FSX/P3D Western Kansas Airfields Scenery (Over 133 Airfields)
Western Kansas Airfields. Includes over 133 smaller Kansas (KS) airfields, accurate as far as runway and apron layouts and using only FSX native objects so nothing additional is needed.
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- 2.1K
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D) including P3Dv4 & P3Dv5
- Filename
- western-kansas-complete.zip
- File size
- 5.59 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 22 days ago (clean)
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- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Western Kansas Airfields. Includes over 133 smaller Kansas (KS) airfields, accurate as far as runway and apron layouts and using only FSX native objects so nothing additional is needed.
These should also work with all versions of Prepar3D including P3Dv4.
They are not meant to be 100% accurate. They are made using all FSX "native" objects, so you do not need any additional libraries or textures. They are very "frame rate friendly".
As I stated above, they are meant to be fun and give you something to look at when you land at one of these airports, not to be "photoreal". And, yes, there are some strange things at a few of the fields. (I get bored easily!)
I have corrected some of the runways and taxiways based on the KS Dept of Aeronautics data and the Wichita Sectional.
Just copy the files into your FSX Addon Scenery/Scenery folder. That's it! Hangar and building placement are approximate. Some of the fields have NDB's. If so, the frequency is included after the airport listing below.
I hope you enjoy flying around (and landing!) in West Kansas.
This package is a compilation of seven releases that go by the filenames:
- wks-sz-1.zip
- wks-sz-2.zip
- wks-sz-3.zip
- wks-sz-4.zip
- wks-sz-5.zip
- wks-sz-6.zip
- wks-sz-7.zip
All files included in the above ZIP files are included in this package.
Developer: Steve Ziegler.
List of Airfields Included in the package
Name |
Anthony |
2K8 |
Argonia |
Atwood |
365 |
SN63 |
Ballard |
SN66 |
Beesley |
SN28 |
Belcher |
27KS |
Bellamy Farms |
Belleville |
414 |
K61 |
Beloit/Moritz |
5KS9 |
Black Farms |
24KS |
Blocker |
Blosser |
5K0 |
Bressler |
382 |
SN97 |
Brolier |
8K0 |
Bucklin |
4KS8 |
Bursch Private |
6KS4 |
Bussen |
SN67 |
Button Field |
01K |
Caldwell |
8K6 |
Cawker City |
0KS7 |
Cheney/Mono |
8K8 |
Cimmeron |
524 |
Colby |
408 |
3K8 |
Coldwater |
499 |
5KS3 |
Deweze |
2KS4 |
Dick |
K65 |
Dighton |
Dodge City |
Elkhart |
377 |
1K6 |
Ellenwood |
99KS |
Elm Creek |
9K7 |
Elsworth |
75KS |
Esplund |
3KS4 |
Everleigh |
Farmington NM |
18K |
Fowler |
Garden City |
Goodland |
414 |
50KS |
Grandpa's Farm |
Great Bend |
338 |
8K7 |
Greensburg |
5KS4 |
Hall Farms |
363 |
8K2 |
Harper |
Hays |
Hill City |
418 |
1KS7 |
Hitch Feeders |
87KS |
Holyrood |
1F5 |
Hoxie |
280 |
1KS0 |
Huey |
Hugoton |
365 |
Hutchinson |
225 |
30K |
Ingalls |
379 |
Jabara Wichita |
SN12 |
Jenkinson |
K79 |
Jetmore |
464 |
SN77 |
Johns |
SN70 |
Kaypod |
9K8 |
Kingman Cessna Field |
33K |
Kinsley |
6KS6 |
Kiowa |
k58 |
Krier |
36K |
Lakin |
Larned |
296 |
SN03 |
Lenora |
3K7 |
Leoti |
Liberal |
414 |
K71 |
Lincoln |
38K |
Lucas |
SN25 |
Lucas |
9KS6 |
Lundgren Hereford |
Lyons County |
386 |
Mankato |
SN49 |
McCollough |
McPherson |
227 |
Meade |
389 |
K51 |
Medicine Lodge |
266 |
SN51 |
Meitl |
31KS |
Mills |
45K |
Minneapolis |
K17 |
Montezuma |
8KS0 |
Morgan Farms |
47K |
Moundridge |
48K |
Ness City |
516 |
Newton |
281 |
Norton |
230 |
49K |
Norwich |
Oakley |
380 |
Oberlin |
391 |
K75 |
Osbourne |
SN23 |
Overmiller |
SN71 |
Park |
Phillipsburg |
368 |
2KS5 |
Plains |
0R9 |
Plainville |
0R9 |
Plainville |
263 |
5KS8 |
Poore Farms |
0P1 |
Prarie View |
Pratt |
356 |
98KS |
Rexford |
SN55 |
RJC Farms |
SN95 |
Roberts |
9KS4 |
Rose Port |
9KS5 |
Rush |
K94 |
Rush County |
Russell |
203 |
Salina |
1K9 |
Satanta |
Scott City |
256 |
SN17 |
Shupe |
6KS7 |
Shute |
K82 |
Smith Center |
94KS |
Smith's Field |
SN09 |
Solomon Valley |
St Francis |
386 |
3TA |
Stafford |
2K3 |
Stanton County |
341 |
6KS2 |
Stevenson |
490 |
0S2 |
Stockton |
SN76 |
Sunflower Aerodrome |
SN82 |
Supreme Feeders |
200 |
3K3 |
Syracuse |
0H1 |
Trego |
Ulysses |
395 |
2KS8 |
Vonada |
Wellington |
414 |
7K6 |
Wilcox |
32KS |
Wilkins |
9K1 |
Wilroads Gardens |
2KS3 |
Wilson |
Winfield/Strother |
SN02 |
Wright |
25KS |
Wyrill Farms |
01K |
Caldwell |
0H1 |
Trego |
0KS7 |
Cheney/Mono |
0P1 |
Prarie View |
0R9 |
Plainville |
0R9 |
Plainville |
