FSX Sukhoi Su-33 Flanker
This is an update for FSX of the SU-33D Flanker. At least it was billed as the carrier version by the person who uploaded it, even though it has no seeable tail hook. There is no readme file or any other file with the download that tells who uploaded it. The flight dynamics have been updated and ...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 3.8K
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
- Filename
- su33dupx.zip
- File size
- 21.99 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 6 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
This is an update for FSX of the SU-33D Flanker. At least it was billed as the carrier version by the person who uploaded it, even though it has no seeable tail hook. There is no readme file or any other file with the download that tells who uploaded it. The flight dynamics have been updated and it has been given a second 2D panel with American type gauges so people can fly it easier than trying to learn to read meters above the ground, etc. A tail hook light has been added to each of the panels so you can tell when the invisible tail hook is down, the size of the GPS has been changed on the Russian panel and new burner and flame effects for the aircraft have been made. No virtual cockpit. By Bob Chicilo.
Screenshot of Sukhoi Su-33 Flanker in flight.
Unzip to a folder of your choice. Copy the aircraft to the main FS airplanes folder. Copy the gauges and effects to the main FS gauges and effects folders, no need to overwrite anything already there.
The aircraft is set up to use the American panel; if you want to try the Russian one, open the Aircraft.cfg file and remove the 27 from the panel= line. To switch back, just put the 27 back on the panel= line.
The tail hook light is just to the left of the air speed gauge on the Russian panel and just under the flaps gauge on the American panel.
[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed= 134.0
full_flaps_stall_speed= 101.0
cruise_speed= mach 1.30 //at 45,000 ft. (370 indicated)
max_level_speed=1340 //knots over the ground at 33,000 ft. (mach 2.3)
The cruise speed and altitude are ones I picked without knowing the real cruise speed or altitude of the aircraft. Either, or both could be wrong. I know that the aircraft has more range than it is supposed to. If this bothers you, go into the aircraft.cfg file to the [general engine data] section and change the: fuel_flow_scalar= 1.0
; to something like 1.50, or whatever makes you happy with the range.
The reason I wrote new burner and flame effects can be seen if you look at the picture named photo (4). It is a picture of the real aircraft taking off from a carrier. Besides showing the color of the flames, this picture, and another one I saw while looking up info on the SU-33, showed me that the aircraft does not use a catapult to take off of a carrier. The carrier in the picture is the type used by harrier type aircraft that do not need a catapult to take off; so the bow of the deck is curled up to assist with a short take-off run.
That is why I did not add a restraints section to the aircraft.cfg file so it could use a catapult to take off. I have landed on, and taken off of a carrier with this model so I know it will take off of a moving carrier if you are anywhere behind where the catapult starts. Just hold the brakes until the engines spool up or the aircraft starts to move in spite of the brakes being on.
I have included a flight for carrier practice with the SU-33. From feedback from other updates, I know that the flight might not work for you, in that the carrier may not be there. I don't know why that happens to some. If anyone does know, I would appreciate them sending me the information.
The archive su33dupx.zip has 1024 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
AIRCRAFT.CFG | 12.01.14 | 13.30 kB |
model | 12.01.14 | 0 B |
model.cfg | 11.22.14 | 30 B |
su37light.mdl | 11.22.14 | 745.10 kB |
panel.27 | 12.01.14 | 0 B |
panel.cfg | 12.01.14 | 3.76 kB |
Su27pnl.bmp | 11.12.08 | 769.05 kB |
panel | 12.01.14 | 0 B |
main window.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.49 MB |
