FSX Savannah C-ITAA

PreviewSavannah C-ITAA. Real world livery: C-ITAA and Baldwin Airport, for Massimo Taccoli's latest ICP Savannah v3.8 (SAVANNAH38.ZIP). By Bob Azzaro.

Screenshot 1
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Savannah C-ITAA. Real world livery: C-ITAA and Baldwin Airport, for Massimo Taccoli's latest ICP Savannah v3.8 (SAVANNAH38.ZIP). By Bob Azzaro.

Savannah C-ITAA in flight.

Savannah C-ITAA in flight.

ICP Savannah in real world livery. This plane flies out of Baldwin, Ontario

This repaint by Bob Azzaro is for Massimo Taccoli's ICP Savannah v3.8.
You must have the full Savannah v3.8 aircraft for it to work properly.

To install just copy the folder "texture.C-ITAA" into your "FSX\Simobjects,Airplanes\savannah38" folder, then copy and paste what is between the dashed lines below into the "aircraft.cfg" file found in the same place.


title = Savannah C-ITAA
sim = Savannah
model = 1
panel =
sound =
texture= C-ITAA
visual_damage = 0
kb_checklists= Savannah_check
kb_reference = Savannah_ref
atc_heavy = 0
atc_airline =
atc_flight_number= 2230
atc_id_enable = 1
atc_id = C-ITAA
atc_id_color = 0x00000000
atc_id_font = Verdana,-11,1,600,0
ui_manufacturer= ICP Italy
ui_type = Savannah
ui_variation = C-ITAA
ui_typerole = Ultralight
ui_createdby = Massimo Taccoli
Description=The ICP Savannah is one of the top selling ultralights in Europe. It is dependable and easy to fly. It's STOL performance makes it easy to operate from any airfield. The Savannah is also a very good airplane for cross-country flights during which one can appreciate it's great stability. This FS aircraft represents an Italian version.\n\nAircraft design:\nMassimo Taccoli\nSounds: Mike Hambly\nRepaint by Bob Azzaro


Be sure to replace the X in the brackets with the next number in order. For example if your last bracketed entry is 3, then you would need to replace the X with 4.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive savannah38_c-itaa.zip has 25 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
$savan_vc_l10.23.091.00 MB
glass_L.bmp10.23.091.07 kB
glass_t.bmp10.23.0964.07 kB
lights_L.bmp10.23.094.07 kB
lights_T.bmp10.23.094.07 kB
pilot.bmp11.05.10170.75 kB
prop_blurred.bmp10.24.09341.43 kB
prop_blurred1.bmp10.24.0985.43 kB
savannah1_L.bmp10.23.091.07 kB
savannah1_T.bmp10.29.101.33 MB
savannah2_L.bmp10.23.091.07 kB
savannah2_T.bmp10.28.101.33 MB
savannah3_L.bmp10.23.091.07 kB
savannah3_T.bmp10.23.0964.07 kB
savannah4_L.bmp10.23.091.07 kB
savannah4_T.bmp10.29.10682.78 kB
savannah5_L.bmp10.26.101.07 kB
savannah5_t.bmp10.12.101.33 MB
thumbnail.jpg10.29.103.12 kB
vcpanel_L.bmp10.23.091.07 kB
VCpanel_T.bmp10.23.09512.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg10.29.103.12 kB
readme.txt11.05.101.55 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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jokerThu, 17 Sep 2015 22:30:29 GMT

Will this repaint work with the fs2004 Savannah?

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