263 |
0S2 |
Stockton |
18K |
Fowler |
1F5 |
Hoxie |
280 |
1K6 |
Ellenwood |
1K9 |
Satanta |
1KS0 |
Huey |
1KS7 |
Hitch Feeders |
24KS |
Blocker |
25KS |
Wyrill Farms |
27KS |
Bellamy Farms |
2K3 |
Stanton County |
341 |
2K8 |
Argonia |
2KS3 |
Wilson |
2KS4 |
Dick |
2KS5 |
Plains |
2KS8 |
Vonada |
30K |
Ingalls |
379 |
31KS |
Mills |
32KS |
Wilkins |
33K |
Kinsley |
36K |
Lakin |
38K |
Lucas |
3K3 |
Syracuse |
3K7 |
Leoti |
3K8 |
Coldwater |
499 |
3KS4 |
Everleigh |
3TA |
Stafford |
45K |
Minneapolis |
47K |
Moundridge |
48K |
Ness City |
516 |
49K |
Norwich |
4KS8 |
Bursch Private |
50KS |
Grandpa's Farm |
5K0 |
Bressler |
382 |
5KS3 |
Deweze |
5KS4 |
Hall Farms |
363 |
5KS8 |
Poore Farms |
5KS9 |
Black Farms |
6KS2 |
Stevenson |
490 |
6KS4 |
Bussen |
6KS6 |
Kiowa |
6KS7 |
Shute |
75KS |
Esplund |
7K6 |
Wilcox |
87KS |
Holyrood |
8K0 |
Bucklin |
8K2 |
Harper |
8K6 |
Cawker City |
8K7 |
Greensburg |
8K8 |
Cimmeron |
524 |
8KS0 |
Morgan Farms |
94KS |
Smith's Field |
98KS |
Rexford |
99KS |
Elm Creek |
9K1 |
Wilroads Gardens |
9K7 |
Elsworth |
9K8 |
Kingman Cessna Field |
9KS4 |
Rose Port |
9KS5 |
Rush |
9KS6 |
Lundgren Hereford |
K17 |
Montezuma |
K51 |
Medicine Lodge |
266 |
k58 |
Krier |
K61 |
Beloit/Moritz |
K65 |
Dighton |
K71 |
Lincoln |
K75 |
Osbourne |
K79 |
Jetmore |
464 |
K82 |
Smith Center |
K94 |
Rush County |
Jabara Wichita |
Atwood |
365 |
Anthony |
Colby |
408 |
Blosser |
Dodge City |
Wellington |
414 |
Elkhart |
377 |
Newton |
281 |
Farmington NM |
Great Bend |
338 |
Garden City |
Goodland |
414 |
Hill City |
418 |
Hugoton |
365 |
Hutchinson |
225 |
Hays |
Liberal |
414 |
Larned |
296 |
Meade |
389 |
McPherson |
227 |
Norton |
230 |
Oakley |
380 |
Oberlin |
391 |
Phillipsburg |
368 |
Pratt |
356 |
Belleville |
414 |
Russell |
203 |
Salina |
St Francis |
386 |
Mankato |
Scott City |
256 |
Ulysses |
395 |
Winfield/Strother |
Lyons County |
386 |
SN02 |
Wright |
SN03 |
Lenora |
SN09 |
Solomon Valley |
SN12 |
Jenkinson |
SN17 |
Shupe |
SN23 |
Overmiller |
SN25 |
Lucas |
SN28 |
Belcher |
SN49 |
McCollough |
SN51 |
Meitl |
SN55 |
RJC Farms |
SN63 |
Ballard |
SN66 |
Beesley |
SN67 |
Button Field |
SN70 |
Kaypod |
SN71 |
Park |
SN76 |
Sunflower Aerodrome |
SN77 |
Johns |
SN82 |
Supreme Feeders |
200 |
SN95 |
Roberts |
SN97 |
Brolier |
The archive western-kansas-complete.zip has 157 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
Scenery Files | 08.13.19 | 0 B |
01K_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.02.08 | 8.89 kB |
0H1_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.06.08 | 8.26 kB |
0KS7_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.05.08 | 7.94 kB |
0P1_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.19.08 | 4.54 kB |
0R9_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 8.96 kB |
0S2_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 10.96 kB |
18K_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.16.08 | 5.76 kB |
1F5_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.11.08 | 11.55 kB |
1K6_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.07.08 | 10.54 kB |
1K9_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.25.08 | 6.89 kB |
1KS0_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.07.08 | 6.52 kB |
1KS7_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 9.29 kB |
24KS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.14.08 | 4.50 kB |
25KS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 7.91 kB |
27KS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.24.08 | 5.31 kB |
2K3_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.21.08 | 10.71 kB |
2K8_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.01.08 | 7.51 kB |
2KS3_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.11.08 | 10.16 kB |
2KS4_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.04.08 | 5.79 kB |
2KS5_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.17.08 | 1.21 kB |
2KS8_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.12.08 | 6.92 kB |
30K_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.03.08 | 7.04 kB |
31KS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.14.08 | 4.56 kB |
32KS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.06.08 | 7.11 kB |
33K_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.21.08 | 6.75 kB |
36K_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.11.08 | 4.66 kB |
38K_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.11.08 | 12.37 kB |
3K3_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.05.08 | 9.86 kB |