Panel.cfg | 11.30.14 | 7.56 kB |
sound | 12.01.14 | 0 B |
B211.wav | 11.22.14 | 64.66 kB |
B212.wav | 11.22.14 | 64.66 kB |
B213.WAV | 11.22.14 | 75.43 kB |
B214.wav | 11.22.14 | 80.13 kB |
B221.WAV | 11.22.14 | 375.81 kB |
B222.WAV | 11.22.14 | 375.81 kB |
B223.WAV | 11.22.14 | 86.20 kB |
B224.WAV | 11.22.14 | 86.20 kB |
B2APDIS.WAV | 11.22.14 | 101.67 kB |
b2bn2shut.wav | 11.22.14 | 259.59 kB |
b2bn2strt.wav | 11.22.14 | 72.84 kB |
B2BSHUT.WAV | 11.22.14 | 206.59 kB |
B2BSTRT.WAV | 11.22.14 | 494.07 kB |
B2GEARDW.WAV | 11.22.14 | 431.82 kB |
B2GEARUP.WAV | 11.22.14 | 384.12 kB |
B2N11.WAV | 11.22.14 | 77.29 kB |
B2N12.WAV | 11.22.14 | 77.29 kB |
B2N13.wav | 11.22.14 | 107.73 kB |
B2N14.WAV | 11.22.14 | 129.27 kB |
B2N21.wav | 11.22.14 | 107.73 kB |
B2N22.wav | 11.22.14 | 107.73 kB |
B2N23.wav | 11.22.14 | 105.29 kB |
B2N24.WAV | 11.22.14 | 76.61 kB |
B2N2SHUT.WAV | 11.22.14 | 259.59 kB |
B2N2STRT.WAV | 11.22.14 | 72.84 kB |
B2OVER.WAV | 11.22.14 | 86.16 kB |
B2SHUT.WAV | 11.22.14 | 206.59 kB |
B2STALL.WAV | 11.22.14 | 38.18 kB |
B2STRT.WAV | 11.22.14 | 494.07 kB |
CLOSE.wav | 11.22.14 | 116.51 kB |
FLAPS.WAV | 11.22.14 | 90.39 kB |
OPEN.wav | 11.22.14 | 116.51 kB |
Sound.cfg | 11.22.14 | 12.25 kB |
wind.wav | 11.22.14 | 163.13 kB |
XB211.wav | 11.22.14 | 239.06 kB |
XB212.wav | 11.22.14 | 196.92 kB |
XB213.wav | 11.22.14 | 112.35 kB |
XB214.wav | 11.22.14 | 269.25 kB |
XB221.WAV | 11.22.14 | 35.76 kB |
XB222.WAV | 11.22.14 | 129.28 kB |
XB223.wav | 11.22.14 | 64.66 kB |
XB224.wav | 11.22.14 | 222.29 kB |
XB2BN2SHUT.wav | 11.22.14 | 875.37 kB |
XB2BN2STRT.wav | 11.22.14 | 73.29 kB |
XB2BSTRT.WAV | 11.22.14 | 259.24 kB |
XB2N11.wav | 11.22.14 | 203.35 kB |
XB2N12.wav | 11.22.14 | 103.54 kB |
XB2N13.wav | 11.22.14 | 81.32 kB |
XB2N14.wav | 11.22.14 | 47.84 kB |
XB2N21.WAV | 11.22.14 | 50.97 kB |
XB2N22.WAV | 11.22.14 | 441.26 kB |
XB2N23.WAV | 11.22.14 | 43.13 kB |
XB2N24.wav | 11.22.14 | 290.78 kB |
XB2N2SHUT.wav | 11.22.14 | 981.01 kB |
XB2N2STRT.wav | 11.22.14 | 73.29 kB |
XB2SHUT.WAV | 11.22.14 | 127.26 kB |
XB2STRT.WAV | 11.22.14 | 259.24 kB |
SU-33.air | 11.30.14 | 6.75 kB |
Sukhoi SU-33D.jpg | 11.30.14 | 54.16 kB |
texture.33 | 12.01.14 | 0 B |
su_35_engine_t.bmp | 11.22.14 | 128.07 kB |
su_35_enginein_t.bmp | 11.22.14 | 16.07 kB |
su35_body_t.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.00 MB |
su35_miscs_t.bmp | 11.22.14 | 512.07 kB |
su35_wings_t.bmp | 11.22.14 | 512.07 kB |
File_id.diz | 12.01.14 | 736 B |
Photo (4).jpg | 11.22.14 | 239.13 kB |
Read Me.txt | 12.01.14 | 4.11 kB |
SU-33-1.jpg | 11.30.14 | 77.41 kB |
SU-33-2.jpg | 11.30.14 | 63.16 kB |
SU-33-3.jpg | 11.30.14 | 54.16 kB |
SU-33-4.jpg | 11.30.14 | 51.79 kB |
SU-33-5.jpg | 11.30.14 | 62.58 kB |
fx_afterburner_f3.fx | 11.22.14 | 8.75 kB |
fx_Bob_SU35_Burner_Flame.fx | 11.26.14 | 22.15 kB |
fx_Bob_SU35_smaller_Blue.fx | 11.26.14 | 41.85 kB |
fx_F14_Blueflame.fx | 11.22.14 | 1.24 kB |
fx_iris_smoke.fx | 11.22.14 | 1.18 kB |
_DP_info.cab | 11.22.14 | 40.29 kB |
alcaset.CAB | 11.22.14 | 177.82 kB |
ALPHA_MiG-23.cab | 11.22.14 | 1.58 MB |
An12zh.cab | 11.22.14 | 1.63 MB |
An26zh.cab | 11.22.14 | 1.08 MB |
arrow.cab | 05.13.04 | 73.41 kB |
cpt.toggles.king.cab | 11.22.14 | 30.04 kB |
cpt.toggles.light.green.cab | 11.22.14 | 51.53 kB |
cpt.toggles.trans.cab | 11.22.14 | 56.69 kB |
DA | 11.30.14 | 0 B |
DA.bmp | 11.22.14 | 91.05 kB |
DA_200.xml | 11.22.14 | 3.17 kB |
DA_ball.bmp | 11.22.14 | 906 B |
DA_eup.bmp | 11.22.14 | 30.83 kB |
DA_needle.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.66 kB |
DA1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 91.05 kB |
F16.gau | 11.22.14 | 1.53 MB |
IRIS_Fulcrum.CAB | 11.22.14 | 55.10 kB |
mig-29 alarmas.cab | 11.22.14 | 75.21 kB |
mig-29.cab | 11.22.14 | 175.89 kB |
Mig29_M_WL.cab | 11.22.14 | 15.31 kB |
Mig29_slot cont.cab | 11.22.14 | 6.44 kB |
Mig29_wl_system.cab | 11.22.14 | 5.54 kB |
mig29gps.cab | 11.22.14 | 15.31 kB |
mig29Hud.cab | 11.22.14 | 15.30 kB |
mitsubishi_T2.cab | 11.22.14 | 558.47 kB |
rafale.cab | 10.05.14 | 559.98 kB |
RKG_fuelstat.gau | 08.11.05 | 601.50 kB |
RUSSIAN GAUGES 1 | 11.30.14 | 0 B |
