FS2004 Eastern Air Lines Douglas DC-7B N836D

PreviewDesigned to be added to the CalClassic DC-7B. Livery by Eric Joiner. Aircraft model by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson. Original VC by Jens Kristensen.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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8.66 MB
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Designed to be added to the CalClassic DC-7B. Livery by Eric Joiner. Aircraft model by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson. Original VC by Jens Kristensen.

Eastern Air Lines Douglas DC-7B idle on the ground.

Eastern Air Lines Douglas DC-7B idle on the ground.

This aircraft in real life has been lovingly restored by the Historical Flight Foundation (HFF). It has recently been approved for flight by the FAA, and should be seen at airshows soon. The FAA had this to say about her:

"The HFF is unique in that its Douglas Aircraft Co. DC-7B aircraft represents the only U.S. based, four engine, passenger prop-liner in operation today. With the advent of jet aircraft, most of the DC-7 aircraft disappeared from commercial airline service by the early 1970s. The majority of the DC-7 were simply scrapped as they were seen as being un-economical to operate. In this unique case, the aircraft being operated by the HFF was still in its original passenger configuration as delivered to Eastern Air Lines in January 1958. Of the 112 DC-7 aircraft produced, this is the only surviving passenger configuration aircraft."

  • If you haven't done so very recently, please download and install the CalClassic Domestic DC-7B. It is the American Airlines DC-7B Base Pack
  • If you haven't done so very recently, please download and install the CalClassic DC-7 to get the panel and sounds. It is the United Airlines DC-7 Base Pack.
  • If you already have these installed and have added other liveries to the folders, please back up your aircraft.cfg file before installing (rename it aircraft_old.cfg). Add these livery sections to the new aircraft.cfg file after re-installation. Nothing needs to be deleted before re-installation.
  • If you are using FSX, don't forget to copy all folders from the FSX/Aircraft folder to the FSX/Simobjects/Airplanes folder after installing both of these packages.
  • Copy the entire model.eal folder included in this package into the FS9/Aircraft/DC-7B Dom or FSX/Simobjects/Airplanes/DC-7B Dom folder.
  • Copy the entire texture.eastern folder included in this package into the FS9/Aircraft/DC-7B Dom or FSX/Simobjects/Airplanes/DC-7B Dom folder.
  • Add the following to your aircraft.cfg for the DC-7B Domestic version (in the FS9/Aircraft/DC-7B Dom or FSX/Simobjects/Airplanes/DC-7B Dom folder). Place it at the bottom of the list of liveries already present.

title=DC-7B Eastern N836D
ui_variation=Eastern Golden Falcon
description= Historical Flight Foundation DC-7B in the colors of her original buyer, Eastern Airlines. DC-7B (N836D) serial number 45345/928 was originally delivered to EAL in January 1958. N836 Delta was operated by EAL and several flying clubs for less than 10 years before being parked at the downtown Minneapolis airport. She is the only airworthy example of the DC-7 in the world and is based today in Miami, Fl.\\

  • Change the XX in the first line added above to the next higher number in the listing.
  • Save the file.
  • You should find the plane listed as a Douglas DC-7B Eastern Golden Falcon in the Select Aircraft menu of FS.


Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive eal_dc7b_n836d_final.zip has 49 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
blurred_prop.bmp04.26.1064.07 kB
dc6b-3.bmp03.29.03341.43 kB
dc6b-4.bmp04.01.03341.43 kB
DC6b_cockpit.bmp03.23.03257.05 kB
dc7cowl1_L.bmp08.17.031.43 kB
dc7cowl1_t.bmp04.27.101.00 MB
dc7cowl2_L.bmp08.17.031.43 kB
dc7cowl2_t.bmp04.27.101.00 MB
dc7cowl3_L.bmp08.17.031.43 kB
dc7cowl3_t.bmp04.27.101.00 MB
dc7cowl4_L.bmp08.17.031.43 kB
dc7cowl4_t.bmp04.27.101.00 MB
DC7cowl_flaps_L.bmp03.01.03192 B
dc7cowl_flaps_t.bmp04.27.10128.07 kB
dc7_leftaft_l.bmp04.27.104.00 MB
dc7_leftaft_t.bmp04.27.104.00 MB
DC7_leftfwd_L.bmp07.14.031.00 MB
dc7_leftfwd_t.bmp04.27.104.00 MB
dc7_rtaft_l.bmp04.23.101.00 MB
dc7_rtaft_t.bmp04.27.104.00 MB
DC7_rtfwd_L.bmp07.14.031.00 MB
dc7_rtfwd_t.bmp04.27.104.00 MB
eastern artwork04.27.100 B
Glass.bmp09.05.034.07 kB
leather.bmp12.16.051.00 MB
Metallic_L.bmp12.14.0564.07 kB
Metallic_T.bmp10.01.0664.07 kB
pan1_L.bmp05.26.09256.07 kB
pan2_L.bmp05.01.09341.43 kB
virtual cockpit 2.bmp06.14.091.33 MB
virtual cockpit 2_L.bmp02.27.091.33 MB
virtual cockpit 3.bmp03.17.091.33 MB
virtual cockpit 3_L.bmp02.27.091.33 MB
virtual cockpit 4.bmp05.21.091.00 MB
virtual cockpit 4_L.bmp02.27.091.33 MB
virtual cockpit 5.bmp05.01.091.33 MB
virtual cockpit 5_L.bmp02.27.091.33 MB
virtual cockpit.bmp06.14.091.33 MB
virtual cockpit_L.bmp02.28.091.33 MB
texture.eastern04.27.100 B
N836D_3.jpg04.26.10134.73 kB
Readme.txt04.26.104.29 kB
dc7b_eal.mdl04.25.101.93 MB
model.cfg04.24.1027 B
model.eal04.25.100 B
N836D_sm.gif04.27.105.99 kB
file_id.diz04.27.10955 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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