FSX Aerobatic Tutorial - The Loop

PreviewFly into a precise aerobatic experience with this free tutorial focusing on the loop maneuver. Created by RealAir, it is designed around the Citabria and Decathlon, yet it also comes with guidance on modifying these steps for other aircraft in FSX. This tutorial provides structured insight into t...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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Fly into a precise aerobatic experience with this free tutorial focusing on the loop maneuver. Created by RealAir, it is designed around the Citabria and Decathlon, yet it also comes with guidance on modifying these steps for other aircraft in FSX. This tutorial provides structured insight into the fundamental techniques needed to execute a flawless vertical circle, blending smooth control inputs with accurate pitch management.

A Detailed Look at the Loop Maneuver

Learning the loop involves balancing airspeed, elevator deflection, and coordinated rudder input. In this tutorial, the authors illustrate how to initiate the ascend, manage energy through the apex, and maintain directional authority during recovery. By carefully adjusting throttle throughout the trajectory, pilots are encouraged to preserve momentum without overstraining the airframe.

Core Aerodynamic Principles

The RealAir Citabria and Decathlon are well-known for their predictable flight model, which is ideal for practicing loops. The developers emphasize entering the maneuver at a recommended speed bracket, ensuring altitude stability and consistent G-load throughout the climb. Additionally, the tutorial highlights how to keep a steady heading by making minor corrective rudder moves as the aircraft tips over the top of the loop.

Screenshot of a plane performing a loop.

Screenshot of a plane performing a loop.

Tips for Tailoring to Other Models

Although the instructions reference the Citabria and Decathlon, they can be adapted for comparable aerobatic-capable aircraft in FSX. RealAir recommends confirming the recommended entry speeds for different airframes and adjusting back-pressure accordingly to accommodate variations in roll rate and power settings. These refinements ensure a well-rounded study of how airplane-specific factors influence into-the-loop performance.

Refining Your Skills

Throughout the lesson, the creators also incorporate reminders on proper trim usage, energy conservation, and visual cues. Whether one is testing fundamental aerobatics or aiming to master advanced flight handling, this step-by-step add-on package guides FSX enthusiasts through the loop’s mechanics, ultimately reinforcing smooth corrections and a disciplined technique.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive theloop.zip has 36 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
AerobaticTraining.htm01.25.0826.55 kB
AerobaticTraining.xml01.26.0830.82 kB
AerobaticTraining_files01.26.080 B
filelist.xml01.25.08207 B
image001.png01.24.0816.03 kB
image002.jpg01.24.083.54 kB
LivSky1.bmp01.22.0887.15 kB
LivSky2.bmp01.22.0887.15 kB
ReadMe.htm01.26.0819.08 kB
ReadMe_files01.26.080 B
filelist.xml01.26.08196 B
image001.png01.26.0816.03 kB
image002.jpg01.26.083.54 kB
Sound01.26.080 B
Below.wav01.23.081.68 MB
Climbout.wav01.25.087.21 MB
Crowd.wav01.23.08922.71 kB
CrowdDebrief.wav01.26.085.41 MB
Downwd2.wav01.25.083.81 MB
Downwind.wav01.25.081.70 MB
endpull.wav01.23.082.15 MB
FinLoop.wav01.25.087.30 MB
float.wav01.23.082.36 MB
Introduction.wav01.25.086.72 MB
LoopEntr.wav01.25.083.13 MB
LowDeBrief.wav01.26.085.65 MB
PreTO.wav01.25.088.95 MB
PullU.wav01.23.08884.72 kB
Waiver.wav01.23.08922.71 kB
Wingtip.wav01.25.082.86 MB
The Loop.FLT01.28.088.13 kB
The Loop.FSSAVE01.25.08115.88 kB
The Loop.WX01.25.0886.59 kB
File_ID.DIZ01.28.08191 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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