160ArrowWingR.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.35 kB |
160ArrowWingR1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.65 kB |
160Wing_background.bmp | 11.22.14 | 88.36 kB |
160Wing1_background.bmp | 11.22.14 | 88.36 kB |
1P2.bmp | 11.22.14 | 340.90 kB |
1P2.xml | 11.22.14 | 5.61 kB |
1P2_1go_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
1P2_1go_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
1P2_2go_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
1P2_2go_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
1P2_bz_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
1P2_bz_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
1P2_imit_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 8.94 kB |
1P2_imit_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 8.94 kB |
1P2_kontr_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.29 kB |
1P2_kontr_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
1P2_no_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 8.94 kB |
1P2_no_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 8.94 kB |
1P2_rez_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
1P2_rez_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
1P2_sbros_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 8.80 kB |
1P2_sbros_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 8.80 kB |
1P4.bmp | 11.22.14 | 454.43 kB |
1P4.xml | 11.22.14 | 9.52 kB |
1P4_lamp.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.91 kB |
4902.bmp | 11.22.14 | 188.55 kB |
4902.xml | 11.22.14 | 2.63 kB |
4902_ind1_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_ind1_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_ind2_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_ind2_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_ind3_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_ind3_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_kl_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.32 kB |
4902_kl_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_man_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.30 kB |
4902_man_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_mod11_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.27 kB |
4902_mod11_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_mod12_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_mod12_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_mod21_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.27 kB |
4902_mod21_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_mod22_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_mod22_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_pom1_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.28 kB |
4902_pom1_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_pom2_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.30 kB |
4902_pom2_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_sel_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.31 kB |
4902_sel_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_stab_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.31 kB |
4902_stab_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
4902_w_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.30 kB |
4902_w_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
A_312.bmp | 11.22.14 | 75.31 kB |
A_312.XML | 11.22.14 | 1.10 kB |
A034.bmp | 11.22.14 | 38.95 kB |
A034.xml | 11.22.14 | 3.54 kB |
A034_arrow.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.45 kB |
A034_flag.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.06 kB |
A034_indeks.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.36 kB |
A034_lamp.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.79 kB |
A034_resh.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.46 kB |
A034a.bmp | 11.22.14 | 38.95 kB |
A312.bmp | 11.22.14 | 80.15 kB |
A312.xml | 11.22.14 | 1012 B |
A317.bmp | 11.22.14 | 108.96 kB |
A317.xml | 11.22.14 | 1.40 kB |
A318.bmp | 11.22.14 | 164.13 kB |
A318.xml | 11.22.14 | 420 B |
A723.bmp | 11.22.14 | 234.45 kB |
