FSX Air Berlin Airbus A330-223

PreviewAir Berlin Airbus A330-223 (200), registration D-ALPJ, version 1.0. This is a photoreal and handpainted repaint of D-ALPJ in Airberlin colors for the Thomas Ruth A330-200 v2 (TOMA332B.ZIP). By Patrick-Philippe-Christian-Seifert.

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Air Berlin Airbus A330-223 (200), registration D-ALPJ, version 1.0. This is a photoreal and handpainted repaint of D-ALPJ in Airberlin colors for the Thomas Ruth A330-200 v2 (TOMA332B.ZIP). By Patrick-Philippe-Christian-Seifert.

Air Berlin Airbus A330-223 on runway.

Air Berlin Airbus A330-223 on runway.

Air Berlin Airbus A330-223 (200) "D-ALPJ" Version 1.0 , repaint for the Thomas Ruth A330-200.

"How to install" instructions:

-Unzip the texture.d-alpj folder in the Tom_A330_200 folder
-Copy and paste the following lines in the Tom_A330_200 aircraft.cfg file
(if you are using windows vista or seven disable the user account control from the control panel to modify .cfg files in FSX)
-You must have the base package TomA332b.zip installed as described in Thomas Ruth original manual with the original liveries not altered (they must not be deleted) because this file uses the texture.cfg to alias all
common textures (bump maps, specular maps and other aircraft components), so if you have deleted one of them this livery won't work properly, it won't show up or it will load just the skin textures of the plane
-These textures,likewise the model itself are not tested in DirectX 10 preview mode (this option is avalaible in FSX with most recent graphics cards, after nvidia Geforce 8xxx series or ATI equivalent), so if you want them to work you have to disable it, and you must have at least SP1 installed...the aircraft is tested in FSX plus SP1 and SP2 installed.

[fltsim.x] <------------------------------Enter the next number in sequence
title=airberlin A330-200 D-ALPJ
atc_airline=AIR BERLIN
ui_typerole=Commercial Airliner
ui_variation=airberlin "D-ALPJ"

Author: Patrick-Philippe-Christian-Seifert

Air Berlin Airbus A330-223 on runway.

Air Berlin Airbus A330-223 on runway.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5

The archive ab332-v1-.zip has 33 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
ab332-v105.18.100 B
README.txt05.18.102.42 kB
texture.d-alpj05.18.100 B
A321_1_L.dds02.21.091.00 MB
A321_2_L.dds02.21.09256.12 kB
A330_VC01.dds02.05.091.00 MB
A330_VC01L.dds02.19.091.00 MB
Airbus_A321_1_L.dds02.19.091.00 MB
Airbus_A321_2_L.dds02.19.091.00 MB
Airbus_A321_3_L.dds02.19.094.12 kB
Airbus_A321_4_L.dds02.19.091.00 MB
glass.dds03.02.0964.12 kB
glass_spec.dds11.24.084.12 kB
main.dds05.18.104.00 MB
main_bump.dds03.02.094.00 MB
main_light.dds03.01.091.00 MB
main_spec.dds03.02.0964.12 kB
texture.cfg02.27.09140 B
thumbnail.jpg05.18.10625.91 kB
Thumbs.db05.18.105.00 kB
VCblend.dds02.09.091.12 kB
wing_bump.dds03.17.091.00 MB
wing_l.dds05.18.101.00 MB
wing_r.dds05.18.101.00 MB
wing_spec.dds11.21.0864.12 kB
D-ALPJ-4.JPG05.18.1076.37 kB
D-ALPJ-1.JPG05.18.1059.98 kB
D-ALPJ-2.JPG05.18.1092.31 kB
D-ALPJ-3.JPG05.18.10111.75 kB
thumbnail.jpg05.20.102.70 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ.txt05.20.10293 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Mukesh RaoWed, 05 Jan 2022 15:47:30 GMT

Mukesh Rao at work job sir please.

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