FSX Army Chipmunks WK613 And WZ8829

PreviewTwo repaints for Just Flight's payware DHC-1 Chipmunk. These aircraft are in the British Army red, white and grey scheme, and represent WK613 and WZ882. Repaints by Kenneth J. Kerr.

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Repaint for Payware Model
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Two repaints for Just Flight's payware DHC-1 Chipmunk. These aircraft are in the British Army red, white and grey scheme, and represent WK613 and WZ882. Repaints by Kenneth J. Kerr.

Screenshot of Army Chipmunks WK613 And WZ8829 in flight.

Screenshot of Army Chipmunks WK613 And WZ8829 in flight.


  • In your chosen sim, find the SimObjects folder. Inside that folder is the Airplanes folder. Inside there is the JF_DH Chipmunk folder from Just Flight. Copy or move the two texture folders included in this archive to that Chipmunk folder.
  • Again within the JF_DH Chipmunk folder, locate the aircraft CFG file. Open it using a text editor, and copy and add the following text section into it. Replace the "xx"s with the next available numbers in your sequence of aircraft entries.
  • Now open your chosen sim and enjoy the repaints. WK613 is available to you only as flown by military pilots. With WZ882 on the other hand, you have the choice of flying with the military or civil pilots as the aircraft is listed twice in your aircraft selector.

title=DH Chipmunk Wk613 Army
sim=JF_DHC1-B-1 Chipmunk
ui_manufacturer=de Havilland
ui_type=DHC-1B Chipmunk
ui_variation=Army WK613
ui_createdby="Just Flight"
description="WK613" was operated by the British Army from AAC Middle Wallop in Hampshire. Unfortunately, it was involved in an accident in October 1983, when the port wing struck the radio caravan at the end of the runway. The aircraft was subsequently written off as "Damaged beyond repair." There were no fatalities in the accident.

title=DH Chipmunk WZ882 Army
sim=JF_DHC1-B-1 Chipmunk
ui_manufacturer=de Havilland
ui_type=DHC-1B Chipmunk
ui_variation=ARMY WZ882 military crew
ui_createdby="Just Flight"
description="WZ882" was built in 1953 and operated by the British Army's School of Army Aviation from AAC Middle Wallop in Hampshire. The aircraft was demobbed in 1997 and later registered as G-BXGP. It currently flies out of Eaglescott Airfield in Devon, where it is available for instruction and aerobatic flight experience.

title=DH Chipmunk WZ882 CIVIL
sim=JF_DHC1-B-1 Chipmunk
ui_manufacturer=de Havilland
ui_type=DHC-1B Chipmunk
ui_variation=ARMY WZ882 civil crew
ui_createdby="Just Flight"
description=C/n C1/0927. "WZ882" was built in 1953 and operated by the British Army's School of Army Aviation from AAC Middle Wallop in Hampshire. The aircraft was demobbed in 1997 and later registered as G-BXGP. It currently flies out of Eaglescott Airfield in Devon, where it is available for instruction and aerobatic flight experience.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive chipmunk_wk613_wz882_army.zip has 43 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Chipmunk_WK613_WZ882_ARMY07.29.140 B
ArmyChips-1.jpg07.26.14522.78 kB
ArmyChips-2.jpg07.26.14619.99 kB
ArmyChips-3.jpg07.26.14451.69 kB
ArmyChips-4.jpg07.28.14372.04 kB
Chipmunk_WK613_WZ882_ARMY.gif07.29.1410.46 kB
Installation notes.txt07.29.144.37 kB
texture.armywk61307.28.144.37 kB
texture.armywz88207.28.144.37 kB
JF_Chipmunk_Civprop_t.dds05.29.141.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_fuseLnoshad_t.dds07.24.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_fuseL_t.dds07.24.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_fusepartsB_t.dds04.29.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_fuseparts_t.dds05.29.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_fuse_t.dds07.26.1416.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_gear_t.dds07.24.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_propB_t.dds06.21.141.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_prop_t.dds04.18.141.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_wingsleft_t.dds07.25.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_wings_t.dds07.25.144.00 MB
JF_Chip_propdiscback_t.dds04.19.1464.12 kB
JF_Chip_propdiscblur_t.dds02.13.1464.12 kB
JF_Chip_propdiscB_t.dds04.25.1464.12 kB
texture.cfg05.29.14159 B
thumbnail.jpg07.25.14737.38 kB
JF_Chipmunk_Civprop_t.dds05.29.141.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_fuseLnoshad_t.dds07.24.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_fuseL_t.dds07.24.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_fusepartsB_t.dds04.29.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_fuseparts_t.dds05.29.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_fuse_t.dds07.26.1416.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_gear_t.dds07.24.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_propB_t.dds06.21.141.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_prop_t.dds04.18.141.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_wingsleft_t.dds07.25.144.00 MB
JF_Chipmunk_wings_t.dds07.25.144.00 MB
JF_Chip_propdiscback_t.dds04.19.1464.12 kB
JF_Chip_propdiscblur_t.dds02.13.1464.12 kB
JF_Chip_propdiscB_t.dds04.25.1464.12 kB
texture.cfg05.29.14159 B
thumbnail.jpg07.25.14708.00 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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