FSX/P3D Antwerp International Airport Scenery

PreviewAntwerp International Airport (ANR/EBAW) is a small international airport serving Antwerp, the second-most populous city of Belgium.

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Flight Simulator X
Prepar3D v4, v5, v6 (64-bit)
File size
305.43 MB
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5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 9 PRO members.

Antwerp International Airport (ANR/EBAW) is a small international airport serving Antwerp, the second-most populous city of Belgium.

Control tower at Antwerp in P3Dv4.​After two years of work and taking over 2000 photos. This is the very first publicly available pixel-accurate photoreal scenery for this airport.

Featuring updated radio freqs (2017), accurate buildings and placement, custom AI Fokker 50 AI traffic, static SV-4Bs and SODE powered windsocks. It also comes with two hangars with accurate and accessible interiors completed by the inclusion of the neighbouring WW1 fort.

Optimized for P3D, compatible with FSX SP2.

This is Phase 1 of the project, focussing on buildings and structures situated on airport grounds. It also includes the new tunnel under the RWY 29 approach and the fort of Borsbeek.

This release of the project is compatible with FSX SP2(Acceleration) and Prepar3D v3+.

Known omissions/issues:

  • No night lighting
  • Transparency issues on FSX
  • Anti Aliasing issues on FSX

Big thanks to all of the following people who helped with the creation of this project: Jan C, Willy B, Paul S, Gustaaf V, Bob G, Katleen P, Luc DV, Paul C, Filip V. Without them it would simply have been impossible to complete.

A special thank you goes out to the Airport Management and security for their extraordinary cooperation!

Thanks to the following companies for allowing their properties to be photographed and included in this scenery (in no specific order)

Egis, Flemish Government, RAAC, VLM, the Aviation Factory, AeroData, Europilot Center, Flying Group, BAFA, ASL, NextGen Aviation, Stampe & Vertongen Museum, Raymond's Aircraft Restoration, BelAir, Lindsky Aviation, Vizion Air, Blue Sky Aviation.


  • All radio frequencies have been updated to match those stated in the AIP release 007/2017
  • Custom AI Traffic: Fokker 50's from VLM VizionAir and CityJet
  • All textures are based upon thousands of photos taken at the airport
  • Several iconic SV-4Bs are parked throughout the airport. Kindly provided by Golden Age Simulations.
  • SODE powered windsocks


An installation of SODE is REQUIRED

This package contains 2 zip files: Simulator.zip and SODE.zip


Unzip the contents of this file into the root of your Prepar3d /FSX installation. The root is the folder that contains the FSX.EXE or Prepar3D.exe file.


Unzip the contents of this file into C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE

Next, open your sim and add the EBAW2017 folder to you scenery library (located in [SimulatorRoot]\Addon Scenery\EBAW2017

NOTE: For best results put the texture and mesh complexity sliders as far right as your system will allow.

Developer: Johan Peeters.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12

The archive ebaw_jp2019.zip has 17 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
01.jpg04.06.1940.03 kB
02.jpg04.06.1947.52 kB
03.jpg04.06.1944.61 kB
04.jpg04.06.1968.57 kB
05.jpg04.06.1931.13 kB
06.jpg04.06.1947.75 kB
07.jpg04.06.1960.25 kB
08.jpg04.06.1963.91 kB
09.jpg04.06.1928.79 kB
10.jpg04.06.1981.22 kB
11.jpg04.06.1964.36 kB
12.jpg04.06.1964.07 kB
GoldenAgeSimulations.txt04.06.19206 B
license.txt04.06.196.85 kB
ReadMe.txt04.06.194.73 kB
Simulator.zip04.06.19305.86 MB
SODE.zip04.06.1976.15 kB
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Wapper VerhulstWed, 08 Dec 2021 10:52:56 GMT

This scenery is amazing. I used it in FSX but now I switched to XP11 and I would love to have it there. Can you pls convert it for X-Plane 11?

Josef StalinTue, 15 Dec 2020 07:11:12 GMT

Great Job, you've done here! Keep it going!

SometimesSatisfiedSat, 21 Mar 2020 20:52:08 GMT

WOW! honestly, this scenery is the best thing I've ever seen, like in a long time. and it's free? I thought my £16.99 UK2000 EGJJ scenery was the best it got but now I'm reconsidering... its that concrete man. it's so well done.

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