FSX Pan Am DHC Dash-7 N171RA
Pan American textures for the updated Milton Shupe DHC Dash-7; requires DASH7PKGX.ZIP. Repaint by Matt Ervin.
- Type
- Repaint⇲ Download Base Model
- Download hits
- 1.4K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- panamdash7.zip
- File size
- 7.04 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 25 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Pan American textures for the updated Milton Shupe DHC Dash-7; requires DASH7PKGX.ZIP. Repaint by Matt Ervin.
Screenshot of Pan Am DHC Dash-7 taking off.
- Unzip to desktop.
- Copy and paste the folder texture.PanAm to your installed de Havilland Canada DHC-7 usually located at Program Files / Microsoft Games / Microsoft Flight Simulator X / SimObjects / Airplanes.
- Edit your aircraft.cfg file by adding the entry below.
- Thanks and happy flying.
title=de Havilland Canada DHC-7|PanAm
kb_checklists=Dash 7_check
ui_manufacturer=de Havilland Canada
ui_typerole="Four Engine TurboProp"
ui_createdby=Milton Shupe
description=>Livery<\n PanAm Dash-7.Paint by Matt Ervin.\n\n>History<\nFirst prototype aircraft flew March 27, 1975. The first production Dash 7 flew on 30 May 1977.\n\n>Virtual Engineering<\nModel design & animation (GMAX): Milton Shupe\nFlight Dynamics: Bernt Stolle\nPanel-Gauges: Scott Thomas\nEffects: See Readme\nSound: Nigel Richards\nGraphics: Mike Kelley
The archive panamdash7.zip has 31 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
FILE_ID.DIZ | 01.01.13 | 141 B |
PanAmDash7.gif | 01.01.13 | 10.52 kB |
Read me.txt | 01.01.13 | 2.92 kB |
Screenshots | 01.01.13 | 0 B |
fsx 2013-01-01 21-42-30-58.jpg | 01.01.13 | 130.45 kB |
fsx 2013-01-01 21-47-33-82.jpg | 01.01.13 | 112.82 kB |
fsx 2013-01-01 21-49-14-64.jpg | 01.01.13 | 94.71 kB |
fsx 2013-01-01 21-49-26-72.jpg | 01.01.13 | 74.71 kB |
texture.PanAm | 01.01.13 | 0 B |
cabinparts.bmp | 12.03.12 | 1.00 MB |
cockpitback.bmp | 11.21.12 | 1.00 MB |
cockpitbackr.bmp | 11.30.12 | 1.00 MB |
doorsinner.bmp | 11.30.12 | 4.00 MB |
fusefront_t.bmp | 01.01.13 | 4.00 MB |
fuseinnerext.bmp | 12.05.12 | 4.00 MB |
fuserear_t.bmp | 12.30.12 | 4.00 MB |
fuserearwall.bmp | 11.21.12 | 1.00 MB |
nacelle-eng0_t.bmp | 12.27.12 | 4.00 MB |
nacelle-eng1_t.bmp | 12.21.12 | 4.00 MB |
nacelle-eng2_t.bmp | 12.21.12 | 4.00 MB |
nacelle-eng3_t.bmp | 12.21.12 | 4.00 MB |
propblade.bmp | 11.28.12 | 256.07 kB |
tails_t.bmp | 12.30.12 | 4.00 MB |
texture.cfg | 12.20.12 | 144 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 12.30.12 | 19.24 kB |
tiretread.bmp | 11.23.12 | 64.07 kB |
wheelmain.bmp | 11.27.12 | 64.07 kB |
wing_L_t.bmp | 12.30.12 | 4.00 MB |
wing_r_t.bmp | 12.27.12 | 4.00 MB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Complementing Files & Dependencies
This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.
You may also need to download the following files:
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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