3K7_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.24.08 | 6.79 kB |
3K8_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.19.08 | 7.36 kB |
3KS4_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 7.74 kB |
3TA_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.07.08 | 14.45 kB |
45K_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.12.08 | 11.05 kB |
47K_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.28.08 | 14.82 kB |
48K_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.08.08 | 7.42 kB |
49K_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.03.08 | 6.80 kB |
4KS8_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.06.08 | 5.00 kB |
50KS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.16.08 | 3.31 kB |
5K0_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.06.08 | 7.14 kB |
5KS3_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.03.08 | 7.21 kB |
5KS4_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.24.08 | 7.96 kB |
5KS8_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.24.08 | 4.06 kB |
6KS2_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.02.08 | 2.14 kB |
6KS3_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.24.08 | 5.77 kB |
6KS4_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.23.08 | 4.90 kB |
6KS6_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.02.08 | 5.15 kB |
6KS7_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 7.46 kB |
75KS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.17.08 | 4.18 kB |
7K6_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.04.08 | 6.30 kB |
87KS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.07.08 | 7.53 kB |
8K0_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.10.08 | 7.30 kB |
8K2_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.03.08 | 11.36 kB |
8K6_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.12.08 | 9.10 kB |
8K7_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.21.08 | 9.27 kB |
8K8_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.04.08 | 8.67 kB |
8KS0_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 8.47 kB |
94KS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.07.08 | 9.39 kB |
98KS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.22.08 | 3.84 kB |
99KS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 7.80 kB |
9K1_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.19.08 | 5.19 kB |
9K7_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.07.08 | 13.55 kB |
9K8_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.02.08 | 13.40 kB |
9KS4_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.12.08 | 9.18 kB |
9KS5_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.11.08 | 7.22 kB |
9KS6_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.06.08 | 8.51 kB |
FILE_ID.DIZ | 08.12.08 | 216 B |
K17_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.24.08 | 4.72 kB |
K51_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.31.08 | 7.39 kB |
K58_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.17.08 | 6.95 kB |
K61_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.06.08 | 13.19 kB |
K65_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.27.08 | 6.49 kB |
K71_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.12.08 | 11.88 kB |
K75_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.06.08 | 13.33 kB |
K79_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.08.08 | 14.48 kB |
K82_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.30.08 | 11.82 kB |
K94_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.15.08 | 6.40 kB |
KAAO_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.30.08 | 19.88 kB |
KADT_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.02.08 | 5.45 kB |
KANY_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.02.08 | 11.11 kB |
KCBK_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.30.08 | 13.28 kB |
KCNK_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.09.08 | 19.02 kB |
KDDC_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.20.08 | 11.73 kB |
KEGT_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.01.08 | 12.45 kB |
KEHA_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.24.08 | 9.67 kB |
KEWK_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.24.08 | 22.16 kB |
KFMN_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.26.08 | 24.75 kB |
KGBD_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.12.08 | 21.95 kB |
KGCK_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.16.08 | 11.56 kB |
