AI Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787-9

This repaint package provides an AI rendition of Virgin Atlantic’s Boeing 787-9 for Microsoft Flight Simulator X enthusiasts seeking enhanced virtual airline traffic. It reflects the airline’s sleek modern livery, which is well known around the world for its distinctive tail markings and forw...

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This repaint package provides an AI rendition of Virgin Atlantic’s Boeing 787-9 for Microsoft Flight Simulator X enthusiasts seeking enhanced virtual airline traffic. It reflects the airline’s sleek modern livery, which is well known around the world for its distinctive tail markings and forward fuselage branding. Many long-haul routes flown by this wide-body, twin-engine jet are faithfully simulated through this texture set. Model design and paint are by Camil Valiquette (CamSim), and you must acquire the freeware base model from the Fly Away Simulation mod library to ensure full compatibility.

Virgin Atlantic 787-9 Highlights

The real-world Boeing 787-9, often called the “Dreamliner,” features carbon-fiber composite structures, reduced fuel burn, and advanced aerodynamics. Virgin Atlantic, a prominent UK-based carrier, uses this next-generation airliner for international services, providing ample seating capacity and improved cabin pressurization for enhanced passenger comfort. In this AI interpretation, the package focuses on matching the airline’s authentic visual details, including accurate fuselage markings and distinctive tail art.

Screenshot of Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787-9 in flight.

Gliding above the clouds in its iconic livery.

Texture Files and Base Model

This release includes textures only. It is designed specifically for CamSim’s AI 787-9. To fully install and operate the Virgin Atlantic repaint, download the corresponding CamSim AI model package (CAMSIM789AI_X.ZIP) from the Fly Away Simulation library. By installing these textures atop the base model, you enable realistic AI traffic movements, perfect for those who appreciate seeing major carriers like Virgin Atlantic within their virtual airports.

Installation Process

  1. Transfer the "texture" folder supplied here into the existing CamSim AI 787-9 base model directory.
  2. Update the aircraft.cfg file by adding the following [fltsim] section. Ensure you replace [fltsim.x] with an appropriate sequence number (e.g., [fltsim.1]).
title=Boeing 787-9 v5 AI Virgin Atlantic
model=787-9 ai v5
ui_manufacturer="CamSim AI Aircaft"
ui_type="Boeing 787-9 V5 AI"
ui_variation="AI Virgin Atlantic"
ui_typerole="Commercial Airliner"
description="Boeing AI Boeing 787-9 Version 5."

Display Settings for Windows 7 Users

On certain Windows 7 systems, you may notice missing elements at dawn and dusk with Microsoft Flight Simulator X. To resolve these texture anomalies, disable the “Preview DirectX 10” option located under Option > Settings > Display > Global. Unchecking that setting restores proper graphical detail for this and other CamSim AI aircraft.

Once installed correctly, you gain a more realistic airport environment brimming with Virgin Atlantic’s long-haul presence. This repaint serves as an ideal addition for those who love comprehensive AI schedules and airline diversity in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Model design and paint remain the work of Camil Valiquette, ensuring precision and high fidelity.

The archive has 17 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
CamSim Boeing 787-9 V5 AI Texture Only Virgin11.10.140 B
789vs5.jpg11.05.144.39 kB
file_id.diz11.05.14241 B
Read Me_FSX.txt11.05.141.62 kB
texture.vs11.10.140 B
787eng_t.bmp11.05.141.00 MB
787int_t.bmp01.12.121.00 MB
787tail_t.bmp01.16.121.00 MB
789fuse_t.bmp11.06.141.00 MB
789wings_t.bmp11.05.141.00 MB
gris_t.bmp12.09.0916.07 kB
tail.bmp12.02.121.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg11.05.144.93 kB
w787x_t.bmp07.17.1316.07 kB
w_t.bmp10.22.1316.07 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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