FSX Default A321 Fixes And New Sounds

PreviewDefault A321 Fixes And New Sounds. The FSX Default A321 is probably the most unpopular plane is FSX--overpowered, weird flight dynamics and a number of small bugs. This 'patch' that should have been published by Microsoft in the first place, fixes most of the bugs. The A321 flies more realistical...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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Default A321 Fixes And New Sounds. The FSX Default A321 is probably the most unpopular plane is FSX--overpowered, weird flight dynamics and a number of small bugs. This 'patch' that should have been published by Microsoft in the first place, fixes most of the bugs. The A321 flies more realistically and includes updated sounds. Original sound set by Brian Salmeron. New dynamics, additional sounds and update by "Erik O."

I found the standard FSX A321 to be way overpowered, the virtual cockpit positions were not lined up correctly and the sound was unrealistic.
I found A321 sounds for FS2004 (By Brian Salmeron) and I updated it to be fully compatible with FSX.
I moved some positions in the VC for better VC control and I updated the A321's aircraft.cfg file.
The A321 is not overpowered after this update, has a realistic takeoff length, a slight faster landing speed
(without update that could be 110 Kts, which is unrealistic) and you will find it much easier to control since acceleration is reduced.
The throttle isn't near to idle while cruising any more and the 'nose-down' effect has been reduced.
This was done by entering real-world data.

This update includes:

- A new soundset for the A321 recorded from real IAE V2500 engines. (FS2004 Freeware, Copyright, Brian Salmeron)
- Sounds updated for better FSX compatability:
- Removed some unwanted ticks in the sound while cruising.
- Missing Cabin alert sounds have been added.
- Missing auto-pilot disengage sounds have been added.
- Added new touchdown and roll sounds

Flight dynamics changes
- The FSX A321 has been re-built. It now has v2500 engines instead of CFM-56 engines.
- The A321 is no longer overpowered as the default A321 is by adding official weights and thrust for a V2500 powered A321.
- Take-off roll longer and more realistic.
- Landing speed slightly increased according to real-world data.
- Flare on touchdown more realistic
- Lift reduced
- 'Nose-down' effect slightly reduced (it is still there when cruising below appr. FL360 mach 0.80)
- Moments of inertia adjusted
- Range is now correct and appr. 2400Nm

VC views
Moved some virtual cockpit postions. (some of them were in the wrong place)

Information textes changed so they correspond with the new engines.
An explenation on how to turn off flight controls for better controllability.

Remember that the A321 is not perfect yet, and probably never will be in FSX. You have to find a certain balance which is difficult to find. After almost 200 test flights I found this...
Good luck...


1 - Unzip the files into a temporary file.
2 - Copy or Cut the unpacked files except the explenation screenshots.
3 - Locate the Flight Simulator X/SimObjects/Airbus_A321 folder
4 - Delete or move the original sound folder from the A321 (moving is recommended in case you don't like the new sounds)
5 - Now copy all files into the A321 folder and overwrite aircraft.cfg.
6 - Check whether all files are in their right places or not.