A723.xml | 11.22.14 | 1.20 kB |
AB_PANEL.xml | 11.22.14 | 417 B |
AB_Tu160_off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.80 kB |
AB_Tu160_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.80 kB |
AB1_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.54 kB |
AB1a_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.46 kB |
AB2_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.54 kB |
AB2a_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.46 kB |
AB3_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.54 kB |
AB3a_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.46 kB |
AB4_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.54 kB |
AB4a_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.46 kB |
ABLamps_1-2.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.72 kB |
ABLamps_3-4.bmp | 11.22.14 | 8.07 kB |
AfterburnerL_1-2.xml | 11.22.14 | 726 B |
AfterburnerL_3-4.xml | 11.22.14 | 726 B |
AfterburnerLamps.xml | 11.22.14 | 1.23 kB |
AfterburnerLamps_bg.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.99 kB |
AGR.bmp | 11.22.14 | 93.69 kB |
AGR_72.XML | 11.22.14 | 1.83 kB |
AGR_airplane.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.98 kB |
AGR_Alpha.bmp | 11.22.14 | 93.71 kB |
AGR_Mask.bmp | 11.22.14 | 92.94 kB |
AGR_pitch.bmp | 11.22.14 | 166.18 kB |
AGR_pointer.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.04 kB |
AGR1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 93.69 kB |
AP Icon.xml | 11.22.14 | 230 B |
AP Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 705 B |
AP_Apr_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_Apr_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_AT_Down.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.99 kB |
AP_AT_Up.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.99 kB |
AP_BC_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.54 kB |
AP_BC_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.52 kB |
AP_Cmd_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 9.94 kB |
AP_Cmd_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 9.96 kB |
AP_GPS.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.44 kB |
AP_Hdg_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_Hdg_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_HdgKnob_Auto.bmp | 11.22.14 | 22.84 kB |
AP_Hld_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_Hld_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_Icon.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.37 kB |
AP_Nav_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_Nav_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_Rolling_Numbers.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.19 kB |
AP_Rolling_Numbers_MachDecimal.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.19 kB |
AP_Rolling_Numbers_Mask_3Hole.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.24 kB |
AP_Rolling_Numbers_Mask_5Hole.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.63 kB |
AP_Sel_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_Sel_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_Spd_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_Spd_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
AP_SW_OFF.BMP | 11.22.14 | 1.21 kB |
AP_SW_ON.BMP | 11.22.14 | 976 B |
AP_VS_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.93 kB |
AP_VS_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.93 kB |
AP_WL_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.41 kB |
AP_WL_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.26 kB |
APm_off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.40 kB |
APm_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.40 kB |
Autopilot Altitude Hold Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 784 B |
Autopilot Altitude Window.xml | 11.22.14 | 3.55 kB |
Autopilot Approach Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 767 B |
Autopilot Backcourse Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 679 B |
Autopilot BC Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 706 B |
Autopilot Hdg Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 770 B |
