FSX Fly Synthesis Texan Club 550 LSA
This is an Italian built low-wing light sport aircraft made of composite materials. It offers good visibility, excellent handling, and is a pleasure to fly. Its low speed capabilities make it an ideal aircraft for small airstrips. Package includes aircraft, textures and panel by Massimo Taccol...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 4.1K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- fs_texan_fsx.zip
- File size
- 10.78 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 29 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
This is an Italian built low-wing light sport aircraft made of composite materials. It offers good visibility, excellent handling, and is a pleasure to fly. Its low speed capabilities make it an ideal aircraft for small airstrips. Package includes aircraft, textures and panel by Massimo Taccoli. FD files by Dennis Seeley. Gauges by Dennis Seeley and Massimo Taccoli. Sounds by Oskari Syynimaa.
Screenshot of Fly Synthesis Texan Club 550 LSA in flight.
The low wing of rectangular shape use a laminar airfoil section. The ailerons are differential, while the flaps of plane type are operated electrically, the surface of the vertical tail fin is composed of a fixed part and a movable rudder, and the horizontal surface of the tail is completely mobile, hinged in its central part with integrated trim. The tricycle landing is fixed, with nosewheel steering.
The model has a 2d and 3d panel and can also be controlled only by the Virtual Cockpit, see the illustrations contained in the documents folder which show the panel in its current configuration.
To install this model into FSX follow this simple procedure:
- Extract the here provided FS_Texan_FSX.zip file in a temporary folder. After extraction You'll find the Fly Synthesis Texan folder, with inside this text.
- Copy or move the Fly Synthesis Texan folder into your Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes folder.
- Then launch FSX and you'll find three texture variation for the model listed in the Select aircraft window of the Free flight menu under Fly Synthesis as aircraft manufacturer.
- That's all and have a good time!
- Double check everything before e-mailing me! the most of problems I am asked to solve are due to not having read readme files!
The archive fs_texan_fsx.zip has 87 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
FS_Texan_FSX | 12.10.12 | 0 B |
Fly_Synthesis_Texan | 12.09.12 | 0 B |
Aircraft.cfg | 12.09.12 | 15.15 kB |
Documents | 12.09.12 | 0 B |
2d_panel.JPG | 12.09.12 | 267.58 kB |
3d_panel.JPG | 12.09.12 | 250.04 kB |
Texan_550_Club_I-7963.JPG | 11.27.12 | 206.76 kB |
Texan_550_Club_I-A115.JPG | 11.27.12 | 221.06 kB |
Texan_550_Club_WEFLY_Team.JPG | 11.27.12 | 211.78 kB |
File_id.diz | 12.14.12 | 598 B |
Fly_Synthesis_check.htm | 12.08.12 | 36.07 kB |
Fly_Synthesis_ref.htm | 12.07.12 | 2.81 kB |
Install_English.txt | 12.09.12 | 4.51 kB |
Install_Italiano.txt | 12.09.12 | 3.83 kB |
model | 12.09.12 | 0 B |
Fly_Synthesis_Texan.mdl | 12.09.12 | 769.42 kB |
