FS2004 AFCAD2 Files For Fiji Airstrips

Simple AFCADs and exclude files for eleven airstrips in Fiji that Microsoft omitted. Made primarily with Ultimate Traffic users in mind, to provide full traffic in the Fiji Islands. Adds runways, aprons, parking spots and traffic frequencies; exclude files get rid of the autogen trees. Airstrips ...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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Simple AFCADs and exclude files for eleven airstrips in Fiji that Microsoft omitted. Made primarily with Ultimate Traffic users in mind, to provide full traffic in the Fiji Islands. Adds runways, aprons, parking spots and traffic frequencies; exclude files get rid of the autogen trees. Airstrips built using current data from Australian Defense Force En Route Supplements, so runway locations, dimensions, alignments and elevations are as accurate as FS2004's wandering coastlines will allow. Aprons and parking spots entirely fictional. No airport buildings included. By Adrian Wright.

Tested only with default scenery plus fijifix.zip by Jim Keir to correct elevation errors in the default mesh. This is not essential as the AI aircraft are not affected, but is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if you intend to visit Moala, otherwise your altimeter will read -50' on the ground! I also recommend Curt Jardey's fiji_cdn.zip which adds some towns and villages to the islands.

The archive fiji_air.zip has 25 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Excl_NFNK.BGL12.03.04112 B
Excl_NFNO.BGL12.03.04112 B
Excl_NFKD.BGL12.03.04112 B
Excl_NFCI.BGL12.03.04112 B
Excl_NFNB.BGL12.03.04112 B
AF2_NFVB.bgl12.02.041.26 kB
AF2_NFNK.bgl12.02.041.71 kB
AF2_NFNO.bgl12.02.041.24 kB
AF2_NFNB.bgl12.02.041.28 kB
AF2_NFCI.bgl12.02.041.85 kB
AF2_NFNH.bgl12.02.041.68 kB
AF2_NFFO.bgl12.02.041.23 kB
AF2_NFMA.bgl12.02.041.26 kB
AF2_NFMO.bgl12.02.041.24 kB
AF2_NFNS.bgl12.03.041.65 kB
AF2_NFKD.bgl12.03.041.63 kB
Excl_NFVB.BGL12.03.04112 B
Excl_NFNS.BGL12.03.04112 B
Excl_NFMO.BGL12.03.04112 B
Excl_NFMA.BGL12.03.04112 B
Excl_NFFO.BGL12.03.04112 B
Excl_NFNH.BGL12.03.04112 B
readme.txt12.03.045.72 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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