Autopilot Heading Selector.xml | 11.22.14 | 616 B |
Autopilot Heading Window.xml | 11.22.14 | 2.18 kB |
Autopilot IAS-Mach Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 803 B |
Autopilot IAS-Mach Window.xml | 11.22.14 | 2.74 kB |
Autopilot Master Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 739 B |
Autopilot Nav Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 750 B |
Autopilot Speed Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 807 B |
Autopilot VS Selector.xml | 11.22.14 | 1.19 kB |
Autopilot VS Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 872 B |
Autopilot VS Window.xml | 11.22.14 | 3.26 kB |
Autopilot Wing Leveler.xml | 11.22.14 | 759 B |
Autopilot_Sel.xml | 11.22.14 | 562 B |
Autothrottle Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 668 B |
Avt_button_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
Avt_button_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 5.05 kB |
BKO_Nav.bmp | 11.22.14 | 302.18 kB |
BKO_Nav.xml | 11.22.14 | 120 B |
BKO_Pil.bmp | 11.22.14 | 57.54 kB |
BKO_Pil.xml | 11.22.14 | 276 B |
BKO_Pil1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 57.54 kB |
burner_logo.xml | 11.22.14 | 477 B |
Clock.xml | 11.22.14 | 4.49 kB |
Clock_1.BMP | 11.22.14 | 776 B |
Clock_2.BMP | 11.22.14 | 784 B |
Clock_3.BMP | 11.22.14 | 784 B |
Clock_BG.bmp | 11.22.14 | 48.40 kB |
Clock_H.BMP | 11.22.14 | 1.97 kB |
Clock_M.BMP | 11.22.14 | 1.85 kB |
Clock_MH.BMP | 11.22.14 | 792 B |
Clock_MMS.BMP | 11.22.14 | 704 B |
Clock_S.BMP | 11.22.14 | 2.04 kB |
Clock1_BG.bmp | 11.22.14 | 48.40 kB |
DA.bmp | 11.22.14 | 91.05 kB |
DA_200.xml | 11.22.14 | 3.17 kB |
DA_ball.bmp | 11.22.14 | 906 B |
DA_eup.bmp | 11.22.14 | 30.83 kB |
DA_needle.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.66 kB |
DA1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 91.05 kB |
DME.bmp | 11.22.14 | 40.30 kB |
DME.xml | 11.22.14 | 911 B |
DME_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.93 kB |
DME_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.93 kB |
El_A.bmp | 11.22.14 | 32.34 kB |
El_A.xml | 11.22.14 | 460 B |
El_Avar.bmp | 11.22.14 | 32.34 kB |
El_Avar.xml | 11.22.14 | 466 B |
El_Hz.bmp | 11.22.14 | 32.34 kB |
El_Hz.xml | 11.22.14 | 465 B |
El_needle.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.27 kB |
El_T.bmp | 11.22.14 | 20.19 kB |
El_T.xml | 11.22.14 | 950 B |
El_V.bmp | 11.22.14 | 32.34 kB |
El_V.xml | 11.22.14 | 464 B |
El_Vvar.bmp | 11.22.14 | 32.34 kB |
El_Vvar.xml | 11.22.14 | 471 B |
Engine_Gauges_Needle.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.23 kB |
ENGTEMP.xml | 11.22.14 | 4.14 kB |
ENGTEMP_backgrnd.bmp | 11.22.14 | 10.35 kB |
ENGTEMP_BAR.bmp | 11.22.14 | 19.84 kB |
ENGTEMP_card.bmp | 11.22.14 | 9.50 kB |
ENGTEMP_LED.bmp | 11.22.14 | 292 B |
ENGTEMP_mask.bmp | 11.22.14 | 592 B |
EPR_dummy.bmp | 11.22.14 | 7.57 kB |
EPR_dummy.xml | 11.22.14 | 125 B |
Exit.bmp | 11.22.14 | 11.20 kB |
FANRPM.xml | 11.22.14 | 5.12 kB |
FANRPM_backgrnd.bmp | 11.22.14 | 10.35 kB |
FANRPM_BAR.bmp | 11.22.14 | 19.87 kB |
FANRPM_card.bmp | 11.22.14 | 27.93 kB |
FANRPM_LED.bmp | 11.22.14 | 292 B |
FANRPM_mask.bmp | 11.22.14 | 592 B |
FF_Background.bmp | 11.22.14 | 7.78 kB |
Flaps.bmp | 11.22.14 | 50.90 kB |
Flaps.xml | 11.22.14 | 2.68 kB |
Flaps_1L.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.04 kB |
Flaps_1R.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.04 kB |
Flaps_2L.bmp | 11.22.14 | 398 B |
Flaps_2R.bmp | 11.22.14 | 398 B |
Flaps_needle.bmp | 11.22.14 | 702 B |
Flaps1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 50.90 kB |
Flight Director Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 672 B |
Fuel.bmp | 11.22.14 | 53.16 kB |
Fuel.xml | 11.22.14 | 760 B |
Fuel_arrow.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.10 kB |
FuelFlow_eng1.xml | 11.22.14 | 939 B |
FuelFlow_eng2.xml | 11.22.14 | 932 B |
FuelFlow_eng3.xml | 11.22.14 | 932 B |
FuelFlow_eng4.xml | 11.22.14 | 932 B |
Gear.XML | 11.22.14 | 4.28 kB |
Gear_Background.bmp | 11.22.14 | 28.26 kB |
GearOff.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.34 kB |
