FS2004 AFCAD2 Files For United Kingdom

United Kingdom and Irish Airports v1. Files attached based on British Civil Aviation Authority documents are for London airports of Heathrow (EGLL), Gatwick (EGKK), Luton (EGGW), London City (EGLC), as well as Birmingham (EGBB), Manchester (EGCC), East Midlands (EGNX) and Edinburgh (EGPH). Other ...

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United Kingdom and Irish Airports v1. Files attached based on British Civil Aviation Authority documents are for London airports of Heathrow (EGLL), Gatwick (EGKK), Luton (EGGW), London City (EGLC), as well as Birmingham (EGBB), Manchester (EGCC), East Midlands (EGNX) and Edinburgh (EGPH). Other UK airports are: Stansted (EGSS), Aldergrove, Belfast (EGAA), Belfast City (EGAC), Eglinton, Londonderry (EGAE), Cardiff (EGFF), Bristol (EGGD), Bournemouth (EGHH), Southampton International (EGHI), Blackpool (EGNH), Leeds Bradford (EGNM), Dyce, Aberdeen (EGPD), Inverness (EGPE), Glasgow (EGPF), and Stornoway (EGPO). Irish airports are: Cork (EICK), Carnmore , Galway (EICM), Dublin International (EIDW), Connaught (EIKN), Farranfore, Kerry (EIKY), Shannon (EINN), Sligo (EISG) and Waterford (EIWF). By V.F. Holderness.

EGLL: The buildings in fs2004 are out of placement as well as orientation, which results in large aircraft plowing through them while taxying. This is a common fault with fs2004, but does not cause any disruption of the program. Runway 27L/09R for takeoff, 27R/09L for landing. Almost every parking/docking space is in the correct place with the correct number.

EGKK: Improved .bgl of previously uploaded airport. In this version runway 26L/08R selected for takeoff, 26R/08L for landing. This is not as in real world, but it sure makes AI smoother.

EGGW: Improved file of previously uploaded airport. Northern Apron parking and taxiway E added.

EGLC: The turn at the eastern end of the runway is cosmetic only. Although parking bays appear close, they handle the Bae146 (RJ85) which are the main users of this airport. B737's will fit in as well.

EGPH: Runway 12/30 closed, using this runway slowed AI traffic, as well as there being a built in glitch.

EGPE: Previously closed taxiways to the northwest and northeast opened to facilitate use of runway 24.

All other airports with greatly improved parking, but no special features to comment on.

The Control Tower at each airport has been positioned in the correct place. Runways properties have not been altered, except where noted.

Airline parking: Priority has not been given for specific airline parking. Standard airports with standard parking preferred to provide a basic but full layout, as every user has a different selection of aircraft and airlines. Feel free to add your own airline parking and priorities.

Installation: You should have Afcad 221 or later installed. Just move the unzipped .bgl files into your fs2004 file Addon Scenery\scenery and when next you load fs2004 the new parking will be installed. See NOTE(*) above. If you don't like any file, just delete it and the original file will be activated at the next load.

You may use, modify and redistribute these files in any way you see fit, on your own responsibility.

The archive afukirl1.zip has 33 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
readmeUKIRL1.txt01.21.043.75 kB
egaa4vfh.bgl01.20.049.86 kB
egac4vfh.bgl01.20.046.83 kB
egae4vfh.bgl01.20.046.48 kB
egbb4vfh.bgl01.04.0410.77 kB
egcc4vfh.bgl01.20.0418.45 kB
egff4vfh.bgl01.20.046.61 kB
eggd4vfh.bgl01.20.046.27 kB
eggw41vfh.bgl01.04.048.80 kB
eghh4vfh.bgl01.20.0416.69 kB
eghi4vfh.bgl01.20.044.42 kB
egkk42vfh.bgl01.18.0426.68 kB
eglc4vfh.bgl01.20.045.09 kB
egll41vfh.bgl01.20.0440.78 kB
egnh4vfh.bgl01.20.045.36 kB
egnm4vfh.bgl01.20.045.60 kB
egnx4vfh.bgl01.20.0411.27 kB
egpd4vfh.bgl01.20.0412.48 kB
egpe4vfh.bgl01.20.044.57 kB
egpf4vfh.bgl01.20.0410.47 kB
egph4vfh.bgl01.20.0410.37 kB
egpo4vfh.bgl01.20.046.87 kB
egss4vfh.bgl01.20.0420.86 kB
eick4vfh.bgl01.20.045.36 kB
eicm4vfh.bgl01.20.042.15 kB
eidw4vfh.bgl01.20.0417.11 kB
eikn4vfh.bgl01.20.042.67 kB
eiky4vfh.bgl01.20.042.61 kB
einn4vfh.bgl01.20.048.09 kB
eisg4vfh.bgl01.20.041.78 kB
eiwf4vfh.bgl01.20.042.64 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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