Default A321 for FSX with fixes and updates

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive a321_fix.zip has 49 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
A321_Fix06.02.090 B
A321 FC 1.jpg05.30.0985.85 kB
A321 FC 2.jpg05.30.0989.23 kB
aircraft.cfg06.02.0923.52 kB
Readme.txt06.02.092.64 kB
sound06.02.090 B
0034774.jpg04.09.0684.85 kB
A320-2_aircond.wav05.19.0043.06 kB
A320-2_apu-iae_x.wav06.08.0046.09 kB
A320-2_flaps.wav05.25.0019.15 kB
CFM56-5_shut_fan.wav05.19.00305.08 kB
CFM56-5_start_turbine_x.wav04.29.01434.09 kB
CFM56_reverse1.wav05.25.0082.15 kB
CFM56_reverse1_x.wav05.25.0099.15 kB
CFM56_reverse2.wav05.25.0082.15 kB
CFM56_reverse2_x.wav05.25.0071.15 kB
CFM56_turbine1_1.wav06.08.0067.09 kB
CFM56_turbine1_3x.wav05.19.0049.58 kB
CFM56_turbine2_1.wav06.08.0067.09 kB
CFM56_turbine2_3x.wav05.19.0049.58 kB
Jet_geardown.wav07.03.0069.59 kB
Jet_gearup.wav07.03.0064.59 kB
Jet_roll.wav07.12.00182.09 kB
Jet_wind.wav07.04.00134.09 kB
sound.cfg06.02.095.71 kB
V2500_fan1_1.wav07.02.0054.09 kB
V2500_fan1_1x.wav07.02.0066.09 kB
V2500_fan1_2.wav05.30.09470.68 kB
V2500_fan1_2x.wav06.08.0078.43 kB
V2500_fan2_1.wav07.02.0054.09 kB
V2500_fan2_1x.wav07.02.0066.09 kB
V2500_fan2_2.wav05.30.09470.68 kB
V2500_fan2_2x.wav06.08.0078.43 kB
V2500_shut_turbine_x.wav06.08.00302.09 kB
V2500_startup.wav05.01.02433.09 kB
V2500_turbine1_1x.wav07.02.0066.09 kB
V2500_turbine1_2.wav06.08.0038.21 kB
V2500_turbine1_2x.wav06.08.0057.09 kB
V2500_turbine2_1x.wav07.02.0066.09 kB
V2500_turbine2_2.wav06.08.0038.21 kB
V2500_turbine2_2x.wav06.08.0056.65 kB
Logo.jpg06.02.098.72 kB
A321_roll.WAV09.24.0886.09 kB
A321_touch_c.wav09.24.0847.09 kB
A321_touch_l.wav09.24.0847.09 kB
A321_touch_r.wav09.24.0847.09 kB
baapdis.wav09.02.9953.04 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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CelticstarTue, 16 Jan 2024 05:27:20 GMT

Returned to MSFS X after many years away. This A321 default aircraft fix for MSFS X made my day. I was even able to land on a short runway with no ILS system. Thank You for your work.

DerekSun, 28 Oct 2018 17:35:31 GMT

Love the sounds and better flight dynamics. Still can’t hear cabin alert chimes for no smoking/seatbelt even though it mentions it in the update. Any suggestions? Other than that, I love it.

MikeTue, 09 Oct 2018 06:05:30 GMT

downloaded and installed a321_fix.zip yesterday. Looks great so far. Only disappointment is that the original autopilot disconnect sound in the zip is the original default autopilot disconnect sount instead of the airbus autopilot disconnect. Otherwise, I'm thrilled witht hiis so far.

Sat, 09 Jul 2016 22:38:42 GMT

I can't find whats so good about this, i tried it, and the sounds are awful. It sounds like a vacuum cleaner now and does not have the roar. The cabin "dings" are missing and the plane is still way overpowered. A fully loaded plane can climb to 15k feet at a 3k rate with 50% engine thrust. Its crap, to be honest.

DaveMon, 26 Aug 2013 20:35:10 GMT

Having just downloaded A321 fix, noticed "no smoking" and seatbelt switches are defective ... smoking switch is slow and there are no sounds. Can you tell me where in the panels exactly is the autobrake switch? DLed a fix for it but can't find switch or button. Tell me if thereis a fix for these glitches. Thanks .....

wotanSun, 17 Mar 2013 18:36:21 GMT

Great patch! One minor issue I found is that the increased pitch MOI causes annoying oscillations in FBW mode (which I prefer not to switch off, as it differentiates this aircraft from others like the 737). Reducing it to 1600000 (similar to default B737-800, still more than the original 835131) fixes this: it may not be 100% correct, but it flies much more nicely. With that tweak, I now love flying this aircraft!

keyboard_flyerSun, 29 May 2011 18:29:38 GMT
LOVE THIS! Now the A321 is one of my faves...am having hours of fun flying it. Thanks for doing the work! 10/10

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