GearOn.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.34 kB |
Glis_button_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.99 kB |
Glis_button_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.99 kB |
GPSNav_GPS.bmp | 11.22.14 | 7.62 kB |
GPSNav_Nav.bmp | 11.22.14 | 7.62 kB |
Green.bmp | 11.22.14 | 786 B |
Icon_Overhead.bmp | 11.22.14 | 888 B |
IKU-1A.XML | 11.22.14 | 2.04 kB |
Indicator.bmp | 11.22.14 | 430.76 kB |
Indicator.xml | 11.22.14 | 3.31 kB |
Indicator_Nav1.xml | 11.22.14 | 3.26 kB |
Indicator_Nav2.xml | 11.22.14 | 1.31 kB |
Indicator1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 430.48 kB |
INO.bmp | 11.22.14 | 536.63 kB |
INO.xml | 11.22.14 | 16.05 kB |
INO_kurs.bmp | 11.22.14 | 16.74 kB |
INO_mask.bmp | 11.22.14 | 536.34 kB |
INO_rose.bmp | 11.22.14 | 383.63 kB |
ISP_background.bmp | 11.22.14 | 121.37 kB |
ISP_background1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 121.37 kB |
ISP_index.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.08 kB |
ISP_index_max.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.65 kB |
ISP_indicator.xml | 11.22.14 | 5.03 kB |
ISP_mask.bmp | 11.22.14 | 121.37 kB |
ISP_max.bmp | 11.22.14 | 102.62 kB |
ISP_needle.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.13 kB |
ITnC.bmp | 11.22.14 | 44.32 kB |
ITnC.xml | 11.22.14 | 516 B |
IVP.xml | 11.22.14 | 1.80 kB |
IVP_arrow.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.32 kB |
IVP_attack.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.64 kB |
IVP_limb.bmp | 11.22.14 | 77.89 kB |
IVP_Ny.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.43 kB |
IVP1_limb.bmp | 11.22.14 | 77.89 kB |
Lamp01.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.17 kB |
Lights_LDG_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 11.19 kB |
Lights_LDG_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.83 kB |
Lights_NAV_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.83 kB |
Lights_NAV_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.83 kB |
Lights_PNL_Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.83 kB |
Lights_PNL_On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.83 kB |
marker.bmp | 11.22.14 | 12.04 kB |
marker_i.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.66 kB |
marker_m.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.63 kB |
marker_o.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.66 kB |
Markers.xml | 11.22.14 | 1.06 kB |
Middle.bmp | 11.22.14 | 7.47 kB |
MK.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.83 kB |
Monitor.bmp | 11.22.14 | 272.34 kB |
Monitor.XML | 11.22.14 | 3.99 kB |
Monitor_img.bmp | 11.22.14 | 151.95 kB |
Monitor_mask.bmp | 11.22.14 | 272.34 kB |
Monitor_Sight.bmp | 11.22.14 | 271.35 kB |
NAV_A_Close.xml | 11.22.14 | 356 B |
NAV_B_Close.xml | 11.22.14 | 269 B |
NAV_C_Close.xml | 11.22.14 | 269 B |
NAV_D_Close.xml | 11.22.14 | 269 B |
nav_mark_b.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.54 kB |
nav_mark_d.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.54 kB |
Nav-GPS Switch.xml | 11.22.14 | 626 B |
NavigatorA.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.83 kB |
NavigatorB.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.83 kB |
NavigatorC.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.83 kB |
NavigatorD.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.83 kB |
oat.xml | 11.22.14 | 921 B |
oat_background.bmp | 11.22.14 | 53.16 kB |
oat_needle.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.03 kB |
Off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 7.47 kB |
OH_Avionics.xml | 11.22.14 | 533 B |
OH_bat_off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.33 kB |
OH_bat_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.33 kB |
OH_Battery.xml | 11.22.14 | 533 B |
OH_BB_doors.xml | 11.22.14 | 711 B |
OH_DeIce_e.xml | 11.22.14 | 675 B |
OH_DeIce_e1.xml | 11.22.14 | 536 B |
OH_DeIce_e2.xml | 11.22.14 | 536 B |
OH_DeIce_e3.xml | 11.22.14 | 536 B |
OH_DeIce_e4.xml | 11.22.14 | 536 B |
OH_DeIce_w.xml | 11.22.14 | 542 B |
OH_drogue.xml | 11.22.14 | 321 B |
OH_Lpitot_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.51 kB |
