FSX EE Canberra WK116

PreviewThis add-on includes a finely crafted repaint of the Alphasim English Electric Canberra, adapted for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and featuring the Royal Air Force scheme WK116. Enthusiasts can expect an authentic visual presentation showcasing the vintage bomber’s distinctive red trim. Created...

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This add-on includes a finely crafted repaint of the Alphasim English Electric Canberra, adapted for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and featuring the Royal Air Force scheme WK116. Enthusiasts can expect an authentic visual presentation showcasing the vintage bomber’s distinctive red trim. Created by Henry William, this repaint brings additional flair to the original model, which AlphaSim Ltd originally developed for FSX. Aircraft fans familiar with the real-world Canberra will appreciate its storied background as a postwar jet bomber, recognized for its high-altitude performance and reliable handling.

Distinctive Livery and Historical Notes

The English Electric Canberra was a pioneering British jet-powered bomber that entered service in the 1950s. It played a critical role in multiple operations due to its speed and cruising capabilities at significant altitudes. The repaint presented here captures the RAF WK116 markings, reflecting a particular airframe known for testing and reconnaissance missions. Henry William’s attention to detail ensures that the fuselage striping and insignia closely mirror the actual Royal Air Force liveries of that period.

EE Canberra WK116 in flight.

EE Canberra WK116 in flight.

Installation Workflow

Henry William’s repaint files are contained in a dedicated texture folder named texture.redr. To install, follow these steps carefully so that the aircraft properly displays in your simulator:

  • Step A: Unpack the download at any location of your choice.
  • Step B: Move or copy the texture.redr folder into the “ALPHA EE Canberra” directory. In most standard setups, that directory is found at the path:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\ALPHA EE Canberra
  • Step C: In the aircraft configuration file (aircraft.cfg), create a new entry by inserting the following code block immediately after your existing [fltsim.x] entries. If “xx” is present, replace it with the next numerical index:
title=ALPHA Canberra B2 WX116
ui_manufacturer=English Electric
ui_type=Canberra B.2
ui_variation=RAF 100 sq WX116
ui_createdby="AlphaSim Ltd"
description=© ALPHA Simulations 2005

The English Electric Canberra was first flown in 1950, and yet there were still versions of this fine aircraft in service at the outset of the 21st century. An excellent design overall, the type was also adopted and manufactured in the United States as the Martin B-57. A large number of variants were produced, including high-altitude reconnaissance, attack, nuclear strike, night interdiction, and trainers. The type was initially intended to fly very high and fast and was thus equipped with no defensive armament. Several speed and altitude records were garnered by the Canberra in the years immediately following its introduction into service. In 1957, a rocket-boosted Canberra flew to over 70,000 feet, a staggering altitude at the time.


Sound Alias Reminder

In Henry William’s repaint, the sound configuration is aliased to David Garwood’s Hawker Hunter by default. If you do not have that aircraft installed, adjust the sound= line to connect to a different aircraft’s sound pack you already have set up. Otherwise, the simulator may report missing references or remain silent during flight.

Once you have updated the configuration and moved the texture folder correctly, load your Microsoft Flight Simulator X aircraft menu, select the English Electric Canberra with the RAF WK116 repaint, and enjoy your newly revitalized liveries in the virtual skies.

EE Canberra WK116 in flight.

EE Canberra WK116 in flight.

Credits and Acknowledgments

This repaint was developed by Henry William to showcase the RAF 100 squadron markings on AlphaSim Ltd’s model. The original payware Canberra from AlphaSim Ltd delivers an exceptional blend of external and interior design fidelity, which pairs seamlessly with this authentic repaint. Such collaborative efforts between model creators and repaint artists enrich the simulation experience, ensuring every flight sim pilot can appreciate the historical depth of the English Electric Canberra in FSX.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive canwk116.zip has 22 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
c2.jpg05.04.09400.59 kB
c3.jpg05.04.09381.33 kB
c4.jpg05.04.09187.52 kB
readMe.txt01.09.102.04 kB
small.gif01.09.107.58 kB
texture.redr01.09.100 B
canberra_1.dds05.04.094.00 MB
canberra_2.dds05.04.094.00 MB
canberra_3.dds05.04.094.00 MB
canberra_4.dds05.04.094.00 MB
canberra_5.dds05.04.094.00 MB
canberra_6.dds05.04.094.00 MB
canberra_7.dds05.04.091.00 MB
Eng_bullets.bmp03.13.0516.07 kB
Nosedoors_1.dds05.04.09128.12 kB
texture.cfg06.18.0770 B
thumbnail.jpg05.06.0932.67 kB
Thumbs.db01.09.1036.00 kB
Thumbs.db01.09.1016.50 kB
CanWk11601.09.100 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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