FSX Fokker 50 Flight Deck And Passenger Compartment

PreviewEnhance your Fokker 50 cockpit and passenger area with comprehensive texture upgrades that correct several visual inconsistencies and refine the seat fabrics. This freeware package, created by Emile Lancee, is designed for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and requires the payware Fokker 50 aircraft f...

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Enhance your Fokker 50 cockpit and passenger area with comprehensive texture upgrades that correct several visual inconsistencies and refine the seat fabrics. This freeware package, created by Emile Lancee, is designed for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and requires the payware Fokker 50 aircraft from Precision Aerobus to function properly. It modifies both the flight deck and passenger compartment, offering improved surfaces and a comfortable feel for virtual passengers.

Refined Flight Deck Appearance

The real-world Fokker 50 is a twin-engined turboprop designed for short- to medium-range routes. It gained popularity for its efficient performance and reliable Dutch engineering. In this simulation enhancement, the cockpit elements have been visually refined through new textures, ensuring that panels, overhead switches, and instrument surrounds look clearer. These updated surfaces provide an immersive environment for procedure-based flying and system checks, making your start-up sequences and navigation tasks more engaging.

Interior Updates for Passengers

The passenger cabin features modified seat fabrics, bringing a more modern style that still represents the classic regional airliner interior. This attention to detail helps replicate what might be expected in short-haul operations where comfort and practicality are paramount. The textures have been carefully adjusted to accurately capture lighting, shadowing, and realistic color variations, so every seat row appears consistent and cohesive.

Screenshot of Fokker 50 interior.

Screenshot of Fokker 50 interior.

Installation Procedure

  1. Extract the downloaded archive to a temporary folder. You will see a directory labeled Seats, Cockpit & Interior textures.
  2. Open your main Flight Simulator X folder, then navigate to SimObjects > Airplanes and locate the Fk50_vx1 directory for the Precision Aerobus Fokker 50.
  3. Identify the specific texture.xxx folder you want to update, then open it.
  4. Copy the DDS (DirectDraw Surface) files found in the Seats, Cockpit & Interior textures directory. Paste them into the corresponding texture.xxx folder you opened in the previous step, overwriting when prompted.
  5. Launch Microsoft Flight Simulator X and load your updated Fokker 50. You will now see the improved cockpit panels and refreshed seating throughout the cabin.

Notes and Credits

These textures are released as freeware, ensuring easy access to anyone who owns the original Fokker 50 payware package from Precision Aerobus. Special thanks to Emile Lancee for developing and sharing these upgrades with the community. The result is a more authentic flying experience, capturing the distinct look of this iconic regional workhorse.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7

The archive fsx_fokker_50_seats_cockpit_and_interieur_textures.zip has 68 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Texture files04.08.120 B
Fk50-air-conditioner.dds02.12.121.00 MB
FK50-Button-background.dds07.16.101.48 kB
Fk50-chair-2.dds07.16.105.48 kB
Fk50-chair-3.dds07.16.1085.48 kB
Fk50-chair-4.dds07.16.101.33 MB
Fk50-cloth_door.dds07.16.101.33 MB
Fk50-Door-1.dds07.16.101.33 MB
Fk50-Door-2.dds07.16.101.33 MB
Fk50-Door-3.dds07.16.101.33 MB
Fk50-Door.dds07.16.101.33 MB
Fk50-forehead-1.dds07.17.1021.48 kB
Fk50-forehead-10-headset.dds02.14.124.00 MB
Fk50-forehead-10.dds07.17.101.33 MB
Fk50-forehead-11.dds03.30.111.00 MB
Fk50-forehead-12.dds03.30.111.00 MB
Fk50-forehead-13.dds03.30.111.00 MB
Fk50-forehead-14.dds03.30.111.00 MB
Fk50-forehead-2.dds03.30.111.00 MB
Fk50-forehead-3.dds03.22.124.00 MB
Fk50-forehead-5.dds03.30.111.00 MB
Fk50-forehead-7.dds03.30.111.00 MB
Fk50-forehead-8.dds07.17.101.33 MB
Fk50-forehead-9.dds03.30.111.00 MB
FK50-Overhead-1.dds07.17.1085.48 kB
FK50-Overhead-2.dds07.17.105.48 kB
Fk50-Overhead-3.dds07.17.101.33 MB
Fk50-Overhead-4.dds07.17.101.33 MB
Fk50-Panel-1.dds03.30.111.00 MB
Fk50-Panel-2.dds03.30.111.00 MB
Fk50-Panel-3.dds03.30.111.00 MB
FK50-Panel-4.dds03.30.111.00 MB
Fk50-Panel-5.dds03.30.11256.12 kB
Fk50-Panel-6.dds03.30.111.00 MB
Fk50-Panel-7.dds04.06.111.00 MB
Fk50-Panel-9.dds03.30.111.00 MB
FK50-panel-background.dds07.16.105.48 kB
Fk50-switch-AP-1.dds07.16.1085.48 kB
Fk50-switch-AP-2.dds07.16.1085.48 kB
Fk50-switch-AP.dds07.16.1021.48 kB
Fk50-Switch-turn-1.dds07.16.1085.48 kB
Fk50-Switch-turn-2.dds07.16.101.48 kB
Fk50-Switch-turn-3.dds07.16.105.48 kB
Fk50-Switch-turn-4.dds07.16.10341.48 kB
Fk50-Switch-turn.dds07.16.105.48 kB
FK50-VCI-Bacngrond.dds03.21.1216.12 kB
Fk50-window-shaft.dds03.30.11256.12 kB
Fk50_Cabin-chair-front-side.dds02.13.124.00 MB
Fk50_Pilot_stick_pedal-set-001.dds02.12.121.00 MB
Fk50_VC-cabin-left.dds02.12.121.00 MB
Fk50_VC-cabin-right.dds02.12.121.00 MB
Fk50_vc_top_001.dds07.16.101.33 MB
Fk50_window-edge-left.dds08.08.1085.48 kB
Fk50_window-edge.dds08.08.1085.48 kB
Fk50_windscreen_frame.dds04.04.12256.12 kB
Fk50_wing-stand.dds04.04.12256.12 kB
Fokker 50 interior.gif04.10.1213.54 kB
Fokker 50 interior.jpg04.08.12103.32 kB
Headset cockpit rearwall.jpg04.07.1241.14 kB
Headset cocpit rearwall new.jpg04.08.1221.12 kB
Modified Fokker 50 cockpit FSX.jpg04.08.12390.88 kB
Navigation Managment.jpg04.07.12255.79 kB
Navigation Managment new.jpg04.08.12422.54 kB
Standard Fokker 50 cockpit FSX.jpg04.08.12429.42 kB
Cockpit and Cabin textures Fokker 50 FSX description and installation instructions.txt04.08.121.68 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ04.11.12401 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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