frasier Turner’s flight dynamics offer an accurate handling profile, capturing the aircraft’s distinctive control feel. Aerodynamic behavior reflects the tri-tail engine setup, making takeoffs and approaches particularly characteristic of the 727 design. Subtle adjustments have been integrated to account for weight distribution, thrust performance, and system behaviors.

Configuration Data

Below is the core entry used by Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 to identify and load this aircraft variant:

title=Vistaliners Boeing 727-200Adv Dominicana
ui_variation=Dominicana de aviacion
description=One of the most successful commercial jet airliners ever designed. Production totaled 1,831 aircraft between 1963 and 1984. \n\n Dedicated to my dearest friend Rachel, for always being there, for keeping me sane (dare I say alive), without whom this release could very well have never happened. \n\n Thank You.

Key Features Implemented

  • High-Fidelity Exterior: Accurate mapping of the Dominicana branding and fuselage markings.
  • Precision Flight Model: Tuned to match the real aircraft’s thrust and weight distribution.
  • Optimized Night Lighting: Customized illumination reflecting realistic cabin and logo lighting.
  • Comprehensive Package: Completely free, with all required base model components included.

Developer Acknowledgments

This modification, made available through Fly Away Simulation, would not exist without the dedication of Erick Cantu (aircraft model), Frasier Turner (FDE), Jim Campisi (night lighting), and Henry William (texture). Each contributor brought vital expertise to build this tribute to one of the most iconic tri-jets of the commercial aviation era. This joint effort results in a faithful homage to the Boeing 727-200 series in the memorable Dominicana de Aviacion styling.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive b72dohw.zip has 58 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
B727200A_VL.air11.07.048.44 kB
Aircraft.cfg11.21.0411.58 kB
727 readme.pdf11.17.04223.69 kB
readme.txt11.21.04345 B
sound11.21.040 B
sound.cfg11.16.047.94 kB
APU.WAV08.27.0434.59 kB
BAAPDIS.WAV07.12.0450.09 kB
BAGLIDE.WAV09.16.997.19 kB
BAIR.WAV07.26.03433.09 kB
BAN11.wav11.16.04288.09 kB
BAOVER.WAV09.16.9922.23 kB
BASTALL.WAV11.16.0426.73 kB
BMFLAPS.WAV07.12.04146.31 kB
BMGWARN.WAV07.12.0443.09 kB
COCKPIT_FANS.WAV11.16.04114.09 kB
GEAR.wav04.17.01119.19 kB
ROLLA.WAV08.13.0234.66 kB
ROLLB.WAV08.13.02272.09 kB
ROLLC.WAV08.13.0286.09 kB
ROLLD.WAV08.13.02141.67 kB
TC.WAV08.13.0218.09 kB
TC2.WAV08.13.0271.09 kB
TC3.WAV08.13.0218.59 kB
XAPU.WAV08.13.02221.09 kB
XBAN11.wav11.16.04357.09 kB
XBAN12.WAV11.16.04302.09 kB
XBAN13.wav10.07.0497.09 kB
XBAN14.WAV08.27.03181.09 kB
XBAN15.WAV11.16.04122.59 kB
XBAN16.WAV11.16.04140.09 kB
XBAN17.WAV11.16.04217.59 kB
XBAN1SHUT.WAV11.16.04347.09 kB
XBAN1STRT.WAV11.16.04888.09 kB
XBAN2STRT.WAV11.16.04595.09 kB
XBAN2T.WAV10.07.04188.59 kB
XBBN13.wav11.16.04281.09 kB
XBBN15.wav11.16.04122.59 kB
model11.21.040 B
B727200.mdl11.16.042.31 MB
model.cfg10.18.0424 B
panel11.21.040 B
panel.cfg03.16.0330 B
texture.dominicana11.21.040 B
B727_B_T.bmp11.21.044.00 MB
B727_C_T.bmp11.21.044.00 MB
B727_C_L.BMP11.17.04256.07 kB
B727_A_L.bmp11.20.041.00 MB
B727_B_L.bmp11.20.041.00 MB
b727_a_t.bmp11.21.044.00 MB
aa.jpg11.21.0461.61 kB
bb.jpg11.21.0495.49 kB
cc.jpg11.21.0493.98 kB
small.gif11.21.045.08 kB
Boeing 727-200 Dominicana de aviacion11.21.040 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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