FSX Glider Towing Tutorial

PreviewTutorial on flying banked turns with tow plane in FSX. This tutorial makes things more realistic and you will be able to cause the tow plane to fly banked turns as it does in real life. See also the tutorial "Change Tow-Plane in FSX" (TUTCHTWP.ZIP). By Thomas Murr.

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Tutorial on flying banked turns with tow plane in FSX. This tutorial makes things more realistic and you will be able to cause the tow plane to fly banked turns as it does in real life. See also the tutorial "Change Tow-Plane in FSX" (TUTCHTWP.ZIP). By Thomas Murr.

Screenshot of a glider being towed.

Screenshot of a glider being towed.

Since the FSX-distribution it's possible to call for a towplane that will get the glider pilot in the air (hold CTRL and SHIFT and press Y).

Although this feature is great - unfortunately it is not very realistic because the towplane is always flying straight ahead and at first view it's neither possible to stick around the airfield nor to navigate the towplane directly into the thermals or to avoid crashing in an obstacle (e.g. in the mountains).

With this tutorial I will put things right.

The next thing is that a change of the Tow-Plane is not featured with 'One-Button-Click' but it is possible to do this. It's an own tutorial, see 'Change Tow-Plane in FSX' (tutchtwp.zip).

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive tut_twpl.zip has 11 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
bank_towplane_english.pdf03.07.07465.53 kB
bank_towplane_deutsch.pdf03.07.07467.61 kB
readme_de.txt03.07.07965 B
readme.txt03.07.07983 B
flight4.jpg03.06.07132.66 kB
flight3.jpg03.06.07127.96 kB
flight2.jpg03.06.07132.64 kB
flight1.jpg03.06.07159.54 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ03.07.07259 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

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