Fly_Synthesis_Texan_Interior.mdl | 12.09.12 | 593.80 kB |
Model.cfg | 12.09.12 | 77 B |
panel | 12.14.12 | 0 B |
engine gauges.bmp | 08.23.12 | 324.75 kB |
Main panel.bmp | 08.26.12 | 2.25 MB |
MT_FS_Texan.cab | 12.07.12 | 970.97 kB |
PANEL.CFG | 12.07.12 | 5.85 kB |
sound | 12.09.12 | 0 B |
ev97_canopy_close.wav | 03.28.07 | 318.73 kB |
ev97_canopy_open.wav | 03.28.07 | 320.80 kB |
ev97_flaps.wav | 06.23.07 | 155.10 kB |
ev97_roll_1.wav | 03.28.07 | 430.27 kB |
ev97_roll_2.wav | 06.23.07 | 199.55 kB |
ev97_wind.wav | 03.28.07 | 1.11 MB |
rotax_912_rpm_1.wav | 06.23.07 | 430.54 kB |
rotax_912_rpm_2.wav | 06.23.07 | 427.03 kB |
rotax_912_rpm_3.wav | 06.23.07 | 444.03 kB |
rotax_912_rpm_4.wav | 03.27.07 | 431.70 kB |
rotax_912_shutdown.wav | 03.28.07 | 179.91 kB |
rotax_912_starter.wav | 03.28.07 | 19.72 kB |
rotax_912_startup.wav | 03.28.07 | 164.90 kB |
Sound.cfg | 10.25.07 | 5.48 kB |
xrotax_912_rpm_1.wav | 06.23.07 | 431.48 kB |
xrotax_912_rpm_2.wav | 06.23.07 | 438.43 kB |
xrotax_912_rpm_3.wav | 06.23.07 | 438.43 kB |
xrotax_912_rpm_4.wav | 06.23.07 | 494.06 kB |
xrotax_912_shutdown.wav | 03.28.07 | 201.70 kB |
xrotax_912_starter.wav | 03.28.07 | 19.72 kB |
xrotax_912_startup.wav | 03.28.07 | 74.78 kB |
Texan.air | 12.13.12 | 5.50 kB |
texture.A115 | 12.09.12 | 0 B |
Texan_fuse.dds | 11.30.12 | 1.00 MB |
Texan_glass.dds | 12.06.12 | 256.12 kB |
Texan_lights.dds | 11.26.12 | 4.12 kB |
Texan_parts.dds | 11.27.12 | 1.00 MB |
Texan_pilot.dds | 11.26.12 | 256.12 kB |
Texan_prop.dds | 11.27.12 | 128.12 kB |
Texan_propB.dds | 11.26.12 | 128.12 kB |
Texan_propblade.dds | 11.27.12 | 64.12 kB |
Texan_tire.dds | 11.26.12 | 64.12 kB |
texan_VC1_L.bmp | 12.06.12 | 512.07 kB |
texan_wings.dds | 11.27.12 | 1.00 MB |
Thumbnail.JPG | 11.27.12 | 235.73 kB |
texture.std | 12.09.12 | 0 B |
Texan_fuse.dds | 11.27.12 | 1.00 MB |
Texan_glass.dds | 12.06.12 | 256.12 kB |
Texan_lights.dds | 11.26.12 | 4.12 kB |
Texan_parts.dds | 11.26.12 | 1.00 MB |
Texan_pilot.dds | 11.26.12 | 256.12 kB |
Texan_prop.dds | 11.26.12 | 128.12 kB |
Texan_propB.dds | 11.26.12 | 128.12 kB |
Texan_propblade.dds | 11.26.12 | 64.12 kB |
Texan_tire.dds | 11.26.12 | 64.12 kB |
texan_VC1_L.bmp | 12.06.12 | 512.07 kB |
Texan_wings.dds | 11.26.12 | 1.00 MB |
Thumbnail.JPG | 11.27.12 | 212.85 kB |
Texture.WF | 12.09.12 | 0 B |
Texan_fuse.dds | 11.27.12 | 1.00 MB |
Texan_glass.dds | 12.06.12 | 256.12 kB |
Texan_lights.dds | 11.26.12 | 4.12 kB |
Texan_parts.dds | 11.26.12 | 1.00 MB |
Texan_pilot.dds | 11.26.12 | 256.12 kB |
Texan_prop.dds | 11.26.12 | 128.12 kB |
Texan_propB.dds | 11.26.12 | 128.12 kB |
Texan_propblade.dds | 11.26.12 | 64.12 kB |
Texan_tire.dds | 11.26.12 | 64.12 kB |
texan_VC1_L.bmp | 12.06.12 | 512.07 kB |
Texan_wings.dds | 11.27.12 | 1.00 MB |
Thumbnail.JPG | 11.27.12 | 222.63 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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Hi, Can I use it with flight simulator 2020?
Wow, really, really a great plane, simply my favorite, perfect for vfr, thanks a lot for this one.
It's smooth and ideal for light sport flying!