FSX Manual/Checklist - Airbus A340-200

PreviewThis comprehensive PDF reference assists sim pilots seeking a full-spectrum procedure guide for the Airbus A340-200 flight deck. It covers every operational stage, from initial cockpit power-down to final shutdown and aircraft securement. Authored by Thomas Ruth and organized by Werner Schott, th...

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This comprehensive PDF reference assists sim pilots seeking a full-spectrum procedure guide for the Airbus A340-200 flight deck. It covers every operational stage, from initial cockpit power-down to final shutdown and aircraft securement. Authored by Thomas Ruth and organized by Werner Schott, this resource has accumulated substantial interest among the community, with previous editions for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 surpassing 8,000 downloads. It is now thoroughly adapted for Microsoft Flight Simulator X while retaining the detailed workflow users expect.

Procedural Outline and Format

Contained in a neatly laid out PDF booklet, the manual seamlessly follows each pilot action required for a realistic Airbus A340-200 experience. The original panel by Thomas Ruth forms the basis for the recommended steps. The checklist meticulously bridges the gap between:

  • Engine cold and dark start [Complete power-down with no systems active]
  • Pre-flight readiness [Review of external conditions and cockpit preparation]
  • Engine startup [Primary engine spool-up and system stabilization]
  • Taxi sequence [Ground maneuvering with focus on correct procedures]
  • Takeoff configuration [Final checks for engine, flaps, and trim]
  • Climb-out and cruise [Altitude management and fuel monitoring]
  • Descent planning [Speed restrictions, approach brief, and system adjustments]
  • Approach execution [Automation tuning and flight path tracking]
  • Landing procedures [Flare and touchdown practices for the four-engine airliner]
  • Final taxi, shutdown, and securement [Complete engine stop and aircraft safekeeping]

Screenshot of Airbus A340-200 panel.

Screenshot of Airbus A340-200 panel.

Airbus A340-200 Context

The Airbus A340-200 is recognized for its extended range capabilities, making it an efficient choice for intercontinental routes. With four engines and an advanced flight deck, it offers distinct functionality compared to twinjets, especially regarding power distribution and engine-out contingencies. Many airlines worldwide have operated this type, relying on its long-haul performance and comfortable passenger cabin configuration.

Optimal Usage for Sim Pilots

In order to gain the maximum benefits, users should configure a realistic “dark and cold” state at the gate or on the ramp. Those accustomed to beginning flights with engines already running may follow the end-of-flight items in the booklet—spanning from taxi-in through final engine shutdown and panel securement—to replicate the zero-power condition. Once saved, that scenario can serve as a foundation for each subsequent flight, thereby ensuring a fully authentic airliner environment.

Key Checklists and Workflow

Pre-Start Phase
Aligns altitude and flight guidance controls, ensures inertial reference systems are initialized, and readies the flight plan.
Startup and Power Checks
Monitors engine spool speeds, fuel flow, and generator outputs.
Taxi and Takeoff Briefing
Emphasizes correct flap setting, trim configuration, and runway alignment for the heavy jet.
Climb and Cruise Management
Involves altitude transition checks, seat belt sign updates, and engine power monitoring.
Approach and Landing Setup
Coordinates deceleration and approach flaps while ensuring autobrake and thrust setting readiness.

This publication stands out as an in-depth procedural guide that helps virtual aviators familiarize themselves with each stage of A340-200 operation. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of Thomas Ruth (aircraft and panel modeling) and Werner Schott (procedural layout), sim pilots have access to thorough instructions that promote realism.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive fsx_a340.zip has 7 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FILE_ID.diz06.06.09464 B
FSX_A340.gif06.06.0911.50 kB
FSX Airbus A340-200.jpg06.06.09126.05 kB
FSX Airbus A340-200.pdf06.06.091.58 MB
Readme.txt06.06.091.75 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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