OH_Lyaw_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.51 kB |
OH_PitotHeat.xml | 11.22.14 | 581 B |
OH_Pitotlight.xml | 11.22.14 | 288 B |
OH_Probe_bck.bmp | 11.22.14 | 7.22 kB |
OH_Probe_Extend.xml | 11.22.14 | 679 B |
OH_Probe_swoff.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.28 kB |
OH_Probe_swon.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.28 kB |
OH_Refuel.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.45 kB |
OH_Switch_off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.22 kB |
OH_Switch_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.24 kB |
OH_YAW.xml | 11.22.14 | 533 B |
OH_yaw_off.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.33 kB |
OH_yaw_on.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.33 kB |
OH_yawlight.xml | 11.22.14 | 357 B |
OIL.xml | 11.22.14 | 6.49 kB |
OIL_backgrnd.bmp | 11.22.14 | 10.35 kB |
OIL_BAR.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.78 kB |
OIL_card.bmp | 11.22.14 | 9.50 kB |
OIL_LED.bmp | 11.22.14 | 292 B |
OIL_mask.bmp | 11.22.14 | 312 B |
OilPress_dummy.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.12 kB |
OilPress_dummy.xml | 11.22.14 | 130 B |
On.bmp | 11.22.14 | 7.47 kB |
Overhead Icon.xml | 11.22.14 | 252 B |
PISH.bmp | 11.22.14 | 111.89 kB |
PISH.xml | 11.22.14 | 3.02 kB |
PISH_b_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_b_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_etk_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_etk_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_ik_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_ik_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_isrez_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_isrez_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_kurs_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_kurs_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_mk_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_mk_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_rez_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_rez_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_sp_0.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PISH_sp_1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 6.04 kB |
PKP.bmp | 11.22.14 | 317.49 kB |
PKP_72.xml | 11.22.14 | 6.07 kB |
PKP_ball.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1006 B |
PKP_flag_AG.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.96 kB |
PKP_flag_K.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.58 kB |
PKP_flag_RV.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.97 kB |
PKP_flag_T.bmp | 11.22.14 | 2.58 kB |
PKP_H_index.bmp | 11.22.14 | 526 B |
PKP_index.bmp | 11.22.14 | 942 B |
PKP_ladder.bmp | 11.22.14 | 191.44 kB |
PKP_loc.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.21 kB |
PKP_mask.bmp | 11.22.14 | 106.73 kB |
PKP_pitch.bmp | 11.22.14 | 994 B |
PKP_pointer.bmp | 11.22.14 | 738 B |
PKP_roll.bmp | 11.22.14 | 998 B |
PKP_siluet.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.95 kB |
PKP_siluet1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.86 kB |
PKP_V_index.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.57 kB |
PKP1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 317.49 kB |
PNP.bmp | 11.22.14 | 107.72 kB |
PNP_72.XML | 11.22.14 | 6.96 kB |
PNP_arrow.bmp | 11.22.14 | 1.33 kB |
PNP_bl.bmp | 11.22.14 | 894 B |
PNP_flag_G.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.62 kB |
PNP_flag_K.bmp | 11.22.14 | 4.62 kB |
PNP_flag_KS.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.44 kB |
PNP_glide_slope.bmp | 11.22.14 | 774 B |
PNP_index.bmp | 11.22.14 | 3.50 kB |
PNP_inside.bmp | 11.22.14 | 16.68 kB |
PNP_inside1.bmp | 11.22.14 | 14.43 kB |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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Great aircraft, the Russians really know how to build them, especially coming out of the JSC Sukhoi Company. Nice job on this beauty. I think the blue afterburner exhaust looks good. Let me know when you have a Su37 available, I'm ready to try the Cobra Maneuver in the Su33. THANKS