FSX Los Angeles Class Submarine

PreviewThis is an update for FS X of the Los Angeles Class Attack Sub by Richard Hogen. I have made many changes to have it work in FS X. There is too much sticky water in FS2004 for it to be fun to run it there, at least for me. This is the whole sub.

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2
Complete with Base Model
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This is an update for FS X of the Los Angeles Class Attack Sub by Richard Hogen. I have made many changes to have it work in FS X. There is too much sticky water in FS2004 for it to be fun to run it there, at least for me. This is the whole sub.

-- "Periscope view" 2D panel using only default gauges (no VC)
-- Vehicle submerges (tied to Flaps control)
-- Periscope raises/lowers (tied to Spoiler control)
Note: Neither of these animations affect your "view", only the visual model.
-- Very stable holding a heading, even when varying the power setting - try it at extreme sim rates (128x)
-- Very stable in pitch, even at extreme sim rates (128x)
-- Extremely long-legged to simulate nuclear power
-- Lights, plus a "search light" (actually a landing light - did you know that with the control key pressed and numlock turned on your keypad arrow keys will rotate your landing light? - left, right, up and down, perfect for search lights) SEE SCREENSHOT
-- Autothrottle is available via the usual control+R keystroke toggle, but it won't work well at low speeds. There are no other autopilot functions.

Use the GPS ground speed indicator for speed.

You will get good at using rudder and rudder trim, but don't expect this behemoth to turn on a dime.

-- As a "rescue" vessel for Navy SEALs missions, placed in an expected area ahead of time
-- For WW2-style harbor hunting games
-- Long-range travel is achievable at extreme sim rates. Since she'll hold a heading very well, you can control her at 32x or 64x without difficulties.

FSX Submarine

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive 688updt.zip has 28 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
aircraft.cfg12.01.078.89 kB
Los Angeles Class Sub.air11.30.077.16 kB
model12.01.070 B
Los Angeles Class Sub.mdl11.26.0722.46 kB
Model.cfg11.26.0740 B
panel12.01.070 B
PANEL.CFG11.30.073.53 kB
periscopeviewFront.bmp11.26.07301.05 kB
periscopeviewFrontLeft.bmp11.26.07301.05 kB
periscopeviewFrontRight.bmp11.26.07301.05 kB
periscopeviewLeft.bmp11.26.07301.05 kB
periscopeviewRear.bmp11.26.07301.05 kB
periscopeviewRearLeft.bmp11.26.07301.05 kB
periscopeviewRearRight.bmp11.26.07301.05 kB
periscopeviewRight.bmp11.26.07301.05 kB
sound12.01.070 B
sound.cfg03.16.0330 B
texture12.01.070 B
thumbnail.jpg11.29.0721.42 kB
fx_bobspray.fx01.17.077.21 kB
fx_wake TL.fx03.24.022.05 kB
688-1.jpg12.01.0712.15 kB
file_id.diz12.01.07297 B
LAsubV1.txt11.26.072.32 kB
read me.txt12.01.071.64 kB
webmaster.txt12.01.07159 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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John GreenWed, 08 Sep 2021 00:47:04 GMT

Is there any way to modify it to make the sub fully submergible?

BrunoSat, 18 Feb 2017 22:20:11 GMT

I downloaded the submarine and copied necessary files to locations as instructed. But when I launch it it starts off in the sky instead of the water. Is that normal??

phantomfire1Thu, 30 Dec 2010 13:29:34 GMT
I had a good time tooling around in this one last night. It does submerge, but leaves the top of the island up out of the water a little, just above the diving planes. Other than that, works as advertised. Got the searchlight to work, very cool, haven't tried the pericsope yet, but did use the bridge a little. First boat, i have ever used. bought the HMS King George, but never got it to work. Very cool, just thinking of the places I can pop up at.

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