KGLD_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.28.08 | 15.54 kB |
KHLC_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.05.08 | 8.45 kB |
KHQG_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.20.08 | 9.27 kB |
KHUT_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.25.08 | 24.07 kB |
KHYS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.18.08 | 12.64 kB |
KLBL_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.09.08 | 27.50 kB |
KLQR_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.13.08 | 11.54 kB |
KLYO_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.29.08 | 10.82 kB |
KMEJ_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.23.08 | 5.47 kB |
KMPR_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.26.08 | 15.73 kB |
KNRN_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.02.08 | 8.02 kB |
KOEL_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.28.08 | 8.74 kB |
KOIN_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.02.08 | 9.28 kB |
KPHG_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.14.08 | 12.70 kB |
KPTT_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.16.08 | 14.88 kB |
KRPB_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.09.08 | 10.15 kB |
KRSL_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.29.08 | 14.77 kB |
KSLN_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.29.08 | 33.49 kB |
KSYF_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.01.08 | 9.08 kB |
KTKO_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.30.08 | 9.17 kB |
KTQK_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.16.08 | 4.25 kB |
KULS_ADE_SZ.BGL | 07.13.08 | 9.68 kB |
KWLD_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.01.08 | 24.50 kB |
SN02_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.06.08 | 4.12 kB |
SN03_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.17.08 | 4.74 kB |
SN09_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.12.08 | 7.38 kB |
SN12_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 12.58 kB |
SN17_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 10.82 kB |
SN23_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 10.27 kB |
SN25_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 7.09 kB |
SN28_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.11.08 | 6.76 kB |
SN49_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.09.08 | 6.25 kB |
SN51_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.18.08 | 4.16 kB |
SN55_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.05.08 | 5.59 kB |
SN63_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.21.08 | 6.64 kB |
SN66_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.09.08 | 12.71 kB |
SN67_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.07.08 | 8.21 kB |
SN70_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.14.08 | 15.27 kB |
SN71_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.03.08 | 4.43 kB |
SN76_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.14.08 | 5.43 kB |
SN77_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.13.08 | 5.96 kB |
SN86_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.24.08 | 5.10 kB |
SN87_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.09.08 | 6.05 kB |
SN95_ADE_SZ.BGL | 09.07.08 | 11.56 kB |
SN97_ADE_SZ.BGL | 08.09.08 | 5.07 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Screenshots | 08.21.19 | 0 B |
screen-1.jpg | 08.20.19 | 217.82 kB |
screen-10.jpg | 08.20.19 | 309.75 kB |
screen-11.jpg | 08.20.19 | 249.83 kB |
screen-12.jpg | 08.20.19 | 276.90 kB |
screen-13.jpg | 08.20.19 | 284.40 kB |
screen-14.jpg | 08.20.19 | 269.83 kB |
screen-15.jpg | 08.20.19 | 322.10 kB |
screen-16.jpg | 08.20.19 | 219.63 kB |
screen-17.jpg | 08.20.19 | 240.32 kB |
screen-18.jpg | 08.20.19 | 251.93 kB |
screen-19.jpg | 08.20.19 | 311.78 kB |
screen-2.jpg | 08.20.19 | 248.63 kB |
screen-20.jpg | 08.20.19 | 301.98 kB |
screen-3.jpg | 08.20.19 | 305.72 kB |
screen-4.jpg | 08.20.19 | 278.47 kB |
screen-5.jpg | 08.20.19 | 221.98 kB |
screen-6.jpg | 08.20.19 | 205.82 kB |
screen-7.jpg | 08.20.19 | 296.48 kB |
screen-8.jpg | 08.20.19 | 255.96 kB |
screen-9.jpg | 08.20.19 | 362.24 kB |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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I have had the Lockheed T-33A in my aircraft hangar for FSX for a long time. The plane flies very well, has good speed, and very friendly operation. Excellent landings. Very good plane in general.