FSX Cessna 150 N7726F

PreviewThis add-on provides a fully detailed repaint of a real-world Cessna 150F (registration N7726F), featuring a distinctive red and white exterior finish. Created by developer Tom Tiedman for use with the freeware Cessna 152 from the Just Flight team, it brings an authentic avionics feel to Microsof...

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This add-on provides a fully detailed repaint of a real-world Cessna 150F (registration N7726F), featuring a distinctive red and white exterior finish. Created by developer Tom Tiedman for use with the freeware Cessna 152 from the Just Flight team, it brings an authentic avionics feel to Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) enthusiasts. The real N7726F gained recognition when Col. Steve first soloed in it several decades ago; its legacy is now captured for flight simulation fans in a meticulously rendered texture set.

Historical Notes on the N7726F Airframe

The Cessna 150F is part of a venerable family of high-wing, two-seat trainers. This particular variant debuted in the mid-1960s and offered improved aerodynamics and subtle fuselage refinements compared to earlier models. Known for sturdy metal construction, the 150F pioneered a reliable trainer platform that prepared countless pilots for more advanced aviation. Owners often repainted their aircraft to show off personal flair, and N7726F’s red and white scheme stands out as a clear example of that approach.

Cessna 150 N7726F in flight.

Cessna 150 N7726F showcasing its paint job at cruise altitude.

Unique Repaint Characteristics

This repaint reproduces the aircraft’s actual color blocks and registration markings, capturing the subtle shading and panel lines for authenticity. The red and white accents reflect the classic vibe of mid-1960s training aircraft and align closely with the original N7726F airframe details. By integrating precise layering techniques, the rivalry of crisp red stripes against the white underside appears true to life in the simulator’s lighting engine.

Compatibility with the Just Flight Cessna 152

These textures are adapted specifically for the freeware Cessna 152 released by the Just Flight developers. While the real-world subject is a Cessna 150, this repaint aligns well with the 152 model’s fuselage geometry and general cockpit layout. Users must already have the Just Flight base package installed to ensure this repaint accurately maps onto the virtual model. The design preserves signature cockpit perspectives, including the widely known side-by-side seating and high-wing configuration that many flight students found ideal for first solo flights.

Inside the cockpit of Cessna 150 N7726F.

View of the instrument panel and seating arrangement inside this repainted cockpit.

Accolades and Creators

The Just Flight developers generously shared their freeware Cessna 152 with the community, facilitating additional paint schemes like this modification. Tom Tiedman meticulously prepared and tested the textures to match N7726F’s real-world aesthetics. These efforts deliver a vintage theme compatible with FSX, capturing a memorable moment in aviation history and bringing it to the simulator environment.

Installation Instructions

  1. Open the aircraft.cfg file in your Just Flight Cessna 152 folder. Assign a valid sequence number to the repaint by replacing “X” in the bracketed section ([fltsim.X]) with the next available entry.

  2. Copy the complete block of text below and paste it into the aircraft.cfg, maintaining logical order. Then save the modified file.

  3. Transfer the entire “texture.N7726F” directory into your Just Flight Cessna 152 directory within FSX. Once complete, load up FSX, look under “Cessna” in the aircraft selection menu, and the newly repainted N7726F should be ready for flight.

title=jfC152_INSIDER N7726F
ui_type=C152 (FSInsider)
description=The C152 is a traditional all-metal construction aircraft. A 2 seat side by side design makes it an ideal basic trainer and the high placed wing allows excellent downward views although your view is obscured during turns. Copyright Just Flight Ltd 2008 www.justflight.com
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Just Flight"

This repaint set does not include the base model. You must obtain the freeware Just Flight Cessna 152 from the Fly Away Simulation file library to complete this package. Fly safely with your updated vintage N7726F textures!

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive fsx_cessna_150_n7726f.zip has 21 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
file_id.diz10.24.10273 B
READ ME and INSTALLATION.txt10.24.101.66 kB
Texture.N7726F10.24.100 B
C152_C1.dds10.24.101.00 MB
C152_Prop.dds01.16.0716.12 kB
C152_T1.dds10.24.101.00 MB
C152_T1_bump.dds01.12.071.00 MB
C152_T1_specular.dds01.13.071.33 MB
C152_T2.dds10.24.101.00 MB
C152_T2_bump.dds01.12.071.00 MB
C152_T2_specular.dds01.13.071.33 MB
C152_T3.dds10.24.101.00 MB
fresnel_ramp.dds11.22.061.12 kB
Man_1a.dds10.24.1064.12 kB
Man_1b.dds01.15.0764.12 kB
thumbnail.jpg10.24.10201.86 kB
User.bmp10.24.1032.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg10.24.10201.86 kB
VC.jpg10.24.10340.46 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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