PreviewFSX FCB9o9 is a technologically advanced spaceplane that can complete a trip half way around the world in one hour on autopilot. It has custom gauges and the custom autopilot can navigate vertically, horizontally and land the plane on any runway. A detailed model with all lights and special effec...

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Complete with Base Model
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Flight Simulator X
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8.59 MB
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Content Rating
3 star rating.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars by 5 PRO members.

FSX FCB9o9 is a technologically advanced spaceplane that can complete a trip half way around the world in one hour on autopilot. It has custom gauges and the custom autopilot can navigate vertically, horizontally and land the plane on any runway. A detailed model with all lights and special effects on the model. Both 2D and 3D cockpits are available. 3D cockpit has a 3D world map gauge. By Hoa Nguyen.



Images & Screenshots

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The archive fcb9o9.zip has 51 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FCB9o911.22.090 B
aircraft.cfg11.22.0924.97 kB
boeing747-400.air09.04.066.78 kB
FCB9o9_ref.htm11.23.0917.95 kB
model11.22.090 B
FCB9o9.mdl11.23.095.12 MB
model.cfg11.02.0942 B
panel11.22.090 B
FCB9o9.cab11.22.0921.92 kB
panel.cfg11.17.091.25 kB
PFD.png07.02.0912.89 kB
sound11.22.090 B
sound.cfg11.20.0917.84 kB
soundai11.22.090 B
soundai.cfg05.12.0634 B
texture.retro11.22.090 B
FCB9o9_Globe_t.bmp11.14.091.33 MB
FCB9o9_t.bmp11.15.092.67 MB
FCB9o9_t2.bmp11.16.092.67 MB
FCB9o9_tt01.png11.18.0951.25 kB
FCB9o9_tt02.png11.18.0959.51 kB
FCB9o9_t_bump.dds11.15.091.00 MB
FCB9o9_t_bump2.dds11.16.091.00 MB
FCB9o9_t_lm.dds11.04.09202 B
FCB9o9_t_lm2.dds11.05.09202 B
thumbnail.jpg11.18.095.41 kB
Thumbs.db02.27.07451.50 kB
texture.white11.22.090 B
FCB9o9_Globe_t.bmp11.14.091.33 MB
FCB9o9_t.bmp11.16.091.33 MB
FCB9o9_t2.bmp11.16.091.33 MB
FCB9o9_t_bump.dds11.16.091.00 MB
FCB9o9_t_bump2.dds11.16.091.00 MB
FCB9o9_t_lm.dds11.04.09202 B
FCB9o9_t_lm2.dds11.05.09202 B
thumbnail.jpg11.18.095.22 kB
images11.22.090 B
FCB9o9_01.jpg11.18.0963.93 kB
FCB9o9_02.jpg11.18.09168.39 kB
FCB9o9_03.jpg11.18.0925.94 kB
FCB9o9_04.jpg11.18.0939.75 kB
FCB9o9_05.jpg11.18.0928.27 kB
FCB9o9_06.jpg11.18.0935.66 kB
FCB9o9_07.jpg11.18.0974.15 kB
FCB9o9_08.jpg11.18.0970.51 kB
FCB9o9_09.jpg11.18.0974.14 kB
FCB9o9.gif11.18.097.02 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ11.22.09415 B
readme.txt11.23.092.20 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

thatrandomWed, 23 Mar 2011 12:54:32 GMT
it doesn't work for me something called air? help!
jbealeMon, 06 Dec 2010 23:45:04 GMT
to take off press shift-1 then hold the up arrow, the rest of the info is in the ref.txt folder(it can be seen on the knee board its called reference).- i got it to 100,000,000 feet @ 123,000 plus knots.At this altitude the aircraft puts the sim. in a kind of slew, so there is no sound and you can't zoom in or out. I hope this helped some of you.this is a great download.
MafunaSun, 09 May 2010 14:11:38 GMT
I can taxi... but how I goet into the air? Brakes are automatic off... control with arrows. Much to learn.......
latarontellaFri, 09 Apr 2010 09:49:48 GMT
How do you control it? it probs works but it doesn't take off for me and first I couldn't get the parking brake off. Help? what are the controls?
jetranger04Sat, 03 Apr 2010 00:41:54 GMT
Looks like it would be fun but I can't get the brakes to realese so didn't get a chance to fly, sorry.

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